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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

In Brokennes

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Intercessory Prayer and Testimony*

*Tuesday 10th September 2019*

*Anchored by Sister Leah*

*Topic:* In  Brokenness

*Text:* Luke 24: 17-19, 29-35

Then Jesus asked them, “What are you discussing with one another as you walk along?” And they stood still, looking brokenhearted. One of them, named Cleopas, answered Him, “Are you the only stranger visiting Jerusalem who is unaware of the things which have happened here in these [recent] days?” He asked, “What things?” And they replied, “The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet powerful in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people, But they urged Him [not to go on], saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening, and the day has just about ended.” So He went inside to stay with them. And it happened that as He reclined at the table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, He began giving it to them. Then their eyes were [suddenly] opened [by God] and they [clearly] recognized Him; and He vanished from their sight. They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with us on the road and opening the Scriptures to us?” They got up that very hour and went back to Jerusalem, and found the eleven [apostles] gathered together and those who were with them, saying, “The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon [Peter]!” They began describing in detail what had happened on the road, and how Jesus was recognized by them when He broke the bread.

This evening I will exhort us on the topic in brokenness
Brokenness is a state where things are forcebly apart.

From above scripture we read about two people on a journey and they were discussing about the recent happening or what had recently happend which was the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ
As they were going Jesus joined them and he asked them what they were discussing... They both looked at Him in amazement like where have you been🤨

In fact cleopas asked if He was a stranger in the land and not aware that Jesus of Nazareth who was prophet powerful in deed and word in sight of God and  and all people was sentenced to death
From the way he spoke you could feel the extent of their heart break he went further to talk about how the women got to His tomb and was told He was not there that He was alive.

From verse 29 Jesus did as if he was going to different part of the vicinity but they asked Him to come and  join them . When they sat at the table  He took the bread and broke it and gave then it was until then that their eyes opened God allowed them to see who was right there with them and they recognised that all the while It was Jesus conversing with them
He then vanished after they had recognised Him and they said to one another did how their heart was burning within them as He spoke to them and how He read the scriptures to them.

They got up that moment to meet with other apostles to confirm that indeed He had risen and gave their testimony in details how He came to them and what happened afterwards
Brokenness is a state of separation... In our state of separation in life God steps in when we are ready to listen to Him
If you read into the deep meaning of how broken hearted this fellow were they yearn to find meaning to the situation that just happened.

Imagine hearing that someone who had been doing good healing the sick, saving people and doing all kinds of great things was killed just like that
No matter how hard hearted the person is something will still be broken inside of you
Today many of us are in the state of brokenness
But you need to understand as Christian that in our brokenness is when God works most
The clarity of what they heard from Jesus in that state of brokenness made sense to them once God revealed to them who was speaking to them
But many are times we do not want to be in that state of brokenness.

We are so unsure how we can cope that we just pray it away
You cannot be running away from getting alone with God and want more of God
You cannot be so stuck in business that is unprofitable and yet want God to move inside of you
In our Brokenness God works wonders
In our brokenness we hear him clearly.

In the Bible we read of Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1 and how he was told by the prophet that He needs to put His house in order
But in his brokenness he cried to God who turned around his situation
Many times we are so carried away thinking God need us more than we need Him
Do you know that the process of greatness includes times of brokenness
There is no one who is successful or has been able to attain things in life that has or will say they never reached that point where it felt like failure is the order of the day.

Many of us God will only get our attention in our brokenness because we are either too busy or we are not just keen on hearing Him
God can use any situation to assess how much we want Him in our lives
In the life of King David ..
Things were going right for Him the young boy who was chosen among the children of Jesse
Who later killed Goliath and eventually became the king even after surviving the wrath of Saul but
One day He stayed where he was meant not to be...
He was idle when he ought to be busy and his eyes saw Bathsheba that eventually led to him commuting adultery and eventually murder
David thought all was okay until
Nathan came to tell Him what God thinks about his act.

And guess what the brokenness of David didn't come until the child was on sick bed
No wonder in Psalms 51 he express how He felt asking God to wash him with hyssop
To create a clean heart in Him
Many of us are riding on horses that are rather too fast for God to meet us in our need.

We forget that we can never out pace God
It doesn't matter what stage you are in life when it is time for God to meet you you can not escape your own brokenness
It doesn't necessarily have to come in you repenting from a committed sin
It doesn't have to come to you on your horse back flying rather than riding
But it comes to you at that point when you know assuredly that your only way out is God and God alone
God meets us in our brokenness
He hears us out if we are ready to allow Him in.

Did you notice that when Jesus joined cleopas and the other guy He didn't go to them and say I am Jesus you need to hear this and that no...
He listened to them
He knew how broken hearted He was to them
And He use the scripture to sooth them
He even followed them to sup with them
But remember they invited Him in
God will not force himself on us
He will not force His will on us.

Without Him we are nothing but with Him we are something
He is the only self sufficient King
He is the only one who sees how shattered your emotions are
He is the only one who can read meaning to those sighs that you make unending
HE sees beyond your smile
He knows beyond that tears
That is why He works better in us in our brokenness
Things you have planned out might seem like it's not working as planned
It may seem like man are being deliberately evil to you
It may seem that yours is just getting difficult
Jesus is saying let me in.

As He said to those men what are you discussing,
He wants to work through that brokenness in you
You might think we'll I have carried this brokenness all my life
Never had that adult figure to guide me
I am on orphan
I never have that opportunity others have
But He is saying I have always been there
You might think we'll I have been searching since.

But He is telling you search no further I am already here with you
Just let me in
Set your guards down
Let those ideas run through me
Let me lead in your project
But you know at times our brokenness can be masked by fake braveness but guess what He sees past all that
So today are you willing to let Him in
Let Him I to that situation now
You have tried
You are tired
You just know that it ain't working
But it ain't over until He says it's over
He works in you still.

Remember by the time the child died David instead of mourning changed His sack clothe because God met Him in His brokenness
You may say but I didn't kill like David
You do not have to experience brokenness as a result of sin.

It can comes as parts of the tides of life
When you feel the going is getting tough
Much is expected of you because to man much is already given to you but you know deep down that you just need God
This moment  I want us to ask Him to come into our hearts
I want us to call on God to step into that broken situation
That stage that is making you feel all dry and wasted
That things that has sapped all your strength out.

Say Lord I need you... Right now I need you come in and have your way in me
Say lord I have tried my strength is failing as human but I believe your strength is made perfect in my weakness fill me with your strength in Jesus name
Say lord is it sin that I need to get out off that is still hanging you wash me with your blood already on Calvary but help me to live above sin and the repercussions in my life henceforth in Jesus name.

You know that which you want God to intervene in so this moment  pray in the Holy ghost or in your understanding over that situation now ask God to give you victory in Jesus name.

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