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Friday, 30 November 2018

Prayer from Isaiah 40:11-12

Song by Sinach

You are able [x2]
By your word
I stand and I testify
You are able
God is able
Our God is able
By your word Lord I stand and I testify
That you are able

Exceeding, abundantly
Much more than I can ever think
Exceeding, abundantly
You are able to do
All sufficient God
You are able [x2]
By your word I stand, and I testify
You are able
You are able [x2]
By your word I stand, and I testify
You are able

Exceeding, abundantly
Much more than I could ever think
Exceeding, abundantly
You are able to do
All sufficient God
(He's all sufficient, yeah eh, alleluia)

You see nothing is impossible,
With you nothing is impossible [x2]
For all things are possible with you
Nothing is impossible,
With you nothing is impossible [x2]
All things are possible with you

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.  Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?
Isaiah 40:11‭-‬12 KJV


Almighty father I thank you and give you all praise and glory in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for this blessed day and breath of life in Jesus name

Almighty king thank you for the forgiveness of sin and giving me grace to live a righteous life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for your word that is constantly empowering me in Jesus name

Father thank you for the assurance through your word that give me courage that nothing is impossible with you in Jesus name

Jehovah take off my mind every thoughts of impossibilities over all my heart desires in Jesus name

Mighty father in your mercy guide everything in my life to receive divine touch henceforth in Jesus name

Lord almighty as you release your grace upon my life let me begin to function beyond and exceedingly above my counterparts in life in Jesus name

Father lead me concerning(mention) guide me to make right decision in Jesus name

Father whatever the enemy is waiting for to mock me let such day never come to reality in Jesus name

I decree divine provision concerning all my needs henceforth in Jesus name

I decree everywhere long-standing issue over my life that has become stigma is erased permanently henceforth in Jesus name

I decree over every case in my life that has been rendered impossible by men that the everlasting possible and outstretched arm of God begin to make them possible speedily in Jesus name

Lord over(mention) I want to look back and say yes indeed God is more than able because He has done it and it is settled in Jesus name

Father let your sufficiency begin to make room for me even in places deemed by men to be without access for me spiritually, physically, maritally, racially, financially and other aspects of my life in Jesus name

I decree an outpouring of abundance upon my life and household henceforth in Jesus name

I decree a release of overflow of blessing and favour into my life and household in Jesus

*Get whatever you want God to move over decree unto it that God should make all impossibilities over it possible and begin to decree possibilities over it in Jesus name*

Father over your child used for this daily prayer let there be answers over all her request and outpouring of wonders beyond her imagination and all that concerns her in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for answered prayers and the overflow of abundance turning all impossibilities possible in Jesus name

*Confess daily: Sin shall not have dominion over me. I am operating in the power of the word of God. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will walk  henceforth in possibilities, all roads clear for my arrival because the stone which the builder rejected has become a cornerstone. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight. My God is a wonder working God and He is making my life a wonder. Nations are coming to my horizon because my level has changed. I no longer belong in the category of the unfortunate because Jesus has moved mountains and barriers off my path. I win daily and always, I am scaling all hurdles and winning in all areas in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 2nd December 2018©

Happy Last Thanksgiving Sunday of 2018🎆🎇✨🎉

Prayer from Isaiah 40:9-10


Jehovah we praise you
Jehovah we praise you
We praise your name
We praise your name
Jehovah we praise you

O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!  Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.
Isaiah 40:9‭-‬10 KJV


Almighty God I worship and extol your name

Father thank you for your Grace multiplied daily upon my life in Jesus name

Mighty God thank you for the privilege to witness the last month in the year of 2018 you deserve the praise in Jesus name

Thank you lord for the forgiveness of my sin, if you were to measure my sin lord I wouldn't be able to stand.

Thank you father for the salvation of my soul for not allowing me to perish in sin in the name of Jesus

Father thank you for the good news that you have reserved for me for this month in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the constant harvest you have placed for me this month in Jesus name

I speak over this month that good tidings will locate me and my household in every aspect in Jesus name

I speak over this month at that as I begin it in good health I will end it in praise and divine health in Jesus name

I decree over this month that my steps will be ordered in everything I do in Jesus name

I decree that the joy that overflows with unending measures will be my portion this month and henceforth in Jesus name

I decree over this month that fear will not steal my joy away or deny me of my breakthrough in Jesus name

I decree everywhere I go the atmosphere of uncommon divine favour begin to encompass me in Jesus

I decree that this month I will constantly have floods of testimonies over all awaited testimonies and expectations in my life in Jesus name

I decree that whatever the enemy has in plan to jeopardize my glory will not stand in Jesus name

I decree unending blessings everywhere I go supernatural favour and grace begin to work for me and on my behalf in Jesus name

*Begin to decree over the month and your desires how you want to end this month and believe it is settled in Jesus name*

I decree this month will not know my end or that of my household in Jesus mighty name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer that good tidings will constantly be her portion in Jesus name

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess daily: Sin shall not have dominion over me. I am operating in the power of the word of God. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a bearer of good news. My life is an upward movement only, nothing can ever stop me I am glad I am a child of Jehovah, alpha and Omega Is Working things out for me. This month I will have bountiful harvest. I walk and work in supernatural ability. Jesus is my Inspiration, I am filled with Joy by the living water. His glory is overshadowing my life, my story has happy ending because I am a product of the good news of God. Everywhere I go His goodness works for me, His grace encompass me, His strength is my strength. God is working in my life and I live daily in the word as He works wonders in and through me in Jesus name.*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 1st December  2018©

Happy New Month🎉🎉🏆🎈✨🎇🎆

Be Inspired End of the Month Prayer and Fasting 28th-30th November 2018

Theme: Delivered
Text: Isaiah 49:24-25
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?  But thus saith the Lord , Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.
Isaiah 49:24‭-‬25 KJV

Praise Be to God who has counted us worthy to see the end of November 2018. He alone is worthy of all our praise and our worship is to Him alone.

Lord almighty thank you for another Grace to share from your word this day. Mighty God have your way like never before, minister to every soul and do that which you alone are able to do in Jesus name.

The word delivered means a lot of things, it can be to take something from some where and take it else where. Most especially on demand to the person or authority that demands for it.

It can be a form of provision as well what is readily available for you.

So let us look at what the word of God is saying here...
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?  But thus saith the Lord , Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.
Isaiah 49:24‭-‬25 KJV

A prey is a victim, and from the scripture the question is can the victim be taken from the person victimising them?.. Anyone can be a prey, you can be prey to circumstances in life, prey to sickness, prey to generational curses, poverty, violence, unfavorable laws and decrees e.t.c. It can be anything whatsoever..

The Lord said even the captives of the mighty will be taken away and the prey will be delivered. So not only the one that have been in captives alone but those being tossed around whose destinies are being toiled with will be delivered. Then God said I will contend with those who contend with you and I will deliver your children.

It is such a terrible situation not to have a means of deliverance or ways to get out of circumstances. Some people commit suicide because the situation becomes unbearable and they think the only way out is to kill themselves and end life just like that. That is a worst case scenario but it is something that happens daily. May we not end our life suddenly in Jesus name.

The theme says delivered, how much relief will you have to know that God has actually provided for you what you want? How much relief will you have to know that He has set you free? How much relief will you have to know that you are not just free but God has fought and won the battle because He will contend with those who contend against you.

