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Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Unchanging God

The Unchanging God
Text: Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I change not;"

Praise be to God for another opportunity to share His word this morning. The almighty and invisible maker of all. He alone deserves all the praise and glory. Hallelujah

Change as it's often said is a constant thing in the life of man. There are times we crave so bad for change, from shelter to job, to clothes, even friends and so many things. There is no one on earth that will say they desire not to change. Even if you desire not to change, your age and years on earth changes annually so one way or the other we all encounter change.

In the Bible text, it reads that God doesn't change. There is no country that have had same ruler for centuries, even if you have a dictator in the place of authority there are parts of the the things in that country that constantly experience change(s) such as the law, the members of the cabinent. If they don't retire they either age and die. So practically in life there is nothing that remains or anyone that remains permanently in one position. Even people with genetic disability that do not grow at some point cease to exist. That just shows that man can be replaced but God will remain God.

In James 1:17 " Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights in whom there is no shadow of turning". This God is more than amazing, He gives things that changes the life of people but that doesn't reduce Him from having more or being whom He is.

Say for example you ask Him for a child, as children are one of the gifts from Him, the fact that He gives one person quadruplets doesn't mean there are no more baby for someone who is seeking Him for just one child. He changes lives but still remains unchanged. Hebrews 13:8 let us understand that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever". We understand that Jesus Christ and God are one John 10:30. If He is thesame everyday that means before you get to your future, He is there, presently He is there and He was in your past. In as much as you have grown and lots of changes and transformations has occured in your life. God still remains the ancient of days.

If this God I am talking about is the unchangeable changer then there is no change you are so much in thirst of that He cannot do. He is a specialist in that area. He does His works in a way no man would be able to argue that indeed this is not the power of the unchangeable changer.

The benefits of knowing the unchangeable changer is vast can I imploy you to trust in the unchanging God today and for the rest of your life. There is no change(s) you desire for that He cannot do as long as it's His will for you. Be it health, career, marital issues, status, finance He is better than the earthly qualified experts. All you need to do is entrust it in His care and believe in Him.

Let us pray

Father I thank you for your word this day accept all my thanks in Jesus name

Lord almighty forgive me in anyway I have belittled your power in my life in Jesus name

Lord almighty you my heart cry visit me this day in Jesus name

Lord I need the touch of your changing hands in (mention) in Jesus name

Lord as you changed the circumstances of Jabez change my circumstance better than it presently is in Jesus name

Lord as you changed the situation of Job even when he had lost all he had change my situation restore my loss with abundance in Jesus name

Lord as you changed the life of Saul of Tarsus change my life in Jesus name

Lord as you changed the life of Obed-edom change my life in Jesus name

Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

Be Inspired by His word April 2017 ©

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