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Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Avoid Distraction

Topic: Avoid Distraction
Text: 2 Samuel 11:1-27

Praise be to God for His word that sheds light over darkness, for the grace to seek Him and come out of confusion because He is not the author of confusion. Hallelujah be to Him alone.

Distraction can be anything that catches one's attention and divert it from the main focus. The topic says avoid distractions, this is because distraction can be deadly and can in line truncate destiny.

The Bible text is the story of how David and Bathsheba got together. It was a relationship that from the view of men shouldn't have happened but nothing happens on earth that surprise God. It may come as surprise to us human but Alpha and Omega is never taken by surprise of any kind.

David was a King, a commander of the army of Israel. He had a huge responsibility upon him as a leader but one faithful day he put aside his responsibility and chased after distraction.

2 Samuel 11:1-2 "In the spring, at the time kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king's men and the whole Israelites army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was beautiful"

From the above verses it's clear that David stayed when he was meant to be in battle. The opening line said when kings go off to war he stayed in Jerusalem. Why he stayed was not mentioned.

The situation here can be likened to  a driver, who all of a sudden takes their focus off the road and destination and suddenly fixate on something else. Such driver will crash and will not get to their destination except God permit some kind of miracle to happen.

Distrations can come from anything, anyone and anywhere but you must be ready to see and understand where or who the distraction is and by the grace of God stay focused or else you might not get to where you ought to in life God forbid.

David did not just stay back, he took a walk on the roof of the palace from where he could see the entire kingdom. He wasn't spiritually prepared for what he saw. Behold he saw a beautiful woman Bathsheba purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness 2 Samuel 11:4.  David couldn't hold himself, he immediately sent someone to tell her to come.  He met her that very day, so he wasn't only distracted, he diverted totally from his main focus and commited sin.

Many will say well he was a man with authority and as the king he could do what pleased him. But David wasn't an ordinary king. He was a set apart, peculiar, chosen vessel of God. His appointment as a king was divine among all the children of Jesse (2 Samuel 5). He was a product of divine favour and divine assignment so his position as the king was heavenly bound.

The Bible says Proverbs 16: 27 says "Idle hands are the devil's workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece". The mission of devil is to steal kill and destroyed according to John 10:10 nothing good comes out from any devil initiated transaction or mission the end is always disastrous.

The enemy saw a way to penetrate into the life of David and from committing adultery he ended up commiting murder. He used one sin to cover the other. He slept with Bathsheba and ended up setting up Uriah the Hittite's death.

When he was meant to be at the war front as a leader he took a break, he waited behind. The Bible says in Psalms 133:2 that the oil on the head of Aaron runs down on his head and to the colar of his robes. A leader's anointing flows farther to the least of the people they lead. If he was at the war front as he ought to be, his impact would have been felt much better than him commanding from the palace but distraction was already at work.

Distraction can truncate destiny, when the enemy see that one is on the right track, he comes up with all kinds of tricks and means to get you under his control. You must be mindful of the devices and tactics of the enemy. It doesn't matter how strong or how deep in faith you are satan can use anything or anyone to fulfill his mission according to John 10:10.

You must constantly be aware of the effects of distractions in life, from what will stop or limit your prayer life, to what will constantly make you progress in sin until you finally sink in sin. I pray the Lord almighty will grant us all power to live above sin known or unknown in Jesus name.

David was a great king, he was a man who pured his heart out to God but the enemy targeted him and got him. As Christians we are constantly on the battle field, some rest are not worth taking so we must always keep ourselves under the shadow of the Almighty. The only one who see the battle before it starts and wins it. We need to make sure that we are open minded to what God is saying to us regardless of how busy our life is or not. By constantly inclining our hearts to always respond to God and His precept we overcome even before the battle start.

Distractions can cost one their salvation that is how bad it is. Judas Iscariot is a perfect example. He was distracted by money. He knew Jesus so well but when distraction came he neglected all the teachings and followed suit. It cost him his life and salvation.

It's good to constantly examine ourselves, what are the little and petty distractions in our lives that are gradually breaching our access to the throne of heaven. Where is our mind being polluted that is not allowing the word of God and His will take preeminence. The Lord will reveal to us if we open up and allow Him to do that which he can do. I pray that God will make us overcome any form of distraction and their mission in our lives in Jesus name.

Let us pray

Heavenly father I thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord almighty have mercy on me and forgive my shortcomings in Jesus name

Heavenly father open my heart to be sensitive to the tactics of the enemy in Jesus name

Lord give me grace not to take a break when I ought to be at the battle front in Jesus name

Lord never let me become too complacent and familiar with your ways that I will forget to seek you in all I do in Jesus name

Lord Jesus help me to live for you even in this dying world in Jesus name

Lord in anyway I am far gone in distraction draw me back and close to you in Jesus name

Lord Jesus fill me with constant thought of what you want me to do. And not what I want to do in Jesus name

Thank you Abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

Be Inspired By His Word April 2017©

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