First you need to work on your mind, what is going through your mind can impact on what you go through in life. There are situations that are near miss from bad occurrence but the person in question overcome through what they carry in them and confess with their mouth.

God says you are delivered what do you say, but the whole thing looks unreal how.. stop the complain start working on the delivered new you. Start visualising the land beyond the storm. Start from now don't say I will wait and see. Faith is by works not by sight. Some of us are delivered already but we refuse to see it and just dwell in the undelivered domain because we can't see it.

When you promise a child a toy they hang on to it in excitement and start creating room for that you. How you will get it they don't know but they know you will get it. That is how we ought to believe God.

God said I am delivered how He will do it, I don't know but I walk henceforth in the delivered mode. Whatever it is you are hoping to be delivered from start manifesting in that realm now don't delay. Because the one who delivered the prey and captives of the mighty has set you and I free. Stop wallowing in doubt and unbelief, start now through your confession. Receive divine insight into your deliverance, receive divine help and guidance, receive divine breakthrough. Yes it might be difficult for others don't doubt God at this stage. Believe Him you are delivered, when the enemy raise ugly words and ugly face, say it out loud I am delivered I am no longer your prey and I will never  be in Jesus name.

Let Us Pray

Lord I thank you for your word and privilege to be your child in Jesus name

Lord forgive me in anyway I have doubted your power of liberty upon my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for delivering me from all(mention) that has held me down for too long in Jesus name

Personal Prayer

I decree, I am delivered from all captivity, spiritually, physically, maritally, economically, mentally, financially and every aspect of my life in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Congratulations to me I am delivered glory be to God

Be Inspired By His Word November 2018

Prayer from Isaiah 41:13


The Great Physician now is near,
  The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
  Oh, hear the voice of Jesus! 

Sweetest note in seraph song;
Sweetest name on mortal tongue;
Sweetest carol ever sung:
    Jesus, blessed Jesus!

Your many sins are all forgiv’n,
  Oh, hear the voice of Jesus;
The veil ’twixt you and God is riven,
  Redemption wrought by Jesus.

All glory to the dying Lamb!
  I now believe in Jesus;
I love the blessed Savior’s name,
  I love the name of Jesus.

His name dispels my guilt and fear,

No other name but Jesus;

Oh, how my soul delights to hear
  The precious name of Jesus!

Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord , and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 41:14 KJV


Almighty father I worship and extol your majesty for who you are to me in Jesus name

Mighty king I magnify your name and bow before your throne accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for this blessed day and Grace of life in Jesus name

Father thank you for the forgiveness and remission of my sin in Jesus name

Abba father I come to you this day and I release all my fears into you guide me father and get rid of fear that is limiting factor to my breakthrough in life in Jesus name

Lord you are my shield arise and shield me from all harm known or unknown in Jesus name

Lord hear my cry and let my prayer grab your attention. Do not let the workers of iniquity rejoice over my life in Jesus name

Father erase every point and source of downfall waiting for me at the edge of my breakthrough in Jesus name

Holy one of Israel cancel the effects of any negative revelation disturbing my peace and joy in Jesus name

Father you are my shield and righteousness help me to overcome every and anything tackling my faith and salvation on daily basis in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank your Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess daily: Sin shall not have dominion over me. I am operating in the power of the word of God. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I am ending strong in Jesus name no negative revelations or prophecy will have a stand over my life or destiny. The Lord is removing every doubt and fear from my life. As I wait on the Lord my fear and confidence in Him is renewed. Grace is working exclusively in my life and all that concerns me. Whatever seem difficult the peace and glory of God is making it easy. I will sing for joy because the peace of God that surpass all understanding is ruling over my life. I am a champion, a Victor not a victim. Where men say there is a casting down my story will be there is a lifting up because God has settled all that concerns me. I am delivered and set free. It is my season of liberty, Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 30th November 2018©

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Prayer from Isaiah 40:31

Song by Travis Greene

What my eyes can't see I still believe
Everything spoken to me
There's no word that can come back void
I will trust the report of the Lord

God is not a man that He should lie
Every need He will supply
So I will wait, I will not be moved
I believe, I believe, I will trust in You

While I'm waiting I'm getting stronger
My faith is rising, and I will run on
While I'm waiting, I'm lifting up on wings as eagles
I believe, I will trust in You

Oh oh oh (oh oh oh)
Oh oh oh
I believe, I will trust in You
Oh oh oh (oh oh oh)
Oh oh oh
I believe, I will trust in You

I will run and I will not be weary
I will walk and I will not faint (hey)
I will rise up on wings as eagles
I believe, I believe, I will trust in You

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV


Everlasting king I adore and magnify you for who you are to me in Jesus name

Lord almighty I worship and extol your majesty for you are great in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for this awesome day and grace of life in Jesus name

Jehovah you are worthy  to be praised have your way in my life in Jesus name

King of kings have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

Father have your way in my life and uproot anything challenging my life and destiny henceforth in Jesus name

Lord almighty as I take steps of faith concerning issues in my life let me return with testimony in Jesus name

Ancient of days I look to you remove all form of weariness deposited in my soul causing me to doubt  your power in Jesus name

Abba destroy Every thing that wants to keep me stagnated in the place of destruction or unpleasant condition in Jesus name

Father over(mention) arise and prove your self great and mighty beyond human understanding in Jesus name

Lord almighty over the source of this daily prayer glorify yourself in Jesus name

Lord eternal that very heart desire that seem like it's forever hanging and unreachable for me today make it achievable by your power in Jesus name

Holy spirit divine guide me in everything help me to do that which will make you smile upon me in Jesus name

Lord all my desires from the beginning of this year that seem impossible let your hand of possibility change it today and let me have good news in Jesus name

Almighty king whatever will cause me to cry and how consistently in shame do not let me encounter such in Jesus name

Lord almighty as I wait on you continue to be my strength and let me finish strong with positive life transforming testimonies in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess daily: Sin shall not have dominion over me. I am operating in the power of the word of God. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will walk and I will not be weary, I will run and I won't faint. God is my strength and my very present help at all time. The everlasting arms of God has delivered me from all known and unknown harm. I am victorious in every aspect of life. Whatever seem impossible to me the God who makes all impossibility possible is turning it around for my good. This season and henceforth I will rejoice and my heart is filled with gladness because God is doing great and mighty things for me, through me and in me. I am living testimony, glory be to God. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) 29th November 2018.

