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Thursday, 5 January 2017

Be Inspired Bible Studies 5/1/2017

Be Inspired Bible Studies
Thursday 5/1/2017

Topic: Holy spirit
Text: John 14:15-31, Acts 1:8

With the confusion in the world is the Holy Spirit still present in our midst especially Christians.

1.Who is the Holy spirit?

2.What is the role of the Holy spirit

3.What is the ministry of the  Holy spirit?

4.How do one get the Holy spirit or His Impactation?

5.Must I speak in tongues or do I need to be taught to speak in tongues?

6.What is the power behind speaking in tongues?

7. If the Holy Spirit is the third person in trinity is it still necessary for me to pray in Jesus name or just stick to Holy Spirit

1.The Holyspirit is 3 in trinity thatJesus said will come upon us wen we are baptise with water and He will come on us wit d evidence of speaking in tongues.
2.The role of d Holy spirit is to teach us, open our eyes to d hidden secret in d words of God.
3.The ministry of d Holyspirit is speaking in tongues.
4.We get d impactation of d Holyspirit by first of all by baptism and ask for d Holyspirit to take charge .
5.As a born again christian we must speak in tongues bcos its an heavenly language d kingdom of darkness does not understand but must not be taught by human but by d inspiration of d Holy spirit. is necessary to pray in Jesus name because dey are 3 in one but does different works.
Explanation of trinity.
Eg. My father is my daddy,and a husband to my mother, and a Brother to his sibling. He is still d same man but to the 3 of us bears different names. The Holyspirit help us to get more understanding.God created d world and all that is in it,
Jesus came to die for our sins .
And d Holyspirit is here to baptise us and  teach us spiritual things we can't understand on our own.
God bless us all. (written By Sis Kumbi)

The Holy Spirit is God himself. God is three in one that is God the son, the father and the Holy Spirit. _Gen 1:2 "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."_
The Holy Spirit has been present from the beginning and He is God Himself just as the son who is the word is always present. So when we refer to the Holy Spirit we should understand we are referring to God.


The Holy Spirit has a lot of roles in our lives but I will mention few. _"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper" the Holy Spirit is the helper according to John 14:16._
_"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."_ John 14:26,
the Holy Spirit is our teacher. John 16:12-15 He is the spirit of truth and our Guide. Isaiah 11: 2 He is the spirit of wisdom, knowledge and counsel. He is the comforter, protector and our companion to mention few.

_Acts 2:5 "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance."_ This was as the impactation of the Holy Spirit on the night of Pentecost. So speaking in tongues is an impactation by the Holy Spirit.
_Mark 16:17 Speaking in tongues is a gift from God._

_1 Corinthians 12:8-11 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills._

From the scriptures above it explains that speaking in tongues is good and it's a gift. *About  going to a school to learn how to speak in tongues I am not sure about that. I know churches hold programmes for people who desire this gift but when it comes to say this and that as long as it not written in the scripture that, that is how to go about it I believe it is wrong.* The gift of speaking in tongues can come upon a desired heart at any time not just in church if indeed you want it God will grant the desires. Speaking in tongue confuse the enemy because you speak mystery which the devil cannot decode hence why churches encourage members to pray in the Holy Ghost. I will say if by His grace you are blessed with that gift exercise it more when you pray especially when you have your quiet times. One thing we must know though is that speaking in tongues is not a qualification for righteousness *1 Corinthians 13:1-3 says it all.* Because you speak in tongues does not make you better than the person that does not and it's not an automatic license to heaven. I pray the Lord will guide us and as we desire the Holy Spirit He will fill us in Jesus name.

There is order in the Trinity and the scriptures back it up.

So in a way it can be termed as hierarchy even though with hierarchy it sounds more like one is the subordinate to the other.

*Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.*1 John 4:10 KJV

Here God the Father sends God the son.

*_But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you._*John 14:26 KJV

Here Jesus is talking that He will send the Holy spirit not the other way round.

*_Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will but thine, be done._Luke 22:42 KJV*

_*Here Jesus shows His submission to God the Father.But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:* John 15:26 KJV_

So God the Holy Spirit does submit to God the Son which is Jesus Christ and God the son submits to God the father.

So in a way for the sake of terming it it could be termed as some kind of Hierarchy.
Although they still represent the trinity..

The three person of trinity have thesame essence,nature and purpose but they have different roles when it comes to relation to the world. (written by Sis Leah)

Answer to question 4.

How do one get the Holy spirit or His impactation?

Scripture made it clear that, we receive the Holy Spirit the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. In Acts 2:38, Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we accept Christ, God immediately seals us with His Spirit (2 Corinthians 1:22). But to be continually filled with the Holy spirit, we must;
1. Desire it (1Corinthians 14:1).
2. Have faith in it (Ephesians 2:8).
3. Ask for it in prayer. Jesus said, "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened... how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? (Luke 11:9,10 & 13). (written by Sia Abiola)

Question 1. Who is the Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is God, the third person in Trinity. Holy Spirit is the COMFORTER and COUNSELOR, He is a personality that has minds and emotions, it can be grieve, it intercede, makes decision and knows all things. Holy Spirit is not a feeling, not an act of falling down.  
Question 7. If the Holy Spirit is the third person in Trinity, is it still necessary for me to pray in Jesus name or just stick to Holy Spirit? It's compulsory as a child of God to pray in Jesus name  because the Bible says in I mean the Bible says in Philippians 2 vs 10 that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow. Also as all power on earth and heaven has been given to Jesus so praying in Jesus name is letting Jesus know of our dependence in Him and to act on our behalf. (written by Sis Ademide)

Question 6
What is the power behind speaking with tongues;
°When we speak in tongues,we build ourselves up spiritually
°When we speak in tongues, we are speaking the hidden wisdom if God
°Speaking in tongues purifies and build up our faith
°When we speak in tongues, we keep ourselves in the love of God
°Speaking in tongues enables us to pray perfectly
°Speaking in tongues brings rest and spiritual refreshment
°When we speak in tongues,the devil doesn't understand what we saying( written by Sis Ohla)

Question 7: if the Holy spirit is the third person in Trinity, why should I Pray in the name of Jesus.

There is Hierarchy in the Trinity, God the  father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. God had to send His Son to safe the world, when Jesus was on earth he prayed to the Father, At His departure he promised to send the Holy spirit to  dwell amidst of us. The holy spirit is our comforter, counsellor.

The same God exhibiting Himself as a Triune. John 14:13, John 14:14. It is a Command.

The Trinity existed from Inception. In Gen 1:26. God created all things, but when it came to the turn of man God said , Let us make man in our own image. Man comprises of 3 entities. Spirit, Soul and Body.

John 14:13-14. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the father may be glorified in the Son. if ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do.

Note: There is no struggle of power in the Trinity, each  has His own role.

3. Ministry of the Holy spirit.

1. The First Act of the Holy Spirit is to initiate or form the Church.

2. The Second Act of the Holy Spirit is to give gifts to the Church.

3. The Third Act of the Holy Spirit is to unite believers together in one living Fellowship.

4. The Fourth Act of the Holy Spirit is to call out His chosen instruments for special service.

5. The Fifth Act of the Holy Spirit is to equip and send forth those whom He chooses and calls.

6. The Sixth Act of the Holy Spirit is to overcome opposition.

7. The Seventh Act of the Holy Spirit is to save souls. (written by Bro Deji)

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