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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Prayer from Matthew 15:13

Song by Tasha Cobbs 

There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain

There's an army rising up
There's an army rising up
There's an army rising up
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain

I hear the chains falling
I hear the chains falling
I hear the chains falling
I hear the chains falling

Jesus replied, “ Every plant that my heavenly Father didn’t plant will be pulled up. Matthew 15:13 CEB


Almighty father I worship and honour your majesty.

Redeemer the one who is forever able O6 thank you for this blessed new dawn and privilege of life

Almighty God thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your precious blood shed for my salvation

Holy one of Israel thank you for giving me your name which is above every other name to break every chain

I decree I have power over all devices of the enemy and desires of the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name

I decree my destiny is hidden in the shadow of the almighty 

I decree every plant that my heavenly father has not planted is uprooted right now

I decree every seed sown as a result of evil word, diagnosis or prognosis said concerning me is totally uprooted

I decree in my household and community every evil disease from the pit of hell will not stand in Jesus mighty name

I cancel every word and decrees of death causing panic, fear and dismay in and around me in Jesus name

I terminate every unwanted attack from the pit of hell concerning my household and I in Jesus name

I decree every evil captivity that wants to keep me bound to fear, sickness, infiltration of disease of any type is permanently destroyed in Jesus name

I decree everything working against divine plans of God for me is permanently disgraced and halted in Jesus name

Father as it's evident that we are in the end of times keep us from any wrath perpetrated from the kingdom of darkness to dwindle our faith in Jesus name

Father let your name break the strings and chain of any virus from nation to nation and the world at large in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the name of Jesus speaks over our names and every situations in our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

* Intercede as the lord enables you either in tongues or in your understanding*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The name of Jesus works for me in all aspect. Chains of sickness or any diseases viral, bacteria or whatever origin is broken. My life is hidden in His name, my destiny is hidden in His name, my family is hidden in his name all that concerns me are hidden in the name of Jesus and shadow of the almighty. My life is an haven of divine blessings and abundance. I will never be prey to whatever calamity from kingdom of darknes. Pains, aches, hives whatever may be going about destroying health cannot come near me because I live in divine health and all chains are broken in Jesus mighty name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 31st March 2020 [Day 91]

Monday, 30 March 2020

Prayer from Mark 1:2-3


These are the days of Elijah,
Declaring the word of the Lord
And these are the days of Your servant Moses,
Righteousness being restored.
And though these are days of great trial,
Of famine and darkness and sword,
Still, we are the voice in the desert crying
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"

Behold He comes riding on the clouds,
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call,
Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

These are the days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones becoming as flesh,
And these are the days of Your servant David,
Rebuilding a temple of praise.
These are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in Your world,
And we are the labourers in Your vineyard,
Declaring the word of the Lord!

Behold He comes riding on the clouds,
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call,
Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

There's no God like Jehovah.
There's no God like Jehovah!
There's no God like Jehovah.
There's no God like Jehovah!
There's no God like Jehovah.
There's no God like Jehovah!
There's no God like Jehovah.

As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.  The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Mark 1:2‭-‬3 KJV


Lord almighty I worship and adore you for this wonderful day

King of kings thank you for this blessed dawn and privilege bro be alive

Ancient of days thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks concerning my life

Holy one of Israel thank you for the word that you send to me each day and the enlightenment I receive from the word

I decree the hand of the lord is upon me each and everyday of my life

I decree this day that lives and souls will be drawn into the kingdom of God from divers works of life

I decree that many who have shut God off their lives will be drawn back to Him henceforth

I decree as a Watchman in the kingdom of God I will not abuse my position in Jesus name

I decree the Holy Spirit will fill the body of Christ afresh henceforth and only the truth of God will stand

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world the fear of God will consume us afresh

I decree over  the current pandemic around the world the truth of God and His power alone will prevail against the works of flesh in Jesus name

I decree many lives that are subjected to the attack of the enemy will receive new life through Christ henceforth

I decree in my life no other power or authority will rule above that of Jehovah the king of kings

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it no weariness or tiredness will make us lose focus on the higher calling in Christ Jesus 

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a carrier of God's glory, I am the temple of the Most High King. I have the life of God inside of me, my life is filled with power of divinity. I am a watcan for Christ Jesus therefore I live to please Him. I do not live to please flesh or the dictates of workers of iniquity. Henceforth I live and lead a life that give glory to Jehovah. This earth is not my home, because the lord has prepared a mansion for me. I will live to fulfill purpose in divine health, sound mine and fulfillment. Nothing can cut my life short because God has got me wrapped up in His palm. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 30th March 2020 [Day 90]

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Prayer from Romans 8:11

Song by Chris Tomlin

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Amazing love how can it be
That you, my king would die for me
Amazing love, I know its true
Its my joy to honor you
Amazing love how can it be?
That you, my king, would die for me
Amazing love, I know its true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do I honor you

You are my king
You are my king
Jesus, You are my king
Jesus, You are my king

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Romans 8:11 KJV


Heavenly father I worship you and honour your majesty for you are great and greatly to be praised