Prayer from Psalms 91;7-10

Song by Ada

Impossible is nothing with our God
there is nothing He cannot do
Holy, Holy is our God
Elyon and Adonai
we rejoice in the strength of your power
holy one
we lift You high and forever we proclaim

our God reigns, He reigns
our God reigns, King of all kings
our God reigns, and forever we proclaim
He reigns, oh oh oh oh, He reigns

strength and power is our God
self existent, Lord our God
holy holy is our God
Elyon and Adonai
we rejoice in the strength of your power
we lift You high and forever we proclaim

our God reigns, He reigns
our God reigns, King of all kings
our God reigns, and forever we proclaim
He reigns, oh oh oh oh, He reigns

Halleluia, our God reigns
He reigns forevermore
glory glory to our God
the all sufficient one

A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord , who  is  my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
Psalms 91:7‭-‬10 NKJV


Almighty father I worship and extol your majesty for who you are to me in Jesus name

Abba father I give you all the praise and thanks because you deserve it all in Jesus name

Almighty king thank you for this awesome day and grace of life in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for your word that you send to me on regular basis in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for your unfailing grace that is abundant and made sufficient for me and all that is around me in Jesus name

Lord eternal according to your word give me victory over all evil known or unknown in Jesus name

I decree the Lord will guard and guide my steps everywhere I go in Jesus name

I decree the everlasting arm of God is pulling me out of places that the enemy has planned to cage me in Jesus name

I decree every seige of the enemy concerning my life is eternally broken in Jesus name

I decree every tongue declaring or pronouncing pain and disgrace into my destiny begin to whither henceforth in Jesus name

I decree over the life of the vessel that writes this daily prayer and all that use it every plan to cut or truncate our destiny is totally negated in Jesus name

I cut off every attachment that wants to pull my glory down in Jesus name

I release all that I do and engage in henceforth into the hands of God in Jesus name

Lord regardless of the plans of the enemy this year will not know my end or that of anyone around me in Jesus name

I decree all glory swallowed by any evil force or power in my generation be vomitted and released to shine now in Jesus name

I decree no evil shall befall me neither shall any plague come near my dwelling because I have made the Lord my dwelling and the most high my habitation in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you everlasting king for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will live and not die, the power of ressurection is working over my life. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the almighty. The mighty father is my shield and guide. He directs my path and covers me under His wings. I will never be victim of any circumstance. I arise daily and soar high like and eagle, I am untouchable and immovable because the almighty is working and walking in my life. I am victorious and unstoppable, I will not have cause to mourn or be mourned in Jesus mighty name.*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 28th November  2018©

Monday, 26 November 2018

Prayer from Isaiah 44:24-26

Song by Jekalyn Carr

You're bigger than the universe
You're bigger than the Sun and the stars
You're bigger than the things, oh my, oh my
That can tear me apart

For I know You're great in all the earth
For I know You're great in all the earth, earth
You're bigger Mmm, mmm

You're bigger than the problems I've faced
You're bigger than the disasters that I've seen
You're bigger, You're so much bigger Jesus
Than what this life may bring
Oh lordy

You're bigger than the universe - yes, You are
You're bigger than the Sun and the Stars
You're bigger than the things, bigger than the things
That can tear me apart

For I know You're great in all the earth
For I know You're great in all the earth
For I know You're great in all the earth, earth
You're bigger

Thus says the Lord , your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord , who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself; Who frustrates the signs of the babblers, And drives diviners mad; Who turns wise men backward, And makes their knowledge foolishness; Who confirms the word of His servant, And performs the counsel of His messengers; Who says to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be inhabited,’ To the cities of Judah, ‘You shall be built,’ And I will raise up her waste places;
Isaiah 44:24‭-‬26 NKJV


Lord I worship and glorify you for who you are to me in Jesus name

Lord almighty I worship your majesty for being God in my life and all that concerns me in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for this glorious day and grace of life in Jesus name

Mighty king thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks concerning all judgement in my life in Jesus name

Lord my God you are more than able to do above what I can imagine or ask for have your way over all my requests in Jesus name

Lord you know the fears of my heart help me to overcome all fears that wants to cripple my faith and destiny in Jesus name

Lord almighty you are bigger than all authorities and power that constantly challenge me give me victory over them all in Jesus name

Lord almighty all power belongs to you arise over (mention) and show your power beyond my thoughts and understanding in Jesus name

Almighty God over all that makes my heart pound in doubts and make my head bow in shame give me victory in Jesus name

Lord almighty you are greater than the earth as a whole every situation that keeps raising ugly head against my life give me a greater victory over them in Jesus name

Lord Jesus I commit as many tied down by sickness or any form of infirmities that is constantly challenging their faith today show your power and make this day their day of liberty in Jesus name

Father over the vessel you use to write this daily prayer show your greatness over all challenges that might rise or is risen over her life in Jesus name

Lord my God my hope and trust is solely in you let my life experience a turn around of testimonies in Jesus name

Lord almighty even as this year is gradually coming to an end that great promise for this year do not let it go unfulfilled in Jesus name

Lord my God as you open the book of rememberance concerning me let me have a new song before the end of 2018 in Jesus name

Lord you are greater than (mention) where it had been said or written by men that it is not possible let me begin to experience divine possiblity in a massive way in Jesus name

*Begin to decree greatness over every issue in your life and decree the great power of God into manifestation in Jesus name*

Thank you mighty father for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. The great power of God is turning all situations around me to a testimony. My God has conquered all things or people that represents goliath tormenting my peace in life in Jesus name. The Lord has opened a new door and new dawn concerning me, I am highly favoured and renewed beyond the plans and purpose of man. This year I am becoming great and unleashing new level of attainment. It doesn't matter what is written about me or the box I have been placed in, I am coming out and excelling henceforth in Jesus name because the greater one is resides in me. Glory be to God, Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 27th November 2018©

Prayer from Psalms 114:7-8

Song by Don Moen

The Earth shakes at the sound of His voice
The nations tremble before Him
The idols of men are all falling
At the feet of the LORD our God
At the feet of the LORD our God

The Lord is warrior; fearless is He
The Lord is mighty in battle
His armies outnumber His enemies
When they shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!
And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Lord is a Saviour; gracious is He
The Lord is full of compassion
His army is also His family
When they shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!
And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Lord has a kingdom; Jesus is King
He reigns forever and ever!
He's given us power and authority
When we shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!
And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Earth shakes at the sound of His voice
The nations tremble before Him
The idols of men are all falling
At the feet of the LORD our God
At the feet of the LORD our God

Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob, Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of waters.
Psalms 114:7‭-‬8 NKJV

Ancient of days I worship and adore you for who you are in Jesus name

Mighty man in battle I give all praise and glory to you because you deserve them all in Jesus name

Mighty man in battle I adore you for you are God and non is like you

Mighty God thank you for this wonderful day and grace to witness it in Jesus name

Everlasting king have mercy on me and forgive my short comings in Jesus mighty name

Holy Spirit divine have your way in me and continue to take the lead in my life while I follow in Jesus name

Abba father I worship you, Lord whatever wants to steal my worship henceforth destroy such in Jesus name

Lord almighty arise concerning my life and deliver me from known or unknown forces against my life in Jesus name

Lord let every mountains before my glory begin to turn them into stepping stone to my glory in Jesus name

Lord in your power make every crooked path placed in my way to fulfilling destiny straight henceforth in Jesus name

Abba father let all that concerns me begin to enjoy your unfailing love and supernatural endowment in Jesus name

Lord almighty terminate every power that disturbs one's destiny with evil revelation in my life in Jesus name

Father let the impossible situations placed in my life become possible even in the presence of my adversaries so they will know I serve a living God in Jesus name

Mighty God uproot all roots that wants to poison my joy in anyway henceforth in Jesus name

Father let my life showcase your presence daily and make me a vessel unto honour at all times in Jesus name

Mighty God deliver my joy into my hands and make it impossible for any joy killer to take it away from me be it in form of human challenges, sickness, physical or spiritual battle in Jesus name

*Worship God either in tongues or in your understanding*

Thank you mighty father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a conqueror, I am victorious and nothing can stop me. The mighty God I serve pulls down daily every power and walls of negativity erected against my life. The king of glory is manifesting daily in my life for greater height and fulfillment of purpose. My God is fearless and He has instilled in me the courage of lion of Judah. I am not subject to the will of the enemy. The Great I am is making me match on to glory and success above and beyond my imagination. I am living a life of testimony, glory be to God!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 26th November 2018©

