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Friday, 14 October 2016

Have You Done Your Homework

*Have You Done Your Home Work*

I am a soldier mum/aunt as some people call me. Why or how I got that name I have no clue but people says I am a no nonsense person which I know it's true but don't get me wrong I have my soft spot(s).

Often times when my son gets back from school I will ask have you got homework he will say no mummy it's on Friday today isn't Friday and he will remind me of the day.

Come the next morning when he is about to leave he will ask mummy will you please sign my reading records. My response will be have you read to me if he says no I will say so why should I sign? Then he will say but my teacher won't allow me to go for lunch. Then I will say there is nothing bad if you fast from 12pm next time you will do what you ought to do and on time not last minute then expect mummy to perform miracle of signing.

My story this morning got me thinking about how we expect God to do miracles like magician.

Its undeniable that our God is a miracle worker but sometimes our perception makes us present God as a magician at times. I do not deny the fact of instantenous miracles but His ways are way farther and better than ours so He determines when and how He will do it.

Sometimes when He commits things in our care for our benefit and to His glory and we are carried away with the world around us when we come back to him for immediate answer(s) which mostly we don't deserve if not for Christ I bet He smiles at us and give us time to learn through our disobedience. Believe it or not every act of disobedience if it doesn't lead to destruction brings out a lesson for those who want to learn.

So I want to ask you *HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOME WORK?*

Don't expect God to perform magic when you give room constantly to disobedience. He is merciful I know but He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy on.

*Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;  And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;*
Hebrews 5:8‭-‬9 KJV

I pray we partake of His mercy in Jesus name.


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