Ancient of days thank you for this blessed dawn and privilege to be among the living

Elyon thank you for your mercy that speaks over judgement and forgiveness of my sin

Lord almighty thank you for your unfailing power that keeps and see me through

Thank you lord for the resurrection power that has kept me above any power of death physically or spiritually

Holy spirit have your way in me, glorify yourself in my life and let me live a life that please you always

King of kings have your way in our world at large let your forgiveness and mercy overshadow any wrath or judgement in Jesus name

Elohim you are the eternal God and no one can see your end, terminate every power and authority seeking to see my end in Jesus mighty name

I decree thesame spirit that raised Jesus from death lives in me therefore no unwanted spirit can have a foothold in my life

I decree my life cannot be subjected to any force or evil occurrence known or unknown because Jesus rules and reigns over my life

I decree my body is the temple of the Holy spirit, in Christ I live move and have my being Hallelujah

I decree my mortal body and all organs in my body function as they have being created, nothing whatsoever  infiltrate either physically or spiritually into my body to cause malfunctioning in Jesus mighty name

I decree I live a life of divine health, favour and divine upliftment in Jesus mighty name

I terminate every power planning to keep me subjected to evil dictates and sickness in Jesus name

I decree over this nation and nation and the world at large the spirit of God removes all unwanted spirit or power causing tragedy or any form of havoc in Jesus mighty name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the word of God will continue to be our hiding place, no evil will be heard of or seen in our domain in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Holy spirit for guidance and answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily;  shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The power of the word of God fills my life daily I cannot be consumed by any word contrary to His word. I live in this world but I am not of this world. I am from Zion, my being is regenerated through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore I can never fall prey of any unwanted circumstances no matter how great or small it may be. I live a life of greatness, I am exceedingly blessed by the one who called me out of darkness into His marvellous light. Jesus is at work and alive inside of me, nothing can harm me, nothing can turn His plans for me down, nothing can truncate my destiny in Jesus mighty name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 29th March 2020 [Day 89]

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Prayer from Psalms 24 : 7-8


Lord I lift your name on high
Lord I love to sing your praises
I'm so glad you are in my life
I'm so glad you came to save us

You came from heaven to earth, 
to show the way
From the earth to the cross, 
my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord I lift your name on high

Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up, ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in.  Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.
Psalms 24:7‭-‬8 AMP


Ancient of days I magnify and worship your majesty because you are a great God

Lord eternal thank you for this blessed new dawn and privilege to be among the living

Ancient of days thank you for your mercy and forgiveness of sin you deserve all glory

Lord thank you for the salvation of my soul and your mercy that speaks over judgement

Ancient of days have your way in me let all glory be returned to you over my life

Jehovah take preeminence in all that I and all that concerns me engage in in Jesus name

I decree the enemy will never have the last laugh over my life or my being in Jesus name

I decree I will never fall prey of the works of darkness or workers of iniquity

I decree every gates that has risen against the plans of God concerning me is pulled down never to rise again

I decree every word said contrary concerning my being is totally destroyed

I decree my body is the temple of God so no gate or gates of hell can prevail over me

I decree thousands may fall on my sides but I and my household will never partake of it in Jesus name

I decree every unwanted piece or thing tampering with my life is permanently negated in Jesus name

I decree none of these diseases going about in the world at large will have a stand in my life and household in Jesus name

I decree the king of glory who is strong and mighty is in charge of my life therefore no other power can rule over me and all that concerns me against God's will

I decree divine sweep of every tormenting power or disease over this nation and the world at large as the king of glory dwells and take preeminence in Jesus name

I decree over the lives of frontliners of diverse works of life that divine protection and immunity saturates in and around them in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, we will not have evil report or deliver evil report in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The gates of the enemy will never prevail, it is lifted up as the king of glory takes His place. The word of God stands and the word works in and through me. My life can not and will never be among the statistics of any evil occurrence my destiny is divinely orchestrated, protected and favoured. I am blessed in all areas, my destiny can never be truncated. No fear can keep me subjected to the dictates and desires of the enemy because I carry the word of God in me and I know who I Am. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 28th March 2020 [Day 88]

Friday, 27 March 2020

Prayer from Psalms 123:2

Song by Jason Nelson

I am the Creator
I am the Maker
Of the Universe
I am the One who, spoke into nothing
And all creation heard
I am He
Who has all power in my hands
And if you believe
On my word you can stand

I am Healer
Mender of broken hearts
Alpha Omega
Your destiny and where you start
I am the One
Who does impossible things
That's who I am, just let me be who I am
To you
That's who I am, just let me be who I am
For you

I am the One who
Sees a need and always provides
I am the One whose
Name is a tower, where you can run and hide
I am He, who has all power in my hands
And if you believe, on my word you can stand
I am Healer
Mender of broken hearts
I am Alpha Omega
Your destiny and where you start
I am the One
Who does impossible things
That's who I am, just let me be who I am
For you

And if there's a need, I am
When you are sick, I am
You're overwhelmed in the moment right now, but, I am
You can't see your way, I am
Ooh, that's who I am
That's who I am
Just let me be who I am
For you

Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us.
Psalms 123:2 KJV


Ancient of days I appreciate you and worship you for who you are

Lord eternal thank you for this wonderful day and grace to be among the living

Eternal rock of ages thank you for your loving kindness and your mercy

Lord thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your precious blood shed for the salvation of my soul

Abba thank you for your word that gives me peace in a world filled with uncertainty all glory belongs to you

Jehovah I look to you hear my cry and attend to my needs in Jesus name

Everlasting king let your mercy speak over the earth and bring to an end all that is causing fear and panic in Jesus name

Lord eternal flush out of the earth every unwanted disease or virus causing mass death and sickness in Jesus name

Father you are the solution giver, let there be a divine solution to the current state of the earth in Jesus name

Lord your name is a strong tower as I stay in your name and live by your word, make me and my household untouchable for the evil dictates of this world

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world the mercy of God will speak and there is turn around and testimony over every current situation in Jesus name

I commit all frontline workers around the world into your hands lord, keep them safe, give them strength and divine immunity in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the hand of God is causing a divine change to the glory of His name in our lives in Jesus mighty name

*Begin to ask the lord concerning your needs and thank Him in advance for settling it all*

*Pray for someone*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I have the God who is able and never fail. He is moving situations around for my good. The lord has settled that which concerns me. His shield around me can never be broken. My faith is risen and it's alive because Jesus is working in and through me. I am not susceptible to any sickness disease or death physically or spiritually because the blood of Jesus fills my blood stream. My life is exceptional because God moves in me always. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 27th March 2020 [Day 87]

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Prayer from Psalms 20:1-2


What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer—
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.

The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;  Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;
Psalms 20:1‭-‬2 KJV


Heavenly father I worship your name and magnify you for who you are

King of kings thank you for this blessed day and grace of life

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks for me

Ancient of days thank you for your unfailing love showered upon me each day

Lord thank you for stepping into my situation and for giving me victory

Holy spirit have your way in me this day, help me to live according to your plan and will

I decree my mind is renewed and my strength is renewed through His word each day

I decree my destiny cannot be truncated by any force of darkness or power of enemy in Jesus name

I decree concerning my household and I we will never be hopeless or helpless in Jesus name

I command all mountain of failure and disgrace to be pulled down in all aspect of my life

I decree my help comes from the lord therefore I will never be helpless or stranded in Jesus name

I remove every power of failure and disgrace from my life and lineage henceforth

I decree the blood of Jesus shields me and all that concerns me henceforth

I decree no sickness or disease can dwell in my life or the life of my family in Jesus name

I decree my steps are ordered by the lord, I will not be at the wrong place at the wrong time in Jesus name

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world divine help of God is our portion this time and always in Jesus name

I decree concerning those at the frontline if this pandemic divine wusdom, immunity and protection is there portion and all that concerns them in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the presence of God will never depart from our lives in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord is my light and salvation,He has not given me the spirit of fear. The name of the lord is the strong tower that I hide in. The spirit of God is inside of me so I have supernatural enablement. My life is tailored to the plans and will of God therefore I cannot fall prey of the plans of the enemy. My joy can never be replaced with sorrow because God is the source of my joy. I am a Victor never will I be a victim. I am blessed and highly favoured. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 26th March 2020 [Day 86]

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Prayer from Phillipians 2:9-11

Song by Todd Dulaney

Your name is awesome, your name is great
Your name is mighty and worthy of praise
Your name is healing, your name is peace
Your name is all I need

There is power, power in the name
So much power in the name, power in the name
Say there is power, power in the name
So much power, power in the name

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9‭-‬11 NKJV


Lord eternal you are worthy of all my praise accept it all in Jesus name

Master of the universe I exalt your majesty for this wonderful day and privilege to be among the living

Ancient of days thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your precious blood shed for the salvation of my soul

Abba thank you for your unfailing and supernatural power at work inside of me always

Lord thank you for giving me your name that is above any name to do wonders hallelujah

I decree every power tormenting the earth an end comes to you today in Jesus mighty name

I terminate every gathering from the kingdom of darkness invading and suppressing destinies in Jesus name

I decree over this land that the name of Jesus cause a change that will impact lives positively in Jesus name

I decree every opposing forces or power working over my destiny and lineage is totally negated

I cancel every evil revelations or pronunciation concerning my destiny in Jesus name

I decree I live in divine health and I am immuned with the blood of Jesus

I decree my life can never be in the statistics of the fallen or the maimed by any force or power affecting lives and souls in Jesus name

I decree no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rise against me is condemned

I decree the hand of God rest and abides in me and no evil hand can tamper with me or my household

I command every evil hand distributing diseases, sickness and untimely death to whither in Jesus mighty name

I decree no weeping or gnashing or loss will be my portion or that of my household in Jesus name

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world the name of Jesus wipe away every sickness and disease causing mass loss in Jesus name

I decree over the lives of people in the frontline from diverse works or life that the protection of God will be upon them all

*Begin to intercede using the name of Jesus over all that God laid in your heart, pray in your understanding or in the holy ghost as you can*

