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Sunday, 15 January 2017

Be Inspired Bible Studies 12/1/2017

Be Inspired Bible Study, Thursday 12/1/17
Topic :Holy Spirit
Text:John 14:15-31,Acts 1:8
How can the Holy Spirit still be present in this generation with all the confusion, disarray within the church and the world that is gradually taking over the word in the heart of Christians.
1). Can I lead prayers in tongues even when the congregation has no understanding of what I am saying?
2).Do our mode of speaking in tongues changes as we grow deep in it.
3).Since the Holy spirit is a teacher if I need to grow in a particular aspect how can I ask the Holy Spirit.
4). What exactly is the blaphemy of the Holy Spirit
5). Do I need to be baptised with the Holy Spirit to make Heaven
6). The gifts of the spirit according to Galatians are they all branches of Holy Spirit or they are different.
7). Do I need to fall down when i feel the Holy Spirit
8). Is being slain in the Holy Spirit a Biblical thing
9). Why is the Holy Spirit referred to as "He" and not "she"
10). What is the meaning of the Holy Spirit is like a fire ?
11). Should the Holy Spirit be worshiped as God the father and son are worshiped?
12.What are the gifts of the Holy spirit?
13.What are the operations of the gifts of the Holy-spirit.

Answers to questions by Be In spired (by His word) members;
1: you can kind of lead prayers in tongues but you have to give a prayer points then tell the congregation to pray in the spirit
2: yes because when you are praying in genuine spirit you received different speech of utterance
3:To grow in a particular aspect you make request of dat specific then you wait for response (remember prayer is a dialogue not a monologue, also it might not be immediately you hear like d very seconds)
6: they are all branches of holy spirit like all parts of the human body functioning to keep d body viable 1cor:12;1-31
7: NO!
11: YES!
12: word of wisdom,word of knowledge, gifts of faith,gifts of healings,working of miracles,prophesy, discerning of spirits, kinds of tongues, interpretations of tongues,  (1cor 12;1-11)
13:(1cor 12:7-11) (By Sis Debola)

3). "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26 KJV
As it's written in the scripture the Holy Spirit will teach us but for us to benerif from such I think the foundation needs to be laid. You need to understand the person of the Holy Spirit and that is the initial stage then we need to make effort to learn as the Holy Spirit empower our memory and bring to rememberance what we have learnt. We need not to mistake the Holy Spirit to a magician. Holy Spirit is the third person of Trinity and as we know God is a miracle worker not a magician.
4). Mark 3:28-30 “‘Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin’ — for they were saying, ‘He has an unclean spirit.’
Blapheme means to say profane things toward a great being. So when you say something bad about God it can easily be termed as blasphemy. When we hear blasphemy against the Holy Spirit what easily comes to mind is people imitating/making up prophesy. Not yielding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and gradually building a barrier between the leading of the Holy Spirit is a form of blasphemy. Mocking the Holy Spirit is a form of blasphemy and it's one sin in the Bible that is unforgiven. Having said that If it's done without the knowledge of the sin I am not sure if that is forgivable. It's also being said by Bible Scholars that comedians that imitate speaking in tongues and other Holy Spirit Character are blaspheming.
5). "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3 KJV
The Criteria for making heaven is accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour. It's a gift to be baptised in the Holy Spirit but not all will even as its opened to all. Also the thief on the calvary believed in Jesus Luke 23:32-44
Having said that it doesn't mean we shouldn't desire what the Bible says in John 3:5 that one needs to be Baptise in water and Spirit to see the kingdom of God. We must all remember we were saved by grace through Jesus Christ. God will determine who makes heaven or not but we need to guard our salvation with fear and trembling.
7). I don't think its compulsory you fall down to show that you feel the Holy Spirit if you have a relationship with Holy Spirit then He dwells in you so falling or not falling is not a sign that you feel the Holy Spirit. God is the God of orderliness. There are some circumstances when the Holy Spirit enters a being and in driving away unclean spirit from such person they can fall because the unclean spirit cannot stand the Holy Spirit.
10) Hebrews 12:29 says for our God is indeed a consuming/devouring fire. In the old Testament fire was a symbolic thing that represent divinity/presence of God Exodus 3:2(God appeared to Moses), 2Kings 1:10(fire fell from Heaven to consume fifty men), In Mathew 3:11 John the Baptist spoke of how Jesus will baptise with Holy Spirit and fire. Although fire is at times used as a form of judgement from God but in Revelations 1:14 Jesus was described in the glorified state as " the hairs of his head were white, like wool, like snow, His eyes were like flames of fire" The power of the Holy Spirit is mainly overwhelming and consuming like fire so the word is used to describe God in another powerful way that shows He is more powerful than the most consuming thing on earth.(By Sis Leah)

Question 9.
Why is the Holy Spirit referred to as "he" and not "she".
Answer :
Because scripture uses the masculine terms to describe and referred to the Holy Spirit.
We must remember that God is not human and therefore does not fit within our definitions of male or female. It is appropriate to speak of the Holy Spirit in male terms as Scripture does, but we must understand that God does not exist in the same form as we do (with the exception of Jesus as God in human form).
Jesus began the only prayer he taught us with "Our Father." A father is a he. Jesus himself is obviously male, so it would be inappropriate to refer to him with a non-masculine pronoun. And as the third person of the Trinity, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as he: in John 14:26. "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, "he" will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as "he" and not "she".(By Sis Abiola)

Question 6.The gifts of spirit according to Galatians are branches of Holy Spirit or are they different?. They are not different. A new creature in Christ which is control by the Holy Spirit will be led by Holy Spirit to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit. 

