Song By Israel Houghton
Away away from the noise
alone with you
away away to hear your voice
and meet with you
nothing else matters my one desire is
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
John 4:23 KJV
Lord I thank you for another day and breath of life in Jesus name
Hevenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sin in Jesus name
Lord I come to the throne of mercy let all my supplication meet your mercy today in Jesus name
Father empty me of any thing that will make my worship or prayer unacceptable in Jesus name
Lord I thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name
Ancient of days I thank you for your awesome power of deliverance from the string of darkness in Jesus name
Lord away form all formality I have come to you embrace me with your presence in Jesus name
Father remove from my life anything that will stop me from living up to the standard you want me to in Jesus name
Lord i drop down all human doctrine caging me to particular way of serving you I want to be closely drawn to you help me in Jesus name
Lord my father empty me of any type of living that constantly make me unworthy or like an hypocrite in Jesus name
Oh Lord grant me the enablement to work & walk my salvation with focus on you alone in Jesus name
Lord I don't want to be carried away with the worries of life, help me not major on what is minor and minor what is actually major in this christian race in Jesus name
Father lift me to the height of overflowing in the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name
Lord my God endow my soul with the ressurection power in Jesus name
Lord almighty awaken my spirit man from a slumber that can make me a prey to the workers & works of iniquity in Jesus name
Lord hold me close and let me always remember that nothing else in heaven or on earth is more important than living for you and reigning with you in Jesus name
Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name
Today's Prayer By Be Inspired(By His word) 16th April 2017©
Happy Easter
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