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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Prayer from Isaiah 12:3

Song by Chris Shalom

My beautifier,
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve taken away the pain
You’ve made my life so beautiful
My beautifier,
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve taken away the pain
You’ve made me just like You (Repeat)

Just Like You
In Beauty and in power, just like You
In Glory and in splendor just like You
In riches and in honor
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve made me just like You
You’ve taken away the pain
That’s what You did Jesus
Just like You
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve made me just like You

Just Like You
My life is so beautiful
You given me Glory
Just like You Jesus
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve made me just like You
That’s what you did Jesus
And I’m so glad about it
You’ve taken away the sorrows, Jesus
You’ve taken away the shame
You’ve made me just like You

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3 KJV

Mighty father I bless your name and give all the glory to you for being God in my life in Jesus name

Ancient of days I magnify your holy name for you are God all by yourself in Jesus name

Heavenly father thank you for this wonderful day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord eternal have mercy on me and forgive my short comings in Jesus name

Holy spirit divine fill my life with your divine ability in Jesus name

Lord thank you for creating me just like you in Jesus name

Holy Spirit I exalt your majesty and give all glory to you for what you have started in my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you because you will bring to completion that which needs to be completed in my life in Jesus name

Everlasting father I lift you high for you are indeed the one who erases sorrow and replace it with happiness in Jesus name

Lord in my life remove all garment of shame and put on me garment of blessing in Jesus name

Everlasting king in my dealings terminate all spiritual transaction of evil that might affect my life in Jesus name

Holy one of Israel fill my life with your everlasting joy henceforth in Jesus name

I decree I will no longer have a better yesterday or former years in Jesus name

I decree henceforth my light will shine so bright that every darkness would disappear in Jesus name

I decree my source will be so nutured that I will know no lack in Jesus name

I decree my days of unending labour with nothing to show has come to an end in Jesus name

I decree days of having trouble ensue over all issue has come to an end in my life and household in Jesus name

I decree my story is changing far beyond the imagination of human to that which God has called it to be in Jesus name

I decree an end has come to spiritual complacency that makes me unworthy for greater glory in Jesus name

I decree that my fountain will forever run with living water and through me lives will receive the new life in Christ in Jesus name

I decree the blessing that makes one a blessing, that one will forever be called blessed from generation to generation is my portion in Jesus name

I decree the doors I have knocked for years that ought to have opened but haven't begin to open now in Jesus name

I decree grace of God in abundance over my entire existence in Jesus name

*Begin to declare positivity into your life, family and all that concerns you, back it with the word of God and believe it is done in Jesus name*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a child of the living God, I cannot dwell among the dead. Greater one lives in my life and my life is filled with the supernatural ability endowed on me by my father. I do not have to beg because I draw out of the well of divine abundance. My source is unlimited therefore limitation cannot have a place in my life. His words are coming to fulfillment and I am walking and working in His majesty and authority in Jesus name.*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 25th April 2018©

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