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Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Rock bottom

When You Hit the Rock Bottom!

It's easy to say you understand how someone feels but the truth is, it's hard to actually understand how someone feels except you have passed through the same route they are passing through or being in life.

When others laugh and you laugh yet you carry the weight that is beyond your imagination in your heart.

When your appearnce speaks volume yet the entire volume of your body is totally empty and longing for answers.

How do you explain to someone with no hope for the future due to diverse trials unfolding around them that you understand when your life and living is totally different and quite opposite to theirs?

How do you say to someone who spend their life to help and when time for them to get help comes it seems like the whole world has departed to a journey of no return?

How do you explain to someone who serve dilligently with all they have and yet there is nothing to show for it?

How do you explain to someone who is trying continuously to get the best out of what they have yet it just seem like endless work yet nothing to show for it?

I don't know who this message is for but the honest truth is God is never tired of you looking up to Him.
He is never tired of hearing you call Him even though He is aware of the situation because nothing take Him by surprise.

Psalms123:2 says it all, a servant as long as he wants something from the master must keep watch on the master and obey him so that the hands of the master can bless him.

There is no way you will keep your focus on God and be shamed no!
No matter how bad the circumstances around you are at the moment He understands. 
No man can understand you totally like God does.
No man can feel your pain like God does.
No man understands your fears like He does.
No man can listen to you like He does.
So before you hit the rock bottom or even if that is where you are right now Look Up to God almighty.
Speak to your maker,
Hand it over to your maker,
Wipe your tears away and trust Him.
He will come through at the right time because He is never late.

#lpjthought #tellittoJesus #ifnotforGodwherewouldIbe
#rockbottom #Psalms #tears #biblejournalling #word  #Godalmighty #mysaviour

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