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Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Against all odds

*Be Inspired INTERCESSORY and Prayer*

*Tuesday 3rd of March 2020*

*Topic:* *Against all odds*

*Anchor*: Sis Leah

Heavenly father we bless your name we appreciate you lord for your loving kindness and mercy. We thank you lord for grace that works always for us this evening we pray that you will be exalted above all that we do. We ask for your direction and divine leading. We ask for teachable spirit and receptive hearts we ask that your name only will be glorified in Jesus mighty name
Tonight's teaching will be based on 

*Text:* Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. The beasts of the field will honor Me, Jackals and ostriches, Because I have given waters in the wilderness And rivers in the desert, To give drink to My people, My chosen. The people whom I formed for Myself Will make known My praise.
Isaiah 43:19‭-‬21 AMP
When you hear the word against all odds what does it mean to you
We can say it means in the most unlikely way or manner
From the scripture the word of God says 

Listen carefully that is pay attention to details. Do not be distracted 

Then the word went further saying
. *I am about to do a new thing, Now(presently) it will spring forth; will you not be aware? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honour Me, jackals and ostriches* *_Because I have given waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drinks to my people, my chosen. The people whom I formed for myself will make known my praise_*

When something is said to be against all odds it's against human reasoning
It's beyond what a man can fathom it's something rather unusual
And the verses above depicts that
There will be a new thing;

Road in the wilderness...

Where there is meant not to be road there will be a way not just anyway but a way that the route is worth embarking on
Rivers in the desert

Many of us understand that the desert is known to lack something and that is water..
But here the word of God says there will be rivers.. not one river but rivers
That is surplus of means for survival
Then all animals even those that ought not to have coordination that gallivants about will honour God.....

Because He has made that which to be off to be very normal
And those that will benefit from it will praise Him

I read about an athlete called wilma Rudolph
She had polio as a young child and spent a year indoors unable to move or play like every other child her agen
Eventually a doctor made a splint for her polio affected foot
Have you seen anyone affected by polio before
Their walking gait will be totally different from anyone else
They will most likely have a foot drop
Balancing on that affected leg must be a challenge not to talk of trying to do other things someone without polio can do
Anyway after learning to walk again
She secretly started taking the splint off her foot and will run
And play with other children

On getting to high school/college
She was noticed by a professor how she is so great in running
In the 1960s she was the fastest woman on earth
She was one of the prominent black American athletes
Against all odds she fulfilled her desires and goals
Against all odds what was meant to be a label or logo of disdain on her life became a thing that driver her to achieve more than she could imagine.

At times in life we want God to work situations around in our lives against all odds but we have already killed the desire of such situation coming to live
Many of us are so comfortable in our uncomfortable situation that even if there is a way in the wilderness our complacency will not let us budge
Imagine if that lady Wilma Rudolph had taken polio as a mountain she cannot climb her name will not be found on Wikipedia now as we can because she probably wouldn't have achieved as much as she did.

Some cases where we need against all odd intervention we must believe it's worth it and it will work
There are some cases that will defile all odds but we must be ready to be an active participant of such in order to gain what we need to gain from it and for our lives to actually shine forth the light and be an epitome of miracle and testimonies.

Today I want us to be pricked in the nitty gritty of our inner man and in our faith to believe that God will do a new thing
It will spring forth now
There is a way for me
There is supply for me
There is an appointment set for me to achieve
There is a new dawn for me
My life will not be thesame again from now because against all odd God is breaking protocols for my sake.

We must not get to that level where we read the word of God and just become passive about it
We must learn and be ready to see the word of God as active and the word that is now always
We must always see beyond that situation predicament circumstances and always says against all odds I am coming out testifying

I remember years ago as a teenager studying back home
I was going to school that morning and suddenly there was fun shots being fired
Yes from different sides
My school then was close to police barracks and air force base
It was terrifying
And I can't even remember but I must have sought refuge where other children were
I was probably about 12-13 years
Then when the coast was clear๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ we were told we could go to school
As we were going I saw a guy limbing he had been shot by police
We later realised it was police chasing after armed robbers and
They just opened fire shooting sporadically
My legs got weak I don't know how I got to school but that man's leg was gushing out blood and he was limbing the memory stick with me till date.

Hmmm but against all odds God kept me
The bullet could have got any of the school children but God kept us.

Another significant incident was when I was hit by a car on motion on my way to school and I didn't get killed I must have been 14yrs
I think after that I was withdrawn from that school
Why am I sharing this there are times God had done things against all odds on our lives that we just need to look back at when the current situation seem like God has forgotten us
When we have things that says to us it's time to lose hope
When the joy is nearly wiped away

The word of God is saying I am about to do a new thing Now it will spring forth
Do not give up because what He said He will do He will do
Has He spoken and not fulfilled it before
The enemy might want you to feel like your situation is impossible

Infact there will be thoughts that might make you compare yourself to others within your age or family
But I am saying to you that He is doing something
You must not allow comparison
Or whatever it may be to stop you from trusting God or from believing Him.

*Can we pray*
Thank God for this evening and privilege to be spoken to through the Holy spirit
Ask the lord to forgive you in any area you have ridiculed His intervention over your situation
Say father I come to you releasing it all unto you
Can I encourage you He sees that tear you are shedding, He is aware of that pain heavily lodged in your heart but He says *Trust Me*

Say Lord I believe you have made a way for me and I will testify
Lord thank you for bringing beauty out of ashes in my life in Jesus name
Father whatever you have deposited in me that I am yet to discover as secret to my fulfillment and achievement in life open my eyes to see and teach me right step to take
Lord almighty let my life be an evidence of your working word in Jesus name
Father whatever has kept me bound for too long today let there be a new surge that cause release and uplifting for me in all areas
Father no matter what is going on around the world let me come out victorious against all odds in Jesus name

*personal Prayer*

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