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Friday, 8 May 2020

Small Strength

Be Inspired Bible Study Thursday 7th May 2020

Anchored by: Sis Leah

Topic: Small Strength

Text: Proverbs 24:10

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

Proverbs 24:10 KJV

If you show yourself weak on a day of distress, your strength is too small.

Proverbs 24:10 CEB

If you are slack (careless) in the day of distress, Your strength is limited.

Proverbs 24:10 AMP

If thou faint in the day of adversity, Thy strength is small.

Proverbs 24:10 ASV

If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited.

Proverbs 24:10 CSB

Okay the topic says Small strength. Can I ask us what we understand by small strength.

*Small ;* something of a size that is less than normal or usual. Or it could be insignificant; unimportant according to online dictionary.

*Strength:*  the quality or state of being physically strong. Or the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.
 According to online dictionary.

From above definition we can easily say small strength is an insignificant capacity to withstand great force or pressure.
Strength at times can not be justified by size of a person and that can make it rather disturbing. 
For example David and Goliath, if we went by height and strength, that is physical, Goliath would have gotten rid of David and not the other way round.
The verse Proverbs 24:10 as shared above in different versions basically says if you fail/faint in the days of adversity it means you have an insignificant capacity against pressure.
Life throws different blows at different people at different times.
The phrase 'different strokes for different folks' is often used and it can mean diverse things at different times.
But as believers our strength must and should be able to stand any phase of life, any aspect of life, any weather or storm that is diverted or cross our path in life.
But one thing is, if you claim you are a believer and your strength is basically centred on your human capability I am afraid you are probably dealing with insignificant capacity to withstand pressure.

We all by now are aware of what is going on around the world.
A lot of us at some point must or still have our faith challenged daily.
Either through the media or the reality of what we see happening right in front of us.
But it is never easy to shoulder all that with ordinary human capability.
If you buy a battery from the store the power which that battery carries, in other words, the capability of that battery is practically written on it.
And say for example, you bought a non rechargeable battery then insert it into a rechargeable plug you are basically diverting the strength into the wrong channel because as the charge goes into the non rechargeable battery it will explode at some point because that is not what it's meant for.

The source of our strength is God. The only way you can discover it is by having a real life and live relationship with God. That only happens when we delve daily into the word of God and eat the word so it can neutralise our physical body and strength so we can function as spiritual and extraordinary being that we are.
If you fail to recognise God as your strength you will always be stuck on living in or with small strength.

Happy are the people whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

Psalms 84:5 CSB

The strength of God doesn't just do what is physical alone but it moves in your spiritual healing, that is why we can identify with what Psalms 84:5 says because your heart is set on God so that strength isn't just in your limbs but it comes from your heart which is linked with your soul.

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.

Psalms 46:1 CSB
In the scripture above.. the Psalmist says God is our refuge and strength and helper who is always found in times of need.
This period has made lots of people to commit or attempt suicide.
Many are unable to deal with the mental breakdown this has caused them.

Imagine putting your strength on your income and some at the moment have no income no source whatsoever.
If such a person doesn't understand that God is their strength it is very easy for them to think this is the end and taking their own life is best.
I am not here to mock anyone that has committed suicide or blame or put their loved ones on the spot.
The truth is that except we identify that we can do nothing without God our level of dependency on what we see here and visualise daily will affect our health and well being.

The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life — whom should I dread?

Psalms 27:1 CSB

In the above Psalm we are made to understand that God is our strength and salvation whom shall we fear.. the Psalmist then went further and said God is the stronghold (strength) of my life of whom shall I dread(be afraid)?
It is paramount that you understand that without God there is no strength that can help you scale through the hurdles of life.
The storms of life only listen to one person - God, and one name - Jesus Christ.
You can try as much as possible but except God grants you the strength to overcome you will always run on low energy and battery because it's all down to the ability of an ordinary man.
When you make God your strength you are more than a conqueror.
Does it mean the challenges will stop?
Not exactly, but you will already be a conqueror and overcomer even before the challenges.
Because those that are with you are more than millions and legions of those who are against you.

I do not know where you feel deflated right now.
I don't know where you feel like your back is against the wall.
I don't know where you feel like it's the end, where you feel like you have failed.
You might be saying, the job I thought I secured is gone...
I don't have money for my rent...
I can't put food on my table...
My children are starving...
I am scared I can't go to work...
The challenges at work presently is draining me...
I do not seem to have hope like I do before...
But, I want to say to you where is your strength?
Stop re-enacting the limited ability you get from dwelling on the small strength.
Tap into the supernatural strength now.
So that no matter what the trials or travails or shaking ahead or you are in now, you enjoy the peace from the Prince of peace.

God is never going to lie to you.
He is not a man that He should lie nor son of man to repent.
We must be ready to actualise the true strength we can only get in Christ.
Do you know even in that state of total impossible, His strength and power can bring you and see you through?
When you embrace the strength that is divine you will never fall short in the days of adversity.
Instead you will stand tall and stand victorious.
God still works wonders.
No situation you are in is beyond Him.
I want to encourage you to allow yourself live in Him.
So you can manifest as He wants you to through His strength.

You may be wondering, but how?
As mentioned earlier personal relationship with Him is important.
You must be ready to get into the word of God daily.
You must be ready to build your strength up personally as the Holy Spirit enables you.
You must be ready to not just walk by sight but by faith.
Yes it might look like everything is going through a downward spiral but with God on your side and mine, when they say there is a casting down our testimonies will be there is a lifting up.
But have you opened up enough to God so that in the times that seem uncertain your faith isn't easily dwindled or ripped apart by fear?
Especially the fear of the unknown?

Going back to the anchor scripture 
If you are slack (careless) in the day of distress your strength is limited.
Distressing times aren't fun times. 
They are times of uncertainty...
They are times where your faith goes through the hottest fire.
How you come out depends on how you handle those times.

He guards the steps of his faithful ones, but the wicked perish in darkness, for a person does not prevail by his own strength.

1 Samuel 2:9 CSB

You cannot prevail by your own strength but you can overcome and conquer by the strength of God.

Let us pray.

Father thank you for this wonderful day and privilege to hear your word.
Lord thank you for sending your word particularly to me especially at this time.
Lord forgive me in any way I have dwelt on my own strength and I have failed as a result of that. 
Lord guide me henceforth and let me move and act on your strength that you have given to me.
Lord over every storm or challenge financially, spiritually, physically maritally, academically, socially, or any aspect of my life let me overcome victoriously.
Lord concerning (mention) that I feel like my strength is failing help me to overcome beyond my imagination.
Lord at this time in our world at large grant us strength from every leader of nation to every citizen in Jesus name.
Lord I don't want to function on small strength anymore and I don't ever want to be a specimen in the hands of the enemy in Jesus name.
Abba concerning every family in this group and all that concerns us no matter how the death toll in nations rise never let us account for any death or burial or any sickness of any kind or origin.
Father over all health care workers and frontline workers grant them all divine strength beyond their imagination in Jesus name.
Lord eternal glorify yourself in my life and family and give us testimonies over all our expectations in Jesus name.

*Personal Prayer.*

*_Please pray for the anchor and all admin for divine strength in all areas in Jesus name._*

Thank you everlasting God for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name.

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