Question 13. Why is the Holy Spirit refer to as He and not She? The Bible uses masculine terms to refer to the Holy Spirit, just as God the Father and God the Son are both refer to in masculine form,we should note that God is a spirit and exist in a form beyond human understanding and since the Holy Spirit is the third person in Trinity, then it's expected that the Holy Spirit will also be refer to as He. (Sis Ademide)
12.What are the gifts if the Holy spirit?
Words of wisdom:This is a sudden or instant release of a word of wisdom by the Holy spirit to solve a problem or deliver an individual or people out of a precarious situation. In 14:26;1king 3:23-27
The Word of knowledge
This revelation gift is the release of supernatural knowledge or insight by the Holy spirit concerning past,immediate or future events or actions about other people.Matthew 16:15-17.The one operating in this gift does not have a foreknowledge of such events and may not have met the individual concerned.1Sam3:10-14.Thoughts of people can also be revealed through this gift.
Discerning of Spirit
This is a supernatural revelation into the realm of spirit. Its is the spiritual sensing or knowing of the presence of strange spirits by a believer.1Tim1:4.This is not being suspicious based on the knowledge of a place or persons.
The gift if faith
This is the supernatural ability to believe God and His word without doubt,unbelief,or reservation.Heb 11:6.Where there is doubt,unbelief, fear and irreverence, faith will not work.
The gift of healing
This the supernatural release if the power of the Holy spirit to heal all kinds of sicknesses and diseases without human or medical aid. Acts 3:6-7
Working of miracles
This is the supernatural intervention,interruption or suspension of workings of nature in man's favour.It is the supernatural realm of signs and wonders.Is a 8:18,2kings 4:1-7;6:1-7
All this gifts of the Holy spirit often operate at same time.Where there is faith,healing and working of miracles are common place.Mark 2:5
13. What are the operations of the gifts of the Holy spirit?
  There are nine gifts of the Holy spirits which can be categorized into three groups according.
1.Gifts of inspiration
2.Gifts of revelation
3.Gift of power
A.Speaking in tongues: This is a supernatural utterance in strange languages not known or learnt by the speaker.The speaker often speaks mysteries understood by God.It was predicted by Isaiah and Joel,Jesus also promised it.The fulfillment came after the resurrection of Jesus in Acts 2:4;9:17
B.The interpretation if tongues:
This is supernatural ability given by the Holy spirit to a believer to interpret diverse tongues spoken by himself,or another believer.The interpreter himself has jot learnt NIR spoken the language before.1Cor14:13-15
This is a supernatural utterance given by the Holy spirit in a known tongue to the speaker and the hearers.such utterances does not come from speakers thoughts or reasoning. Prophecy is a declaration of things to come or things to happen and it is for edification,exhortation and comfort.The Lord however warned concerning false prophets and prophesies. (Sis Ohla)

Can I lead prayer in tongues even when the congregation has no understanding of what I am saying?

When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you receive a gift from God - the gift of speaking (or praying) in tongues. It is a powerful gift that every believer should desire.

Benefits of Speaking in tongues
Praying in Tongues Allows You to Speak Directly to God
“For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.” –1 Corinthians 14:2. When you pray in tongues, you are praying God’s will, directly to Him. It allows your mind to get out of the way so your spirit can commune with the Father.

Praying in Tongues Keeps You in Tune With the Holy Spirit
“And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.” –Acts 2:4. Tongues is a gift from God. It allows you to pray the will of God by the empowering of the Holy Spirit. When you pray in tongues, you are yielding to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. Then you are allowing that same Spirit to pray through you, so you are in tune with Him.

Praying in Tongues Strengthens Your Spirit
“A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church.” –1 Corinthians 14:4
Praying in tongues builds you up spiritually and helps you to live a Spirit-led life.

Praying in Tongues Allows You to Pray Even When You Don’t Know What to Pray
“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning's that cannot be expressed in words.” –Romans 8:26
Even when you don’t know how or what to pray, you can still pray…in tongues. You can trust your spirit to pray the perfect will of God, regardless of the situation.

Praying in Tongues Is a Weapon Against the Work of the Enemy
“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved.… These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.… They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.’” –Mark 16:15-18

In conclusion, after a close consideration of some of the benefits of speaking in tongues. We could say it is profitable to. Often times in the place of prayer we are short of words then we can switch into the realms of speaking in tongues. Many who do not have the evidence of the baptism of the holy spirit tend to receive the gift in such an intense atmosphere

Do our mode of speaking in tongue changes as we group deep in it? Praying in tongue is a spiritual exercise. The more we cultivate the habit, the better we become. When you receive the baptism of the holy spirit you tend to speak a particular tongue, but as we grow deep in the practice we get better. We speak more than one ( in a diverse tongues). (Bro.Deji)

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