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Prayer from Psalms 92:1-2

Song by Matt Redman

Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I'll worship Your Holy name

The sun comes up
It's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass
And whatever lies before me
Let me be singing
When the evening comes

Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I'll worship Your Holy name

You're rich in love
And You're slow to anger
Your name is great
And Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness
I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons
For my heart to find

Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I'll worship Your Holy name
Bless You Lord

And on that day
When my strength is failing
The end draws near
And my time has come
Still my soul will
Sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years
And then forevermore

Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I'll worship Your Holy name

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord , and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:  To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,
Psalms 92:1‭-‬2 KJV

Almighty God my redeemer I worship and extol your majesty in Jesus name

Lord eternal you are my safe refuge and hiding place I bow in total adoration to you

King of glory I worship and give thanks to you for this blessed day and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord eternal I thank you for this wonderful blessing to be called your child and a vessel unto honour in your hands in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your mercies and forgiveness of sins you deserve my worship and praise in Jesus name

Mighty father I give all praise and glory to you for this day of new begining and testimonies in Jesus name

Lord thank you for opening my eyes to see your unending blessings in every aspects of my life in Jesus name

Lord eternal I come to you just as I am and I pray you fill me till I overflow in Jesus name

Lord fix all the broken piece in my life that can't be fixed by ordinary hand in Jesus name

Lord help me to focus more on the highest calling in Christ and not redirect my vision away from what you have called me to be in Jesus name

Holy one of Israel uproot from my life all the seed of discord and sadness deposited into my life knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus name

Jehovah you are my God and I trust in you whole heartedly give my life a meaning even at the junction where I might not have much hope in life in Jesus name

Everlasting king erase all desires of giving up that wants to deny me of my victory knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus name

Lord let my life experience a positive turn around that will constantly bring me a new song of testimonies in Jesus name

Lord I life your vessel you use for this daily prayer before you let her life be constantly filled with ear tingling testimonies and her mouth with unending songs of victories and thanks in Jesus name

Almighty king let me never see my salvation as a burden but a breakthrough to eternal life till I see you in glory in Jesus name

Lord almighty this day, deep me in your overflowing living water and remove all blemishes, dormancy, stagnancy and everything that will not allow me to function in life like you have purposed for me in Jesus name

*Begin to surrender everything you desire into the hands of God and give thanks for He will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will live and not die, the power of ressurection is working over my life. My destiny is refined for new life in Christ. The lord is filling me daily to overflow in His supernatural ability. The mighty father has wiped away all my tears and sorrow and He is giving me a brand new life and reasons to worship Him consistently. My life has a meaning, I have no reason to give up because I am a winner. I live everyday victoriously and I win in every aspect. The almighty God has made me a new being wiping away all loss and replacing them with abundance. I do not live in regret because God has shown me the light to direct my path. Henceforth I walk in victory through the power of Christ in me and my story is ending up with thanksgiving because I live a life of testimony daily. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 25th November 2018©

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Prayer from Psalms 46:10-11


O for a thousand tongues to sing
  My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King,
  The triumphs of His grace.

My gracious Master and my God,
  Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad,
  The honors of Thy name.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
  That bids our sorrows cease;
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
  ’Tis life, and health, and peace.

His love my heart has captive made,
  His captive would I be,
For He was bound, and scourged and died,
  My captive soul to free.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,
  He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean;
  His blood availed for me.

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.  The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Psalms 46:10‭-‬11 KJV

King of glory I exalt you and give you praise for who you are to me in Jesus name

Mighty God thank you for all you do on daily basis for me those I know or do not know of in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for this blessed day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your mercies and forgiveness of sin you deserve my worship in Jesus name

Lord thank you for how far you have brought me, where I am and where you are taking me to in Jesus name

Jehovah I honour your majesty for your unfailing love showered daily on me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for this year for every victory you have given to me over all challenges, you are worthy to be praised in Jesus name

Lord let my heart constantly be filled with praise to you beyond my imginations in Jesus name

Lord thank you for those things I am yet to receive that you are working on for me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for daily increasing my faith beyond the understanding of man in Jesus name

Lord thank you for your signs and wonders in my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel used daily for this prayer let your oil continue to flow in and through her in Jesus name

Abba father thank you for terminating all edge of destruction erected for my sake and my family in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for the new doors of greatness you have opened for me even in places I have lost hope in Jesus name

Almighty king thank you for your supernatural abundance and love released upon my life in Jesus name

*Think deep and give thanks to God for what He has done and what you are expecting, dance and praise Him and believe it is settled as you rejoice in Jesus name*

Thank you mighty father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will constantly sing of God's mercy, grace and love, His praise fills my mouth and life daily. I am redeemed and sanctified by the blood shed on calvary. God has set me apart for divine visitations, He moves mightily in me. His grace works wonders in my life, I have reasons to give praise and thanks to Him. I am overwhelmed daily by His sufficient and abundant grace, alpha and Omega never sleeps nor slumber. He watches and directs me, I am a chosen vessel, a royal preisthood, a peculiar person and holy nation. Glory be to God, Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 24th November  2018©

Friday, 23 November 2018

Prayer from Exodus 14:13


Jehovah is your name
Jehovah is your name
Mighty warrior
Great in battle
Jehovah is your name

And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord , which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. Exodus 14:13 KJV


Lord I worship and extol your majesty accept my worship in Jesus name

King of kings I magnify your holy name above every other name and god in Jesus name

Almighty Jehovah I thank you for this blessed day and grace of life in Jesus name

Eternal rock of ages thank you for your love and your mercy that speaks for me and the forgiveness of my sin in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for enlightening and strengthening me daily with your word in Jesus name

Master of the universe I come to you this day direct my path and never let me help those who will plan my demise in Jesus name

Lord almighty by your power render useless the capability of all negative pursuers in my life in Jesus name

Ancient of days erase the plans of the enemy concerning my life and household in Jesus name

Jehovah let every battle that I know or do not know of but represent the egyptian host like in the life of Israelites behind my destiny receive the destruction they deserve in Jesus name

Lord open my eyes let me know where and to whom I should open up my heart or my house to so that I will not willingly bring in enemy disguising as a friend in Jesus name

Mighty father I commit your daughter you use daily for this daily prayer guide her path and never let her fall for the enemy to rejoice in Jesus name

I decree every unrelenting forces pursuing my life and household, today marks their end permanently in Jesus name

I decree every spoken word into the air or into any element of the world working tirelessly against my destiny and family is destroyed totally in Jesus name

I command every hand reaching into places of my breakthrough to cause confusion or problem whither now in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you mighty father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will live and not die, the power of ressurection is working over my life. The almighty king is above every power or king in my life. The lord is ruling and shaping my destiny in the way He has purposed for my life. I am walking into my rest, I will not labour for others to eat, my labour is crowned with divine favour. The unrelenting battle or spiritual force meddling with my destiny is totally negated. I am a conqueror, a champion, a success, a victor. I am above all negative power and authority, I am kinging because the king of kings rules and reigns in and through me in Jesus name.*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 23rd November 2018©

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Prayer from Psalms 27:5-6

Song by J.J Hairston

My hallelujah belongs to You 
My hallelujah belongs to You
My hallelujah belongs to You
My hallelujah belongs to You

