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Friday, 1 May 2020

Parental guidance, responsibility in uncertain times

MON 27th of April 2020

ANCHOR: *Sis Leah*

*Topic;* Parental guidance and responsibilities in uncertain circumstances

What do you understand by

*Parental guidance*


*Uncertain circumstances*
Okay let me pick your brain brain🧠🧠
*Sis Queeneth*: Parental guidance is act of guiding children
*Sis Queeneth* : Responsibility is being responsible, accountable, answerable for a child
*Sis Funmi* : Parental guidance is an act of putting our children through
*Sis Queeneth*: Uncertain circumstances is not sure of something going on that you don't have ultimate power over.

*Parental guidance* is guiding your child by explaining the reasons, *pros and cons of their action and decisions*. ... *_If the child resists, the parent would act to correct, punish or prevent the child's undesirable behavior._*

This is from online dictionary
 Parental guidance is the act of guiding our children.
*Parental responsibility* means the _legal rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority a parent has for a child and the child's property_. ...
*Uncertain circumstances* is to be unsure of something. Also, _uncertain things are undecided, unknown, or doubtful in some way._

I want to refer us to the story of a man in the Bible who was born a Nazarene...
Who can guess the name of the person please?
*Sis Funmi* : Samson
Yes Samson...
 Hope you have your pen and Bible handy
From Judges 14-16
We have the story of samson
Samson was a child promised by the angel that visited the wife of Manish in Judges 14
Manish and his wife had been childless for so long one faithful day
An angel like creature appeared to the wife and told her she will bear a child
That was an amazing news to the wars of someone who probably have felt she will die childless
They were believers infact
In the intro of the Bible chapter
In chapter 13 not 14
It says and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and the lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines
Judges 13:1
But verse 2 says there was a certain man from zorah of the family of Danites whose name was Manoah and his wife was barren and had no children but an angel of the lord appeared to her and said she will have a child
If you read further into that story specific instructions was Given.

The mum was given instructions what she can or cannot eat
And they were even told this child you must not cut his hair
That is a parental responsibility
Aside the fact that the mother was told not to eat certain things
Cause when you're pregnant the foetus feed on what you eat
That is why they tell pregnant ladies don't eat this eat that
Use folic acid
Do this and so on and so forth
That is parental responsibility.

So your responsibility as a parent start from conception not at the delivery room
Because a life is growing and nurturing through you
Fast forward to when he was born
He was a vessel on assignment
He was born to deliver Israel
I will urge you to go and read that chapter
I mean those chapters
He was born for a purpose but his parents had the responsibility
To guide him
So they had to make sure he was brought up in the will and way of the Lord
They had to make sure that they kept the instructions of the lord to letter
They had to make sure that they fulfill their own part of the deal as parent
They have to make sure that they do what God has called th to do impacting that child right.

But come to chapter 14
Samson had grown..
He decided to go to Timnah and saw a woman there
Of the tribe that is not his
She was a philistine
Same people God created him to use him to deliver Israel for
And he went to his father and insisted that he wanted to marry the lady
His parents were like Samson
Why this tribe is there no one here like
If it was this days you will start hearing in the entire kingdom of Cambodia you can't find anyone
Why do you want to go to cuba
No offense just an illustration

Samson was like
She please me
She is set
I want her
But one thing he forgot to acknowledge was if she please the lord
At this junction his parents had nothing they could do
But guess what God knew the end before the beginning
This was real uncertain times for his parents
*Sis sonia* : She is the one for me the bone of my bone lol
Parental love is incomparable
They supported him
Even though they themselves were uncertain
In fact a lot happened

On his way 🦁 lion came
This guy tore the lion with bare hands
And  he didn't tell his parents
When he returned back after sometime
There was honey in the car ass of the lion
🍯 honey he ate some and took to his parents and they didn't ask they too ate
Hmm parents... It is your responsibility to ask the source of what your child brings home
It doesn't matter how pleasing to the eyes it may be
Don't be overexcited and just say I am eating the fruit of my labour
Many parents whose children have ventured into crime
And they just see it as fruit of labour are eating fruit of curse and damnation.