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, no weapon or warfare of enemy will stand against or above our lives and destiny in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The power of God works inside of me. The grace of God is sufficient for me. I carry the name that is above every other name which is the name of Jesus. I am hidden in His terbanacle and I am covered by His arm. My life is not a channel of failure, death or sorrow. The word of God is alive inside of me, His powerful name is moving mountains in my life. My destiny can never be truncated. His word works miracle, I am a recipient of His divine ability and blessing. I am untouchable, immovable and filled with grace. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 25th March 2020 [Day 85]

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Prayer from Isaiah 59:19

Song by Patrick Dopson

You are Jesus.
You're my strong tower- Jesus.
My strength this hour- Jesus.
You're my deliverer- Yes you are-Jesus.
My hope and my future Jesus
Source and my shelter- Jesus.
You're my savior, keeper my friend

Lord, I need you to take my hand and see me through
And now I need your grace, to find that place, you call me to.
You crafted me in secrecy and I know there's plans that you have for me.
Protect me from my enemies
I know that you will rescue me as I rest in you, you will keep me.

So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 NKJV


Ancient of days I magnify your name and worship your majesty for you are my father

Eternal rock of ages thank you for this awesome dawn and privilege to be among the living

King of kings thank you for your mercy that speaks over judgement, forgiveness of my sin and salvation of my soul

Jehovah you honour your word above your name, henceforth let the word work in all aspects of my life

I decree that every power of enemy raised against my household and I is totally destroyed in Jesus name

I decree I shall not die but live to declare the works of God in the land of the living

I terminate every power of anxiety and fear released into the atmosphere to cripple my faith or joy in Jesus name

I decree my life and that of my household is hidden under the shadow of the almighty

I decree the blood of Jesus speaks concerning me and everything about my life therefore no blood sucking demon can stand in my life

I decree my days are filled and numbered with divine verities therefore I remain and will always be untouchable for workers of darkness

I decree I will never know any lack because God is my source so I always live in abundance

I decree my dream in life will not be abolished by any force or power contrary to the will of God

I decree over the world at large that the east wind blows off permanently the ravaging virus killing and destroying worldwide in Jesus name

I commit as many that will be treating many affected by this Infection into the hands of God, I decree divine immunity there will be no loss in Jesus name

I commit this nation and nations of the world into the hands of God and I decree healing upon the land, restoration where needed and revival of souls in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, more of the knowledge of God in us, we will never become weary or tired in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

*Intercede for someone or a nation ask for God's intervention*

Thank you abba for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The grace of God is released upon me daily therefore my race in life is guided and guarded by divinity. My life is hidden in His secret place and I function in supernatural ability. I will never be a prey of the plans and works of darkness because Jesus is alive inside of me. My destiny can never be truncated because He who began a good work in me is able to complete it. The truth of the word of God is alive inside of me, My life will not suffer any loss in Jesus mighty name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 24th March 2020 [Day 84]

Monday, 23 March 2020

Prayer from Ephesians 3:20

Song by Sinach

You are able, You are able
By your word
I stand and I testify
You are able
God is able
Our God is able
By your word Lord I stand and I testify
That you are able

Exceeding, abundantly
Much more than I can ever think
Exceeding, abundantly
You are able to do
All sufficient God

You see nothing is impossible,
With you nothing is impossible 
For all things are possible with you
Nothing is impossible,
With you nothing is impossible 
All things are possible with you

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,
Ephesians 3:20 AMP


Holy one of Israel I worship and exalt you for you are the master of all masters

Great I Am thank you for this blessed day and privilege to be among the living

Elohim thank you for this awesome blessing received daily through your word

Lord eternal thank you for forgiveness of my sin and the salvation of my soul

Jehovah you are able to do exceedingly abundantly much more than I can ask or imagine arise and step into the situation in my life henceforth

Lord by your power inside of me I command every negative aura from the pit of hell trying to penetrate into my life to be destroyed

I terminate every false accusation and appointment from the pit of hell working tirelessly concerning my household and I

I decree I will see the goodness and mercy of God in the land of the living

I decree I will not fall into the statistics of the lost, wounded, incapacitated at this trying times in Jesus name

Lord regarding the disease ravaging the entire earth arise and put a stop to it because you are the only one that can make the impossible possible

Lord release ideas and solutions to cure this disease to those you have chosen to research it and sooner than expected let there be a divine change

I decree no matter what channel or route this infection is using to penetrate into lives in order to ruin souls my household and I will remain untouchable

I decree no tears of pain, sorrow, shame or disgrace will be heard in and around me in Jesus name

Lord almighty heal our land, take all that has been said negatively that is actively manifesting away by your exceeding power in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, we are hidden in the secret place of the Most High and we live a victorious life in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

*Intercede over nations of the world and many battling loss and impact of the pandemic ask for the hand of God upon them all*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion overe, I amoperating in the hands of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word of God works in my life, His hand that turns impossible situation around is in me. My life is not a harbour for sickness, deadly disease or experimentation for the kingdom of darkness. My life is hidden in Christ each and everyday. I carry upon me the grace to rise, move, subdue, overtake and recover. This too shall pass, I will look back in victory, I will not be wounded or subdued by the forces of darkness. I live a life with divine ability and I remain untouchable and immovable by accuser of brethren in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 23rd March 2020 [Day 83]