You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it

All of the glory belongs to You
All of the glory belongs to You
All of the glory belongs to You
All of the glory belongs to You

You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it You deserve it

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

All the glory, all the glory, 
And all the honor, all the honor,
And all the praise, all the praise
You deserve it You deserve it
You deserve it

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.  And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord .
Psalms 27:5‭-‬6 KJV


Almighty God my redeemer I worship and give praise to you my king

My help and sustainer I give glory to you for who you are and what you do for me on daily basis in Jesus name

My father I thank you for this new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness of my sins and blood shed on calvary for my sake in the name of Jesus

Eternal father thank you for your word that is sent to me daily to refresh my soul in Jesus name

Lord thank you for giving me a new song and for removing all clothing of disgrace off my life in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for lifting off and casting away  all disturbing hurdles off my path to greatness in Jesus name

Lord thank you for making this year a year of supernatural blessings all the way for me in Jesus name

Mighty father thank you for your love showered on me daily in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your word that constantly directs me and shows me how much you love me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel you use to write and broadcast this daily prayer in Jesus name

Father thank you for lifting off every gate placed at the edge of my breakthrough to hinder my progress thank you for the spiritual and physical speed given to me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for this month that is coming to an end because it will not mark my end in Jesus name

Lord thank you for finally removing every plague of sickness and diseases placed in my life and generation in Jesus name

My father thank you for the new doors of greatness you have opened for me and for channelling my feet to the right path in Jesus name

*Begin to thank God in advance over all you can think or ask for, over the past miracles and blessings and those you are expecting and believe it is done in Jesus name*

*Begin to worship God in tongues if you can if not just worship as the spirit leads you*

Thank you king of kings for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is an embodiment of praise and glory of God eternal. The lord has placed my feet on the solid rock, my destiny is lifted beyond any negative gaze or sight. The Lord is in charge of my life, He directs my path daily. The lord has erected an altar of praise in my life because it is my season of unending thanksgiving. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of men what the Lord is doing in my life. Greatness is overflowing through me, mercy is speaking for me, favour is channelled into my path in life. I am an overcomer, a victor, a trailblazer for Christ. I am a light that can never be hidden. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 22nd November 2018©

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Prayer from Ephesians 3:17-19

song by Hillsong Worship

My Jesus, my Saviour
Lord there is none like You
All of my days I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love

My comfort, my shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You

Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing
Power and majesty, praise to the King
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
At the sound of Your name

I sing for joy at the work of Your hand
Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have
In You

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesians 3:17‭-‬19 KJV


My father who is in heaven I worship and adore your name Jehovah

Lord almighty I magnify you for who you are to me and what you do for and through me in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for this blessed day and grace of life in Jesus name

Almighty king thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the blood you shed on calvary for my sake in Jesus name

Abba father have your way in my life this day, lead me in all that I do in Jesus name

Lord fill me up with more of your presence and ignite the fire of your love in me beyond my understanding in Jesus name

King of glory let my life constantly express your love even in places that lack or overflow with love in Jesus name

Lord purify this community and nation and fill us with your overflowing love beyond our understanding in Jesus name

Ancient of days open up my life this day and establish your grace permanently in my life in Jesus name

Lord open my eyes to see that which you want me to do in life in order to live a purposeful life in Jesus name

Lord almighty direct my path in your will and never let me run away from your will, grant me grace to follow you till I see you in glory in Jesus name

Lord almighty keep the fire of your love burning in the life of your child that you use for this daily prayers in Jesus name

Almighty king in all my plan today let favour encompass me beyond my own imaginations in Jesus name

Lord let my faith increase in you and as I step out in faith in all I do let me experience supernatural testimonies in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I serve a God who is mighty and victorious in every area. He is my father and my maker, my defence and provider of all times. His love resides in me daily, I carry His glory everywhere I go. He has made me immovable for any force or power that wants to work against His purpose for my life. My life is experiencing the supernatural impact of the Most High king. I am always winning in all that I do because the one in me is greater than the one in the word. I live move and have my being in the king of kings. I will constantly sing of His love from age to age. I will shout His praise for the earth to hear. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 21st November 2018©

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Prayer from John 4:38

Song by Sinach

I stand amazed in your presence
There is nothing you cannot do
I stand amazed in your presence
There is joy peace and hope

There’s no one like you, Jesus
There’s no one like you, in all the earth
There’s no one like You, Jesus
There’s no one like you

You do mighty things
You do glorious things
You’re a faithful God
Awesome is your name

I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.
John 4:38 KJV


Holy Spirit of God I worship you and give you praise in Jesus name

Everlsting king I bow before you and give you all glory you deserve it all in Jesus name

Mighty father thank you for this blessed new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Everlasting king thank you for the knowledge of your word which is the truth in my life in Jesus name

Mighty king have your way in all I will be doing this day in Jesus name

Lord let your word begin to manifest the results of your promises in my life in Jesus name

Ancient of days glorify yourself in my destiny let the world see you daily in my life in Jesus name

Lord almighty you are the God that turns situations around in my life turn all situations around to your glory henceforth in Jesus name

Lord rain you abundance in my life and over all that I do and let me always have reasons to glorify you in Jesus name

My father arise over my life and let your banner of protection cover me and my household from all fierce darts of enemy fired against us in Jesus name

Lord almighty whatever has remained impossible over my life for so long lay your hands on it today in Jesus name

Lord I commit the source of this morning prayer unto you, arise and change whatever impossible situation in her life daily in Jesus name

Lord eternal that which has been a heart desire for your daughter you use for this daily prayer of Be Inspired grant it unto her beyond her imaginations in Jesus name

Father send your rain of favour over all my labour in life and never let me labour in vain or labour for others to reap in Jesus name

Lord henceforth let my life begin to enjoy your unending riches beyond my natural ability and imaginations in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. The words and promises of God will come to pass in my life, it will never end. The glory of God overshadows my life and His name will always fill my mouth. I am a blessing everywhere I go, at home or abroad my life remains a blessing. The goodness of God is speaking over every labour in my life. Henceforth all labour is replaced with favour. I have a new song, My life is filled with new wine. No longer will I tarry in the place of the forgotten or the unfortunates, tides are changing for good and to the glory of God in my life in Jesus mighty name.*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 20th Novemeber 2018©

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Prayer from 1Samuel 1:2,12,20

Song By Donnie McClurkin

Only You are holy
Only You are worthy
Only You are wonderful
For there's no one else like You
Who is faithful, ever true
All my love, my heart, my life
Is a testimony

Only You are holy
Only You are holy

And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.  And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord , that Eli marked her mouth.  Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord .
1 Samuel 1:2‭, ‬12‭-‬12‭, ‬20 KJV


Lord eternal I magnify your name for who you are

Eternal Rock of ages I bless your majesty and bow in worship before you

Abba father thank you for this blessed day and grace of life in Jesus name

Elohim thank you for your love and forgiveness of sin in Jesus name

Father thank you for making this season my season of answered prayers in Jesus name

Lord thank you for making my life a testimony that will cause those who believe and those who don't believe to come to the knowledge of you through me in Jesus name

Father thank you for putting an end to all the hurts and shame in my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for changing long term name calling and labelling due to circumstance around me, to a new name for me in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for having your way beyond my imagination and for making all that seem impossible very possible in Jesus name

Lord thank you for bringing to manifestation all my desired change that seem to have taken longer than expected in Jesus name

