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Tuesday, 19 March 2019


*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Intercessory Prayer and Testimony*

*By Sister Leah Adepeju*

*Tuesday 19th March 2019*

*Topic:* Growth

Text; For though by this time you ought to be teachers [because of the time you have had to learn these truths], you actually need someone to teach you again the elementary principles of God’s word [from the beginning], and you have come to be continually in need of milk, not solid food. For everyone who lives on milk is [doctrinally inexperienced and] unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a spiritual infant. But solid food is for the [spiritually] mature, whose senses are trained by practice to distinguish between what is morally good and what is evil.

HEBREWS 5:12‭-‬14 AMP

This evening our exhortation will be on
*Growth*. We all are familiar with growth. Growth in any human life comprises of stages of development in  life. Growth is something expected in any living organism or being.
For example if you sprinkle seeds of tomato on a fertile soil, within necessary germinating period you will see their growth.
You cannot park a car in a place and expect it to grow because it is not a living thing. A car might move from one place to another but there must be someone behind the wheels or something moving it.
In the life of a human being, growth is something that happens ever so often and it is expected.
Thesame thing applies to us in the body of Christ.
When you become born again you are mainly seen as a baby needing milk to grow, and gradually solid then later cracking bones.
These are not physical food as it may be presented.
The Word is what brings about growth in the life of a believer.
That is why the Bible encourages us to be doers and not hearers alone.

The scripture for this evening's exhortation nails a lot of things.

It says when believers ought to be teachers they are still waiting on someone to teach them.

As a believer we are expected to make good use of the Word we hear and read and not just make it as a routine thing.

I have said many times that if you read or write hundreds of devotional or positive quotes and you fail in applying what you learn to your daily life then your reading points to nothing.

Further down the scripture, it says everyone who lives on milk are doctrinal and in experience they are the one that only see in a myopic way, their spiritual mind is distorted because spiritually they are dormant. So they just go by authorities of jump they jump and sit they sit. They have no mind of their own and are not in understanding of relating with the Holy Spirit personally.
Thesame scripture  said since such people are spiritual infant they are unskilled in the word of righteousness.

Then it was pointed out that solid food is for spiritually matured whose sense are trained by practice to distinguish  what is morally good and what is evil, that is they can discern.
Discernment isn't something spiritual babes can do. They are unable to do that because they prefer to drink milk even when they ought to have grown.
Some people live to tell history - I was here when the foundation was laid but they have since remained thesame.

You wonder, but how can I grow?

Start from having alone time with God.
Have a quality quiet time with God.
You mutter, but I can't pray long without distractions...
If you don't determine on doing it you will never do it.
You will always look for excuses and have excuse upon excuse.
Many do not even open their Bible - either paper Bible or e-Bible until there is a programme in church or in their online groups.
Without the word of God ruling and reigning in us it is so impossible to actually grow.
Yes, try starving a baby or animal and expect them to grow, you will be surprised that even when they grow they will lack nutrients.

Why are you in this group? Ask yourself.
Am I here to just mark register?
Am I here to belong like many others who are in groups all over social media?
Am I here to know God more than I have ever done?
Why am I here?
Also ask yourself, why am I born again?
Except you are able to get your mind around why you are born again you are not likely to grow.
Growth is something you can not live without.
You can only be who God has called you to be when you are willing to grow, not just physically but spiritually.
You must know that the spiritual controls the physical.
Growing up, our Pastor used to say that if you see a snake and you shout his name the snake will kill you. But if you see a snake and shout the name of Jesus you will be delivered.
So how can you know that if you fail to grow?
Stop being a mediocre in your spiritual life.
The Bible says from the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.
What force can you exhibit if you are all laid back in your spiritual life, when you wait for others to feed you when you need to go and dig into the word of God?
The Bible is a manual that can never be replaced but can replace any manual.

Today if you take nothing from this exhortation take the fact that you must grow spiritually.

Let us Pray.

Thank God for this word that He has sent to you this evening.
Ask that God should have mercy on you in any way you have been laid back in spiritual things.
Ask that the Holy Spirit will activate Himself in you as you release yourself to Him daily in Jesus name.
Today, release yourself and ask that His word will grow in you daily.
Ask that the Holy Spirit prompts you as you desire to know Him more.
Pray for as many you know who need to grow from milk suckers to bone eaters in spiritual things.
Pray against every spirit that makes ministers tone down the word of God to suit themselves or suit what people want to hear.
If you need revival personally, ask for divine visitation now.

Lord we thank you for your word. Lord thank you for your vessel that you have used, fill her afresh in Jesus name. Lord in all our lives we render ourselves to you henceforth let us grow spiritually and let our lives begin to show forth divine transformation through your light in Jesus mighty name.


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