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Prayer from Psalms 137:3-4

Song by Lawrence Flowers & Intercession

Oh the worshiper in me wants to be free
From the cares of life that seems to weigh me down
Yes the worshiper in me needs consistency
To lift my hands to give you praise when no ones around

Oh the worshiper in me wants to break free
From the intellectual mentality
Like when I should be up, I'm seated in my seat
I should be lifting my hands giving you praise and glory....
I should be giving you more
I should be giving you more

I wanna give my best to you
I wanna do what you asked me to
I wanna go wherever you say
Just say the word and I'll obey
I wanna live a life that's real
I wanna serve you lord for real
For you deserve all this and more
So I give you more, more
I give you more more

I surrender all, I surrender all
All to thee, my blessed Savior
I surrender all

For there they who took us captive demanded of us a song with words, And our tormentors [who made a mockery of us demanded] amusement, saying, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”  How can we sing the Lord ’ s song In a strange and foreign land? Psalms 137:3‭-‬4 AMP


Holy Spirit I welcome you and adore you in my life and all that concerns me

Spirit of the living God thank you for your grace that is made sufficient for me

King of kings thank you for this new dawn and grace of life

Ancient of days thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for the salvation of my soul

Abba have your way in me and manifest yourself in my life beyond my imagination

Father I want you to take me to the height of purpose fulfillment in life in Jesus name

Lord deliver and set me and all that concerns me ffree from every strange occurrence

I decree there is an end to every tormenting strangers waging physical or spiritual war against I and my household

I decree over this land and nation, all strange and tormenting force of darkness is totally negated they can't rule over us in Jesus name

I decree every authority from the kingdom of hell wanting to silence the church is destroyed permanently

I cancel every hope tarnishing techniques launched into the world from the pit of hell in Jesus name

I decree concerning I and my household we will not sing the song of God in strange land and in  captivity in Jesus name

I decree every unwanted activity of the pit of hell ravaging over the world be totally destroyed in Jesus name

I decree no sickness, disease, infection will have a hand or place in my household in Jesus name

I terminate all spiritual warfare targeting souls all over the world and causing fear to rule over people in Jesus name

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world divine intervention over (mention) in Jesus name

I commit the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it into the hands of God, we will not suffer any loss of any kind or category in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith, as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am the child of God, I have the spirit of God inside of me. The same spirit that raise Christ from death rest and abides in me. In Christ I live move and have my being. I am sanctified, purified and set apart for divine ability and functioning. My life will not be a specimen for any ferocious devourer from the pit of hell. I carry supernatural power inside of me. My blood is the blood of Christ and all organs in my body refuse to accommodate any terminal illness, disease or infection because I am a child of the light and darkness cannot stand in me and all that concerns me in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 22nd March 2020 [Day 82]

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Prayer from Hebrews 11:1

Song by James Fortune and Faye

I believe, The storm will soon be over
I believe, The rain will go away
I believe, That I can make it through it
Oh oh oh oh
I believe, It's already done

I believe, Family will get better
I believe, God will provide
I believe, The promise that he made
Oh oh oh oh
I believe, It's already done

I believe, That my God is a healer
I believe, That I will survive
I believe, That God is able
Oh oh oh oh
I believe, It's already done

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
Hebrews 11:1 AMP


Jehovah, king of kings I magnify and worship you for being good and awesome God always

Lord thank you for this blessed day and privilege to be among the living

Ancient of days thank you for your unfailing mercy that is forever available to me

Father thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and your blood shed for the salvation of my soul

Spirit of the living God thank you for reassurance and divine courage given to me by your word

Holy one of His Israel remove from me all attributes of doubt, fear and worry that belittles your power or word in me

Father let my faith no matter how little or great be able to stand the test of time in Jesus name

I decree the storm that has risen or yet to rise is over in Jesus name

I decree I will not lack, I will not sorrow and I will never fall prey of the wickedness in high places

I decree my joy will never be replaced by any sorrow no matter how little or great it may seem

I decree my testimony is upward and forward no downward pull or degrading activity can stand in my life

I decree my life is hidden in the immortal power of God so I can not be victim of any evil circumstance in Jesus name

I decree into the atmosphere of this universe / earth, all unwanted demonic release tormenting lives your activity cease henceforth in Jesus name

*Intercede for your nation, nations around the world and your household*

I decree every power released into the atmosphere to attack people's organs, suck blood and cause mass death an end comes to you this day

I decree I and my household are for signs and wonders no evil will befall us no matter how great or small

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, grace of an overcomer is released upon us mightily in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting king for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I have the light of God in me, I have the spirit of God in me, I have the supernatural ability of God inside of me. My life is filled with His power, My days are protected from all evil. I will not fall prey of any plans of darkness. I am in Christ and Christ is in me so my testimony can never be aborted. My entire being is saturated with the blood of Jesus so I am not susceptible to any disease, sickness, untimely death and psychological problems in Jesus name. I am victorious in all my ways because Jehovah Nissi is my father. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 21st March 2020 [Day 81]

Friday, 20 March 2020

Prayer from Isaiah 40:11

Song by William Murphy

You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. 
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. 