Father thank you for doing a new thing that makes those who have rejected me,  run to me because of the glory that is beaming in my life in Jesus name

Heavenly father thank you for giving me grace to humble myself and not allow pride to send me into unpleasant positions in life in Jesus name

Father thank you for giving me the ability to be at the right place at the right time and make good use of prayer when needed to channel my breakthrough towards me in Jesus name

Lord let it be said by all men that indeed my life is a testimony of your greatness as you begin to manifest in every area of my life in Jesus name

Lord expose my life henceforth to undeniable victory and success even in places I least expect in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will live and not die, the power of ressurection is working over my life. My destiny is refined for new life in Christ. I am a living testimony the Lord has erased all buts in my life that keeps me in position I detest. Those who have gathered to mock me are beginning to gather to rejoice with me because my life is evangelising the great power of God. Barrenness, sickness, poverty, depression, confusion, destruction has no power over my destiny henceforth. My life story daily is about testimony because I am renewed and refined by The word and He is working wonders in me in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 19th November 2018©

Prayer from Psalms 119:105

Song by Kendrick Graham

Lord, the light of your love is shining
In the midst of the darkness, shining
Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
Set us free by the truth you now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me

Shine, Jesus, shine
Fill this land with the Father's glory
Blaze, Spirit, blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord, and let there be light

Lord, I come to your awesome presence
From the shadows into your radiance
By the blood I may enter your brightness
Search me, try me, consume all my darkness
Shine on me, shine on me

As we gaze on your kingly brightness
So our faces display your likeness
Ever changing from glory to glory
Mirrored here may our lives tell your story
Shine on me, shine on me

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
Psalms 119:105 NKJV


Heavenly Father I magnify you and give all glory to your name accept it all in Jesus name

Lilly of the valley I bow before your throne and worship your majesty

Lord thank you for this new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father thank you for your love, forgiveness of my sin and your mercy that speaks over judgement in Jesus name

Eternal rock of ages have your way in my life and all that I engage in this day in Jesus name

Lord shine your light upon my life and take me out of any form of darkness I am in known or unknown in Jesus name

Lord Jesus guide my journey in life with your word and uplift me to the level of victory in Jesus name

Lord I commit my thoughts into your hands fill it with your divine presence so that my utterance henceforth will bring glory to your name in Jesus name

Lord as I get deep in your word, never let me be too familiar in a way that I treat your word with contempt in Jesus name

Ancient of days, I need your delivering hands upon my destiny, deliver me from everything I have attached myself to that is causing my life pain in Jesus name

Lord Jesus by your power make me a light carrier that leads others to your light at all time in Jesus name

King of kings this day speak to me and take off all forms of doubt that is limiting me spiritually or physically in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Lord for everything and answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world.The Lord is my light and salvation, He shines His light daily in my life. My path is illuminated by the everlasting light, My wisdom is enlightened by the word of God. My ability is increased and soaked in the strength of Messiah. Therefore weakness has no stand in my life or over my being. I am shining all through life and I scale through all hurdles victoriously because Jehovah is doing great and mighty things through me. I am an overcomer and I can never be put to shame or disppointed. My destiny is covered and cannot be truncated, Jesus is working and moving mountains for my sake. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 18th November 2018©

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Prayer from Luke 18:2-5


I will lift up mine eyes to the hills
From whence cometh my help
My help cometh from the Lord
The Lord which made Heaven and Earth

He said He would not suffer thy foot
Thy foot to be moved;
The Lord which keepeth thee
He will not slumber nor sleep

Oh the Lord is thy keeper
The Lord is thy shade
Upon thy right hand
Upon thy right hand

No, the sun shall not smite thee by day
Nor the moon by night
He shall preserve thy soul
Even forever more

My help, my help, my help
All of my help cometh from the Lord

saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man.  Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’  And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man,  yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ ”
Luke 18:2‭-‬5 NKJV


Ancient of days I worship and extol your majesty for who you are in Jesus name

Lord eternal I magnify your Holy name and give you praise for your grace and kindness over me in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life in Jesus mighty name

Abba father thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and your blood shed on calvary for my sake in the name of Jesus

Father thank you for being my help at all time and for not keeping me stranded in needs or wants in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for the open heaven over all my heart desires in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the forgiveness of generational sin that has been crying and demanding justice over my life in Jesus name

Lord eternal I worship you for your love that overshadows everything in my life in Jesus name

Abba concerning my utmost heart desire arise and raise help for me in Jesus name

Jehovah let helpers of destiny locate me even where I least expect in Jesus name

My father in anyway I have depended on human being and I have been let down replace such source with your supernatural and divine help in Jesus name

Lord let people who you have called to help me begin to locate me, even helpers from my past generations, let them locate me and my family in Jesus name

Lord over (mention) I need your help, even when it seem impossible I want your help to make all impossibility possible in Jesus name

Heavenly father arise and send your help to this nation and deliver us from leaders that will not do your will in Jesus name

My father I have no other God but you, where I have been laughed to scorn raise help for me and show me your divine breakthrough in Jesus name

Lord the animals in the field do not lack, where my back has been hit severally against the wall arise today and give me victory and consistent breakthrough in Jesus name

*Begin to thank God in advance for all His help you had before, you have now and you will have and believe it is settled in Jesus name*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. My feet will not slide into the plot of the evil doers. The Lord is my help and salvation, He has delivered me from all works of flesh and power of enemy. The Lord has opened a new door concerning my life in all areas. The Lord is my shield and my strength. Kings are coming to my rising, whatever I lay my hands on prospers henceforth. Things I have desired for so long are manifesting according to the will of God. The Lord has torn the veil of demacation, I have free access into greater places. It is my season and time to shine glory be to Jehovah. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 17th Novemeber 2018©

Friday, 16 November 2018

Prayer from Psalms 52:8-9

Song by Sinach

I will sing of your mercy and your love
Of your goodness and your grace

Oh oh oh glory to your name
I shout it loud
Glory to your name
Oh oh oh glory to your name
I shout it loud
Glory to your name

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Glory to your name.

But I am  like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise You forever, Because You have done it; And in the presence of Your saints I will wait on Your name, for it is good.
Psalms 52:8‭-‬9 NKJV


Almighty father I magnify you and praise your majesty for who you are in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your grace that is available and sufficient for me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life in Jesus name

King of kings thank you for your mercy and forgiveness of sin in Jesus name

Lord thank you for filling my mouth with new song and for uplifting me daily in your love in Jesus name

Abba father thank you for your divine guidance and love showered upon me daily you deserve all the praise in Jesus name

Lord I commit all my engagement this day into your hands have your way and guide me in all that I do in Jesus name

Lord let my mouth always be filled with the testimonies of your wonders in Jesus name

Lord make me fruitful in good works and let my labour of love in your vineyard be acceptable before you in Jesus name

Father I thank you for the new things you have started in my life and for perfecting all that needs to be perfected in Jesus name

Lord thank you for delivering me from all forms of fear that might want to keep me in unpleasant situation in Jesus name

Holy one of Israel as I wait on you in life let my life encounter divine visitation in every aspect in Jesus name

My father lift off my life all hinderance that wants to keep me away from glorifying you in anyway in Jesus name

Lord eternal uproot everything that is growing thorns in the midst of my joy in Jesus name