Fast forward to that first wife getting killed
*Sis Lilian* : Long term curse at that
Generation to generation
Samson retaliate at first was supported by God
But as time went on Samson became angry
He was bent on his own ideas
He wanted what he wanted and believed none could stop him
He was power drunk a bit if I may say
He was like yes I am a Nazarene with power
*Sis Abimbola*: Hmmmnn that always lead to destruction
After his first wife and her family were burnt to death
Samson killed so many.

He went ahead and didn't learn still went on to meet Delilah
The ticket to his death and his ministry
We all know what happened to him
As Delilah help to orchestrate his downfall and he was also ready to be the prey
Because he loved what God didn't want for him
Samson ruled or led Israel for 20years and died with the Philistines
In his story after his first marriage we heard less of his parents
But some Bible scholar believed that his mother buried him
I pray none of us will bury our children in Jesus name
We will not cry over over our young ones
Affliction will not rise again I'm Jesus mighty name.

As parents there will be tiles that will look really uncertain
Times when you are not sure which way to go
But let me tell you if God gave you that Child you have somewhere to turn and that is God
You have someone to turn to and that is God
No matter who or how the circumstances may look right now it is never impossible for God
The parental guidance can work in two ways
Say for example the parent is the one in Trouble
But you have brought your child up in the way of the lord
That child is enough to raise prayer on your behalf
Because you have guided them right in the first place.

At these uncertain times around the world where parents are losing children vice versa
Many of us are overcoming
Because the foundation has been laid right in Christ
You cannot expect divine guidance where divinity has been shut out in the first place
Yes there will be children that will choose path other than what you have said or taught them
But I tell you there is a God that regenerate.

My question now is what type of parental guidance are you instilling in that child
What type of responsibility are you taking over your child
Do you know you can instill the true meaning and reason of responsibility in a child if you actually show them how to be
You cannot be a parent who spends weekend at the club and all party they can attend and expect a child that wants to live a quiet respectful and peaceful life
An adage in my language says
Owu ti iya gbon lo mo ran
That is the cotton which was left by the mother has become the garment of the child
That is the child's ways are replica of the parent
Basically apple doesn't fall far from the tree
What are you laying as example.

Now many are like we do not know tomorrow due to the whole situation around the world
Are you the parent that isn't enlightened enough talkless of enlightening your child
Are you ok instilling fear of the unknown daily in them because you are panic stricken
Are you telling that Child about God
Are you even doing what will make that child know indeed that God's got their back
What parental guidance are you offering, what responsibility are you showing and how are you encouraging that child to live above uncertainty

Samsons case could have been different if his parent didn't fade away in the picture when they ought to be very present and available
Yes some children may shut you out
Yes they may feel like they have seen the world and know it all
But there is a power a parent have over a child that can be enacted by prayer and faith in God
That child that is smoking can still be revived
That child that is wayward can still be the best
Don't say yes she is a black sheep and he is a black sheep and just treat them like that
You need to treat with love as the custodian God has made you

Don't forfeit your responsibility just because of uncertainty
Don't lose your guidance just because of the law of the land
You have something to guide you and it's the word of God
But remember leaders or teacher lead by example

 Let us pray

Lord almighty thank you for your word that you have sent to us this evening we do not take it for granted
Abba forgive us all and many parents who have totally lost their responsibility in anyways
Father help every parent struggling in anyway to raise their children in your will and your way
Lord under no circumstance do not let me bury any of my children and do not let my parents bury me
Father no matter the uncertainty around the world let me always live in the assurance and certainty of your word
Lord for as many looking to you for fruit of the womb give them unending joy this season let them carry their own child
Father for many parents facing uncertain times over their children either due to health issue whatever it may be prison term negative influence arise and break the seige and cause the heart of those children to be trimmed to you
Lord over every parents who have taken their responsibility for granted visit them now and ignite your fear in them
Thank you abba for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Sis Sonia* : Please my questions is the case of Samson in this modern age what do you think the parents should have done to save the life of their son .cause similar case is still reoccurring.
*Pray to God for direction

*Speak to him to enlighten him

*Depending on what it is get professional help

*Don't give up on that child and never stop praying or correcting even when it looks like it's falling on deaf ears

*Sis Funmi* : Don't give up on the child, with prayer and love you can achieve a lot. Don't abandon the child keep close watch on the child. Let child gain your trust. The will surely fulfill purpose do your bit and leave the rest to God.

Remember Jesus loves you sooooooooo muccccchhhh

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