You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me.
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up.

He will protect His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom; He will gently and carefully lead those nursing their young.
Isaiah 40:11 AMP


Jehovah I worship you and honour your majesty for you are the great and mighty God

Elohim I adore you for this blessed day and privilege to be among the living

Lord thank you for forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks over judgement

Elyon thank you for immeasurable grace that enables me to be victorious in this race of life 

Lord eternal thank you for your word that is source of hope and life to me

Father thank you for divine protection that is solely released unto me even beyond the imagination of ordinary man

Father thank you because regardless of what is happening around me, you are my strength always

Father thank you for divine protection released unto me and all that concerns me

Spirit of the living God thank you for your enabling power to overcome and be victorious regardless of challenges that may be around me

Lord thank you for you are the greatest physician and you will never allow any disease, infirmities or Infections to come near my dwelling

Lord thank you for shaming the game plan of kingdom of darkness and forces of hell

Lord thank you for there is a change in all area, revival is here to stay

Lord thank you for immersing me and all that concerns me in your unfailing blood that speaks better things than blood of Abel

Lord thank you for this (mention) shall pass away and I will rejoice at your wonderful hand that brings victory to me always

Lord thank you for lives of people on frontline facing the global pandemic, thank you for strength wisdom knowledge and right spirit given to them

Lord thank you for this nation and nations around the world because you will increase your fear in us all in Jesus name

*Intercede on behalf of all that are sick, people treating them, your community, family and the church of God*

Father thank you for the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, thank you for divine ability to pull through and the testimony that is birthing forth in our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord Jesus for replacing all weakness with divine strength glory honour and adoration be to you in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord has done great things for me. He has renewed my strength no weakness can keep me bound. My life has moved from ordinary to extraordinary because I have the supernatural and perfect life in Christ. I am endowed with wisdom, knowledge and ability to overtake and rule above all principalities and powers of darkness. My eyes will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, I shall not die, nothing will cut short the purpose of God for me. I live a victorious life in Jesus mighty name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 20th March 2020 [Day 80]

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Prayer from John 12:14-15

Song by Donnie McClurkin

Hail Jesus! You're my King!
Your life frees me to sing
I will praise You all of my days
You're perfect in all Your ways

Hail Jesus! You're my Lord!
I will obey Your word
Because I want to see Your kingdom come
Not my will but Yours be done

Glory, glory to the Lamb!
You will take us into the land
We will conquer in Your name
And proclaim that "Jesus reigns!"

Hail, hail! Lion of Judah!
How wonderful You are!
Hail, hail! Lion of Judah!
How powerful You are!

He's the Lion in the Tribe of Judah
He's the Root and the Offspring of David
He's the Lily of the Valley
He's the Bright and Morning Star

And Jesus, finding a young donkey, sat on it; just as it is written [in Scripture], “D o not fear , D aughter of Z ion ; B ehold , Y our K ing is coming , seated on a donkey’s colt .”
John 12:14‭-‬15 AMP


Ancient of days I worship and honour you for being my God

Lord thank you for this blessed new day and grace to partake of it alive and in good health

Eternal rock of ages thank you for your word that brings hope to all hopeless situation

King of kings thank you for your never ending peace that gives me hope always

Lord thank you for your perfection that has made and kept me perfect in all my ways

Lord thank you for your promises that stand and will never change or weaver

Lord thank you for divine victory, divine health and wisdom to live and handle situation

Holy spirit have your way in me today direct my path, my utterance and all that concerns me

Lord thank you for ridding fear off me and all that concerns me

Spirit of the living God thank you for your supernatural knowledge that gives solution to all things

King of kings you are welcome into all that concerns me and around me, take the centre stage in Jesus name

Holy Spirit let your truth continue to reign above all lies and tactics of the enemy

Jehovah arise and uproot every seed that is germinating against your will and purpose in all aspect of life

Father concerning many that are suicidal now step in and relieve them of all thought and contemplation to end their lives

Lord over this nation and nations around the world let your joy fill our land, let your peace overshadow us more and more in Jesus name

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, give us victory in all we do and bury every weariness in place of faith in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The peace of God is deposited inside of me,the king of kings is walking and working through me. My hope stands and can never shatter. God's word of grace and blessings transcends in my life,giving me hope for everyday and hour. His power is making all promises stand in me all day, all month and every year of my life. I will never be subjected to the cruel nature and wickedness of darkness because I am a child of God . I carry the light of God in me everyday because God is for me and nothing can stand against me. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 19th March 2020 [Day 79]

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Prayer from 2 Timothy 1:5

Hymn by Stuart Townsend

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

I remember your sincere and unqualified faith [the surrendering of your entire self to God in Christ with confident trust in His power, wisdom and goodness, a faith] which first lived in [the heart of] your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am confident that it is in you as well.
2 Timothy 1:5 AMP


