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Sunday, 1 September 2019

Prayer from Exodus 14:28-29

Song by Todd Dulaney

Who can stand against the Lord?
No one can,No one will.
Who can stand against the king?
No one can, No one will.

Victory belongs to Jesus.
Victory belongs to Him.
Yes, it does
Victory belongs to Jesus.
Victory belongs to Him.

We put our trust in You
Yes, we put our hope in You

You will deliver,
You're a provider
I find my victory in You
Forever victorious,
Forever we win
I find my victory in You

Victory belongs to Jesus.
Victory belongs to Him.
Victory belongs to Jesus.
Victory belongs to Him

The waters returned and covered the chariots and the charioteers, and all the army of Pharaoh that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them survived. But the Israelites walked on dry land in the middle of the sea, and the waters formed a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
EXODUS 14:28‭-‬29 AMP


Almighty father you are the king above all kings I worship and honour your majesty

Father I magnify you for who you are to me and the love you shower on me always

Abba have your way this day and glorify yourself in me and in all that I do in Jesus name

Elshadai glorify yourself over my circumstances in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and your precious blood shed for my salvation in Jesus name

Holy spirit divine take preeminence in all that I will do henceforth in Jesus name

Abba nothing and no one can stand against you, therefore terminate every power standing against me in any aspect of life in Jesus name

I decree into this new month all host and chariots of darkness that has refused to let me go they perish henceforth in Jesus name

I decree all unwanted circumstances hanging over my destiny will never see the daylight again in Jesus

I decree this month I will enjoy divine freedom in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree this new month my song will be that of victory and nothing can keep me bound in unpleasant situation in Jesus name

I decree all power monitoring my progress from far and near are totally negated in Jesus name

I decree all power delaying solutions over my life be totally destroyed in Jesus name

I decree every evil cry or shout in the thickest part of darkness over my life and household is totally silenced in Jesus name

I decree I and my household will not perish in the journey of life, we will fulfill purpose of creation in the land of the living in Jesus name

I decree every evil support wandering around my destiny and that of every member of my household is totally destroyed in Jesus name

I command this new month to yield pleasant harvest and blessing for me in all areas of life in Jesus name

I decree as I have seen the beginning of this month, I will live to see the end, it will not see my end in Jesus name

I decree no power of hell or scheme of man can pluck me out of the hands and plans of God for me in Jesus name

I decree failure that has been attached to my birthright is totally destroyed never to surface again in Jesus name

I decree over(mention) in this month I will rejoice over it in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, our victory song will never be hindered or silenced in Jesus name

*Begin to send the word of God ahead of every situation in this month and many months to come, as you desire make the decree and it's established in Jesus name*

Thank you heavenly father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. It's my season of unprecedented victory in all areas of life. My life has been rejuvenated to experience the supernatural power of God. God has given me a new lease, new life and I am a living testimony. My long awaited testimony is showing forth now. No longer will I labour without gain, no longer will I labour without favour. My time is now, nothing will cut my destiny or life short. My deliverance is permanent, my provision is divine and surplus through Christ Jesus. The challenges I see before, I no longer see them because I am a conqueror and I have victory. I have overcome because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Wor © 1st September 2019 [Day 244]

Happy New Month 📯 🎶🎺🎻🎺🎻

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