Lord let this season be a season of harvest and thanksgiving in my life in every aspect in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. I will constantly sing of the mercies of my God, His praise will fill my mouth. The Lord has began a marvellous thing in my life and He will bring it to perfect completion in Jesus name. His grace is making ways for me in the wilderness and rivers that overflow with living water in the desert. The Lord is rebuilding and reshaping my life to the glory of His name. Jehovah has kept me in His shield to fulfill glorious purpose in life. I am a living testimony, a success, a conqueror and a blessing in every area in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 16th November 2018©

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Prayer from Psalms 126:1-3


Thank you, Thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
Thank you Lord for everything
You have done

When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.
Psalms 126:1‭-‬3 NKJV


Lord eternal I worship and magnify your wonderful name accept it all in Jesus name

Everlasting king I bow before your throne and give praise to you for all you are doing in my life in Jesus name

King of glory thank you for this new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Abba father thank you for your mercies that endures over my life and grace to live for you in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for the privilege to be called your child and for your word that daily ignite the fire of your love in me in Jesus name

Holy spirit divine have your way in me this day lead and guide all that I will be doing from my utterance to my association with people in Jesus name

Lord thank you for setting me free and for removing all shackles of embarrassment and stagnation off my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the new door of opportunities and blessings you have opened henceforth for me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for breaking protocols for my sake and for removing every hinderance on my way of breakthrough in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for your unchanging power that keeps bringing positive changes in my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for breaking all casket and filling all graves with those who wished that for me in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for casting down all imagination and thinking that doesn't glorify you in my life and for making public ridicule of them to the glory of your name and my victory in Jesus name

Lord thank you over(mention) for renouncing the plans of my adversaries and for giving me undeniable victory, to you be all the glory in Jesus name

Lord thank you for this community, the church and this nation for letting your will stand above any contrary plans in Jesus name

Lord thank you over the lives of as many on mission field for the gospel, thank you for your guidance, leading and your direction and for keeping your plan concerning them to come to manifestation in Jesus name

*Begin to thank God in advance over all your prayer request, heart desires, worries and believe it is settled as you pray in Jesus name*

Thank you Jehovah for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is in the hands of Messiah. He directs my path daily, He has returned back all that was stolen and cause my divine restoration beyond the imagination of men. The Lord has uprooted all plants that needs to be uprooted off my life, for me to have a glorious destiny. All my dreams and aspiration are coming to manifestation in Jesus name. No longer will I cry over unfulfilled promises because the Lord is bringing all His promises to accomplishment concerning me. I am daily lifted and upgraded by the word of God. My life is a message to the world, through me many will come to know the Mighty God I serve. I am a partaker of His great love and divine acceleration in all areas. My abundance is overflowing in all aspect because Jehovah Jireh is making divine and abundant provision for me in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 15th Novemeber 2018©

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Before the storm

Before The Storm

Text: Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go and pray over there.”  And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.” He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will. ” Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?  Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Again, a second time, He went away and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.”  And He came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy. So He left them, went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words. Then He came to His disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.  Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand.”
Matthew 26:36‭-‬46 NKJV

Praise be to God for He is good and wonderful His mercies endureth forever.. I do not take the privilege to share the word as a joke because in each message God gives a messenger the messenger themself have message or messages embeded in the message. I thank you Holy Spirit of God the Master above all masters, the teacher above all teachers, the master of the universe, the king of all kings, glorious beyond description you are worthy to be praised Lord Jesus. Have your way in the word this day and speak through me and to me and to all that will read this message in Jesus name. Amen

Storm is a violent disturbance according to the online dictionary, it is filled with strong wind that disturbs the peace of the atmosphere or environment.

To start with imagine having a nap after a stressful day or activity and whilst you were deep into that nap or sleep you were rudely woken by a sound or any form of pandemonium. To start with your heart will beat faster than usual racing really high because your thoughts are sensing danger even when you cannot see the danger or ascertain the danger but the fact that you were caught unaware makes your heart race.

That is what some storm looks like, thank God for weather forecasters who are able to actually tell if a storm is coming that helps people brace themselves before the storm arives and this leads us directly into the topic. Before the storm..

There could have been peace before the storm but when the storm comes it snatches the peace away. Let us go into the scripture reference for today.

So Jesus and the disciples were in Gethsemane and Jesus excused Himself from the midst of the disciples. He told them to sit there while He go and pray. He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, I will call them the inner circle. I am not insinuating that that was what they were but I envisage they were close to Jesus in a way. He told them how sorrowful he felt, how troubled His soul was to death and He said to them to remain there and watch. They were placed on an assignment of watching. Jesus went a little further, He fell to His face a position of surrendering and prayed to God the father asking Him to take the cup away but still He asked that the will of God the father be done and not His(Jesus) will. He identified that Something was brewing and that thing would lead to His death. When He got back to the disciples they were fast asleep, Jesus said to them so you cannot even watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The disciples responded that the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. Jesus went away the second time and asked God the father that if the situation cannot pass except He partake of it that The will of God the father be done. When He got back to the disciples they were asleep again. He went again the third time repeating same prayer and when He returned the disciples were still tired He asked them to take their rest later becuase the hour has come for Him to be betrayed. Hallelujah!

Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to this earth was to die for us all so we can receive salvation but prior to that happening He went to speak to the Lord. It is a form of spiritual preparation breaking Him loose from attaching so blindly to the flesh. He was prepared even before He was born yet He still spent time to speak to God.

How does that relate to you and I now? in a lot of ways. Many things in life stands as storm. Some have stormy health, stormy marriage, stormy carrier, stormy relationship, stormy job, stormy ministry, stormy family, stormy children, stormy spouse, whatever takes off one's peace can be a storm in their own little, mild or large way.

But How do you prepare for those little storm. Jesus show us example by praying and having an active faith. The first prayer He asked that the God the father take the situation away but still asked for the will of God the father. The following prayer He asked for the will of God to be done. How often do we prepare our ways or whatever we engage in, having God at the Forefront, centre and back? Sometimes it seems like we are running away from the radar of God we are ready to take the wheel from His hands because what we want, we want it now either He is ready for that to be in our life or not.

God will take some things away from our lives because He knows they are storms waiting to happen and He will allow some storm which we might find to be so daunting because He wants us to overcome victoriously through them. I don't know who I am speaking to this present hour but if you didn't or don't go through all that preparation you cannot see the victory. He has prepared you for a victory after the storm just because you involved Him before the storm. Some find the word of God to be some sacred word, I agree but His word is a weapon and shield, a guide and a pointer at thesame time but it will only be effective if we understand and relate with the word as He wants us to.

So what are you doing now, seeking the world or seeking the word? Through Jesus all the answers can come no matter what stage you are in life or what storm you think you are in. Jesus is above all of It, He was there before the storm, He controls the storm and will be there when the storm is over and That storm will definitely be over if you keep your focus on Him and believe in Him.

Storm as mentioned earlier can be anything that disturbs your peace. So are you goung to keep looking unto that thing that is disturbing your peace or turn to the Prince of Peace to overcome?

Let Us Pray

Almighty father I worship you for the word you have given to me this day

Thank you father for you are always present there for me

Lord thank you for forgiving me even when I fail to look up to you or call on you

Lord I commit everything determined to steal my peace into your hands today let an end come to them in Jesus name

Lord let your will that will glorify your name through me by overcoming begin to manifest in my life henceforth in Jesus name

Personal Prayer.