Eternal rock of ages I magnify and worship you for who you are to me

King of kings I adore you and worship your majesty for your grace and mercy that speaks always for me

Jehovah I magnify your name and give you all the worship for this blessed dawn and priviledge to be alive

Father thank you for the salvation of my soul

King if kings thank you for your unending love that manifests in my life always

Father thank you for giving me faith that moves mountain regardless of the fears that life throws at me

Lord thank you for your word that gives me courage always

Lord this day I pray for many who are yet to accept you as their lord and saviour, let them have an encounter with you in Jesus name

I decree I am not moved by what's going on around me because Christ works in and through me always

I decree negative report will not be heard from my abode because Jesus has settled all that concerns us

I decree my life and all that concerns me is hidden in Christ Jesus and my hope is solely in Him

I decree no weapon or fear of the enemy will make me subject to the will of the enemy

I decree my hour and season to arise in faith is now and nothing will make me back down

I terminate all fear from the pit of hell and replace them with faith through the word of God

I decree my joy will never be replaced with sorrow no matter how the enemy try in Jesus name

I decree over this nation and nations around the world the wind of change blows over all unwanted situation in Jesus name

I decree concerning the church and body of Christ the gates of hell will not prevail in Jesus name

I decree there is a solution over (mention) and an end has come to every worry in Jesus name

I decree new life, of grace of testimony upon my household and I

*Intercede for your nation,nations around the world and ask the lord to visit every household in His might*

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, no power of hell or scheme of man will delay, destroy or negate the plans and purpose of God for us in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word of God works wonders and the word is at work in and through me. The fear of God replace all false evidence of man. My faith is daily increased because God's word never return to Him void and it will perform that which He said. I will never be swallowed up by earthly worries and decrees. I live in this world but I am not of this world. I carry divinity in me and His truth lightens my path with knowledge and understanding so I cannot perish, I shall not die but live to testify to the goodness of God in the land of the living. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 18th March 2020 [Day 78]

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Prayer from Psalms 102:13


What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

  Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my cleansing this I see—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
For my pardon this my plea—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Nothing can my sin erase
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Naught of works, ’tis all of grace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

This is all my hope and peace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my righteousness—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

You will arise and have compassion on Zion, For it is time to be gracious and show favor to her; Yes, the appointed time [the moment designated] has come.
Psalms 102:13 AMP


Almighty redeemer I worship you and extol your majesty

King of kings thank you for this blessed dawn and grace to be among the living

Lord eternal thank you for forgiveness of my sin, salvation of my soul and grace to live in your righteousness

Glorious king arise over my life and household and overshadow us with your favour and mercy

Jehovah purify this land with your blood and remove every blood guilt and it's repercussions  in Jesus name

Heavenly father terminate every evil plan orchestrated from the pit of hell over this nation

Lord Jehovah erase the effect of sin and sinful nature that is brooding over this vicinity henceforth in Jesus name

Almighty saviour let your blood speak concerning this generation and let grace set us free from all bondages known or unknown

Alpha and Omega uplift us to a better level and better place to explore and do greater works henceforth

Father over this nation let mercy prevail, put an end to the tactics used by the kingdom of darkness to waste souls 

Lord put an end to known or unknown causes of tragedy in and around me and my household

Everlasting father uproot the seed of sickness, diseases, pain and loss germinating spiritually but manifesting physically in and around me

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the word of God stands concerning us and no weapon formed against us will prosper all tongues that rise against us in Judgement is consumed in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting king for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The ruler of everything Jehovah my king is in charge of my life. The blood of Jesus speaks on my behalf. I am untouchable, immovable by the fears of life. I have in me the fear of the lord which birth divine wisdom in my life. I live an excellent and holy life. I live above sin because I am hidden in the righteousness of Christ. My days are filled with power of divinity, therefore whatever I touch works out for my good. I am a blessing at home, in the city and everywhere I go because in Christ I live, move and have my being. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 17th March 2020 [Day 77]

Monday, 16 March 2020

Prayer from Luke 15:4-7

Song by Cory Asbury

Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn't earn it, and I don't deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeah

When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me

And oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
And I couldn't earn it, and I don't deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeah

There's no shadow You won't light up
Mountain You won't climb up
Coming after me
There's no wall You won't kick down
Lie You won't tear down
Coming after me

“What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost, [searching] until he finds it?  And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he gets home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!’  I tell you, in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. Luke 15:4‭-‬7 AMP


King of kings I worship you and glorify you in all my ways accept my worship in Jesus name

Father thank you for this blessed dawn and grace to be among the living

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks over judgement

Lord eternal have your way in me this day guide my steps and utterance in Jesus name

Glorious king thank you for not allowing me to perish in the darkness and wilderness if life

Lord thank you for using me to chase after and win souls into your kingdom

Jehovah in your might let my life outpour your greatness and faithfulness beyond the imagination of man

Lord for as many who feel forgotten and forsaken due to life predicament let them have an encounter with you

I decree today and henceforth there will be influx and growth of harvest of souls henceforth

