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Monday, 4 May 2020

Before you reach out are you born again?

Before You reach out, Are you Born Again

Text: Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.”  Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh [the physical is merely physical], and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  Do not be surprised that I have told you, ‘You must be born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified].’
John 3:3‭-‬7 AMP

Glory to God for another wonderful day He deserves all the praise. Hallelujah

The events of the past weeks and months has made the world bow in different hierarchy of life 5o the supremacy of the King of kings.

Leaders are unsure many are borrowing ideas and seeking intelligence in divers places.

Above all this has made some to check their stand with God if they are in the right standing with God or not.

It was very easy to claim to be Christian when the world was at its "normal state" even with all other turbulence happening all around.

Alas! this current one hit every part of the world the scale just differs in how it is managed and how we eventually overcome and put it behind us.

My question this day is has it taken you to the level of truly checking your stand with God. 

If I say I was shocked to see how much online streaming of service of Christian denominations worldwide I will be lying.

Many had to hold the church in their homes because it's not allowed to gather in the building. I hope this enlighten us that God indeed is the omnipresent and there is no barrier in the realm of the spirit.

Also I hope this has helped you to understand what it means to be born again. It's living the true life of righteousness that God had given to us through salvation.

I hope you have been able to dig into the word of God like never before. You know you can only give what you have.

Jesus answered Nicodemus, that except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. So without Jesus eternity for some is doom. 

Many were already in that state but I hope this time will bring you to search God and know Him and be genuinely born again. 

You can only evangelise to someone when you know who you are talking about genuinely.

I hope this will help many dibbling and dabbling in sin to step out finally and stand for Chirst. 

No lukewarmness will be accommodated in heaven. God isn't going to take excuse of one thing or the other.

Do you know going to Church 24/7 doesn't make you a genuine born again neither does quoting scriptures alone make you.

It take a genuine repentance followed by relationship with God and living a righteous life which can and it's only enabled through Christ and indwelling of the Holy spirit.

If you are here and feeling I am not sure can you say the prayer;

Lord Jesus thank you for being so mindful of me, Father I come to you just as I am and I surrender my all to you, I repent of all sin and I ask you to come into my life and take control. Rule and reign in my life and let me live for you henceforth thank you father for my salvation in Jesus name. Amen.

You are welcome, begin to live for Christ and make His word your watchword. Also do not forsake the gathering of believers, the Holy spirit is there always to help you. Locate a Bible believing church online or offline as the Holy Spirit Leads you.

God loves you.

Be Inspired by His Word ©


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