Thank you Lord almighty for calming all storms and for answered prayers in Jesus name

Be Inspired by His Word November 2018©

Prayer from Psalms 25:1-4


Unto you oh Lord
Do I lift up my soul
Unto you oh Lord
Do I lift up my voice
Oh my Lord I trust in thee
Let me not be ashamed
Let not my enemies triumph
Over me

To You, O Lord , I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord ; Teach me Your paths.
Psalms 25:1‭-‬4 NKJV

Lord eternal I worship and exalt you for who you are in my life in Jesus name

Almighty father I bow in adoration and give you praise for all you do accept it all in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness and remission of my sin in Jesus name

Lord my hope is in you, do not let me be put to shame see me through all my endeavors in Jesus name

Mighty God I come to you just as I am help me in every area I need help in Jesus name

Lord destroy all plot known or unknown wanting to put me to shame in Jesus name

King of glory erase every ordinance of enemy concerning my destiny known or unknown in Jesus name

Father I commit the church as a whole worldwide unto you, put the enemies of the church to shame in Jesus name

Lord as I wait on you over(mention) give me a positive life transforming and destiny fulfilling testimonies in Jesus name

Lord Jesus among those who's blood has been marked for sacrifice by the enemy do not let me and my household partake of such in Jesus name

Jehovah in all my doing continue to be my strength and let me excel above the plan and understanding of an ordinary man in Jesus name

Lord Jesus let my season of harvest begin now and remove from my life every from of dryness and unfriutfullness in Jesus name

Lord I commit my child(ren) unto you never let them become a sacrificial lamb for anyone, be their shield against any form of sudden death or evil sacrifice in Jesus name

Abba father increase my confidence in you and let your word resonate constantly in my life in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Lord almighty for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. My soul is secured in the hands of the Most High, No power of hell or scheme of man can take over my soul. The Lord is leading me above and beyond the plans of the enemies. My life is secured in Jehovah, I will never be put to shame, I will never be disgraced. His graced is multiplied and sufficient for me in all areas. I move mountains with my words and I soar high and high like an eagle. My destiny is secured in the lamb that was slain. I am a living testimony, everything around me is turning for good and to the glory of God. I am not a candidate of the enemy, no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rise against me in judgement is condemned. I am victorious. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 14th November 2018©

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Prayer from Exodus 14:20-22

Song by Mary Mary

There will be mountains
That I will have to climb
And there will be battles
That I will have to fight
But victory or defeat
It's up to me to decide
But how can I expect to win
If I never try

I just can't give up now
I've come too far from where
I started from
Nobody told me
The road would be easy
And I don't believe He's brought me this far
To leave me

Never said there wouldn't be trials
Never said I wouldn't fall
Never said that everything would go
The way I want it to go
But when my back is against the wall
And I feel all hope is gone
I'll just lift my head up to the sky
And say help me to be strong, oh

I just can't give up now
I've come too far from where
I started from
Nobody told me
The road would be easy
And I don't believe He's brought me this far
To leave me

Oh, I know You didn't bring me
Out here to leave me lonely, oh no
Even when I can't see clearly
I know that You are with me so I can't

So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was a cloud and darkness to  the  one, and it gave light by night to  the  other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were  a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
Exodus 14:20‭-‬22 NKJV


Lord almighty I bless and worship your majesty for who you are in Jesus name

King of glory I appreciate you for your grace that is available and sufficient for me in Jesus name

Abba father thank you for this new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for your mercy and forgiveness of sin in Jesus name

Lord thank you for your word that renews my mind and instill divine confidence in me daily in Jesus name

Father I come to you this day remove every spirit and thought of giving up at the verge of my breakthrough in Jesus name

I decree as the Lord parted the red sea for the Israelites to go through every blocked path be opened in Jesus name

I decree no longer will fear deny me of experiencing the supernatural power of God in every aspect of my life in Jesus name

I command every power standing against my breakthrough to be rendered useless in Jesus name

I decree every pursuer that is pursuing me and my household relentlessly aiming to destroy us receive divine judgement now in Jesus name

I decree every mountain that seem so great and is challenging in my path, henceforth begin to move and turn to stepping stone to my greatness and glory in Jesus name

I command every prophesy of doom spoken about me or my family to return back to sender in Jesus name

I cancel the manifestation of every evil revelation Concerning me and every member of my household in Jesus name

I terminate all joy rider, that wants to use my destiny as a toy in Jesus name

I decree that every occurrence that is questioning and testing my faith today I receive my divine victory over them all in Jesus name

I command every generational delay concerning my life in any aspect to stop existing in the name of Jesus

I decree every handout of failure passed from generation to generation today marks their end in my generation in Jesus name

*Begin to pray over every challenge testing your faith pray in tongues if you can, if not pray as the lord gives you utterance*

Thank you mighty father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. The Lord as given me victory that can never be denied, the Holy Spirit is working consistently over my case. I can never give up, my confidence is daily renewed because the Lord is my strength. I am moving mountains and levelling all valleys. The king of kings is going before me, with me and behind me therefore I become untouchable to the forces and powers of enemies. When I decree it is established. When others say there is a casting down my testimony is, there is a lifting up because I serve Jehovah Nissi. My victory and success is undeniable. I am a victor never will I be a victim. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 13th November 2018©

Monday, 12 November 2018

Prayer from Luke 22:42


When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart
I'll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about you,
It's all about you, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about you,
It's all about you, Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express
How much you deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is yours
Every single breath
I'll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42 NKJV


Lord almighty I give you praise and glory for Who you are to me in Jesus name

Almighty king I bless your majesty and worship you for your grace upon my life in Jesus name

Eternal father I thank you for this new dawn and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for the forgiveness and remission of my sin in Jesus name

Lord almighty thank you for your love that is forever sufficient in my life in Jesus name

Lord in all that I do grant me grace to do your will even when it seems humanly impossible in Jesus name

Lord as I pray and wait on you renew my strength and replace all fear with faith in you in  Jesus name

Heavenly Father in your mercy let my life constantly give glory to you and fulfill purpose of creation in Jesus name

Almighty king whatever I do to propagate the gospel let my life never become a way that mislead others from the truth of the gospel in Jesus name

Lord almighty in your power guide me in everything I lay my hands on and direct my feet to the path you want me to go in Jesus name

Lord almighty uproot everything in my lineage that will not want me to live a glorious life in Jesus name

Father let my focus on you be steady and do not let my life yield to circumstances around me in Jesus name

Lord give me victory that will let others know that indeed I serve a living God beyond my imaginations in Jesus name

Ancient of days let my days constantly be illuminated by your light and remove every form of darkness planning to overshadow my life away in Jesus name

Lord eternal deliver my destiny from any power planning to cage me in unwanted circumstance in Jesus name

I decree that this community, nation and body of Christ world wide will enjoy the fullness of the grace of God beyond the understanding of human in Jeuss name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am filled with the righteousness of God by Faith. As Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is hidden in the light of the world, I can never be in darkness. The Lord is my guide and guard, He watches my step day and night. I can never be disadvantaged, the one that watches over me neither sleep nor slumber. God almighty has set me on a pinnacle of grateness, no power or authority can bring me down. The will of God is manifesting in and through me. My life is filled with blessings, doors of opportunities opened unto me remains open, every thing I lay my hands on prosper. The glory of God shines mightily around my life, I am victorious like never before and His glory shines constantly in my life. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 12th November 2018©

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...