I decree the grace of God speeds up my life in the direction God has purposed for me

Father I commit all health care workers unto you grant them divine knowledge and immunity henceforth in Jesus name

Father your word says you do not desire for souls to perish, for as many who have been pinned down and planned to perish arise and deliver them henceforth

Jehovah over this nation and nations around the world, let your mercy speak for us and set us free and above every pandemic and evil predicament ravaging worldwide

I decree I will never fall prey of any disease, incident or accident physically or spiritually in Jesus name

*Begin to worship God in the Holy ghost, stand in gap for your family none will perish in Jesus name*

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, no evil access to our destiny and household is allowed in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have Dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am not forgotten, I am not forsaken God knows my name. His love and mercy sort me out and set me free from the power and devices of darkness. I am a light in this world and I will forever shine, I will not be listed in the plans of the enemy. My life is shielded under the power of the almighty, my destiny is overflowing with divine ability. I will not suffer any loss physically or spiritually. My destiny is forever hidden in the secret place of the Most High and I abide under the shadow of almighty. My testimony is forever permanent, weeping or gnashing of teeth is not my portion in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©16th March 2020 [Day 76]

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Prayer from 1 Samuel 16:13

Song by William Murphy

Praise is what I do
When I want to be close to You
I lift my hands in praise
Praise is who I am
I will praise You while I can
I'll bless You at all times

I vow to praise You
Through the good and the bad
I'll praise You
Whether happy or sad
I'll praise You
In all that I go through
Because praise is what I do
'Cause I owe it all to You

Praise is what I do
Even when I'm going through
I've learned to worship You
Though my circumstance doesn't even stand a chance
My praise outweighs the bad

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.
1 Samuel 16:13 AMP


Lord eternal I worship and honour your majesty this day and always

Father thank you for the grace of life and privilege to be among the living

Ancient of days thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

King of kings thank you for the fresh oil poured into my life this day

Lord by your might and power cancel every evil report concerning me and my household in Jesus name

Holy spirit lead me in all that I do guide my thoughts daily and let my utterance glorify you

Ancient of days erase the power of negative energy in and around my life and household

Father single me out for divine visitation even where I have been forgotten by those closer to me

Lord fill my life and mouth with unending praise henceforth

Jehovah put an end to every limitations and stigma attached to my destiny by known or unknown forces

Lord eternal cancel all evil predicament planned ahead of my destiny and purpose in life let your grace see me through

Holy one of Israel open the book of remembrance concerning my household and I and put an end to every spirit of neglect around my life

I am that I am arise over my situation and bring me to the right location for my destiny fulfillment

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world the grace of God and mercy will speak over every judgement in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, power to make exploits and excel in all areas is released into our lives and all that concerns us in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is changing for the best, I have a brand new blessing pouring upon my life and destiny. The truth of God trumps over every negative words spoken concerning me. My destiny is highlighted for peace, longevity of life and purpose fulfillment. Nothing will cut my life short, I will live to the glory of God in the land of the living. All traces of infirmities are blotted out of my life and existence because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 15th March 2020 [Day 75] 

Prayer from Revelation 4:8

Song by Sinach

Holy Holy, God almighty
It’s a privilege to worship You
Maker of all universe
It’s an honour just to stand before You

With a grateful heart I lift my hands to You
Proclaiming Lord You reign
With a grateful heart I lift my hands to You
Proclaiming Lord You reign

Great are You lord
Greatly to be praised
Greatly to be praised
Father You reign

And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes all over and within [underneath their wings]; and day and night they never stop saying, “H oly , holy , holy [is the] Lord G od , the A lmighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all], who was and who is and who is to come [the unchanging, eternal God].”
Revelation 4:8 AMP


Holy spirit you are welcome in my life take total control of my existence in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for this blessed dawn and privilege to be alive

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Jehovah thank you for your word that is sharper than two edged sword piercing through all affair  of my life

Eternal rock of ages thank you for your faith that increase daily in me and makes me function extraordinarily

Lord eternal show your greatness over my life and all that concerns me in Jesus name

Abba purify this nation of all that is against your will and purpose in Jesus name

Father henceforth let me live in your righteousness remove every blemish around my life working against your will for me

Jehovah open the eyes of my heart, quench the thirst in my soul with your divine touch and presence henceforth

Lord almighty bring to non existence every power of the adversaries ruling above my life, destiny and household

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world there will be a divine encounter over all situation in Jesus name

I cancel every settled transaction for failure, pain, loss ,weeping or gnashing of teeth over me and all that concerns me

I decree concerning the vessel used for this prayer and all impacted by it, the great hand of God will manifest over our lives and we are secured divinely under his shadow in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The presence of the lord is on me, the life I live is a life of miracle because I dwell in the atmosphere of Miracle. The lord is changing situations around me. He has cancelled the works of darkness and dominance of sin in and around me. The power of God is right over my life working extraordinary things in me. I am favoured and blessed, grace speaks concerning me. I will never live in the obscurity of the works of darkness because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world in Jesus name Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 14th March 2020 [Day 74]

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...