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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Stir Up The Faith In You

Topic; Stir Up the Faith in You
Text: 2 Kings 4:1-37

Our God is awesome beyond description and He remains the One who can do and undo. The topic says stir up your faith. Hallelujah! The word stir is used to describe different things for example keeping something in motion or a sudden and exciting sensation that rise within the body.

Faith as Hebrew 11:1 says is the  assurance of things hoped for and evidence of things unseen. The scripture let us understand that having faith is one of the ways we can please God. So without faith in us there is no point calling ourself a follower of Christ. The word of God that we read on daily basis only comes to live if we exert the faith in us to agree with the things that is written.

The text talks about the faith of two women. The first one is 1 Kings 4:1-7 tells the story of a widow of one of the sons of the prophet. Who's husband had unpaid debt before his death. The people he owed were threatening her that her two sons will be taken into slavery for their father's debt. I pray that you will not pay for what you don't owe and in anyway you are caught up in that the Lord will send deliverance your way now in Jesus name. She explained her case to Elisha and he told her to use what she has in the house as a source to get what she needed. The widow could have winked behind Elisha and say He makes no sense but she didn't. She went to her neighbours even the one she didn't get along with and those who might have mocked her to borrow vessels. She didn't call an audience because the Prophet said she should close the door behind her leaving her and her sons. She did just that and started pouring into the vessels until were all filled up she lost count and asked her son to bring the next one but she was told there isn't any left. When God does things to work for our good at times we grumble, nag and become restless. If she had thought okay the oil isn't even enough for to fill a jar, this prophet is he okay? if she had started lamenting instead of obeying she will probably die while her children will be paying for what they didn't owe. she stirred up the faith in her in agreement with what the prophet asked her to do. She obeyed and she was able to pay off the debt and even venture into being a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) from selling the divinely supplied oil.

The other part of the Text 1 Kings 4:8-38 is about the Shunammite woman, this woman reached out to Elisha for hospitality purpose but she got what she wasn't even bargaining for. Her husband was old but Elisha wanted to show gratitude to this woman and bless her for such lovely accommodation, she didn't just give him a place to rest but also provided food for him and Gehazi. She had a child when her faith was even shaky but with that little faith she had and the prophecy of Elisha she became a mother when she least expected but at the exact time the prophet said. Her happiness was almist short lived when the only child died on her laps. She didn't even tell her husband (1 Kings 4:19-23) she took the boy to the room Elisha normally lodge when he comes to Shunem. She took things to go to the man of God and told her husband all will be well. When the Prophet saw Her from afar he sensed something but God didn't reveal to him why the woman was there. This is a woman who had touched his ministry, when she got close to him she held unto him with a vexed soul and questioned Elisha if she asked for a child before Elisha said his prophecy and as she is talking to him the child was dead. Elisha went extra mile to get the child back to life. What actually got to me and made me pray more was this woman's faith she kept saying, all will be well, all is well when it was vivid that the reverse was the case. What a confessional faith at the verge of adversity and challenges.

What do you say when life starts throwing blows of adversity at you, what is your confession like when the report is different from your expectation? Do you blame God and rant all curses upon everyone around, do you start calling pity party, Do you start claiming the negativity in the challenges? It's high time you stir up that faith in you. God has given us power to tread upon lion and adder and non of it shall by any means hurt us. Do you even understand the power of faith in you, Do you know how much you can stretch your faith. When Elisha said the woman will have a boy she didn't reject it and she had a boy, when he told the widow to get more vessels she didn't limit it to what she had in the house. She went out to her neighbours to get more vessel.

Can I encourage you to stir up your faith from inside, because people have failed in that field doesn't mean you will fail, because they die at tender age in your family doesn't mean you will die young, because the doctor says you can't be healed doesn't mean God is in agreement with that, the fact other's marriage fail doesn't mean yours won't work or you won't get married. The fact that the law of th land is unfavourable to others doesn't mean that is what your portion is, the fact that your boss decides demotion is your portion doesn't mean God will not promote you. What is the negative occurence that is getting your mind busy and sad, what is it that is constantly challenging your faith. It's time to stir up your faith start calling all those situations and as you do start saying it is well because the word of God is yeah and amen.

Let Us Pray

Father I thank you for another opportunity to receive your undiluted word today in Jesus name

Lord almighty help my unbelief and remove all iota of doubts in me in Jesus name

Lord I come to you and I rededicate my life to you in Jesus name

Father you are too big for error and I know you are perfectly able to right all wrongs in my life in Jesus name

Lord you can change my mistake around because you know it all from the beginning, step in in Jesus name

Father despite all my flaws you keep seeing me through, help me to stir up my faith in all areas of life in Jesus name

Lord I speak life over every dead situation in my life and lineage in Jesus name

Father you are constantly available never let me ignore your help or leading in Jesus name

Lord Almighty over (mention) grant my heart desires according to your will in Jesus name

Lord Just like the widow and the Shunammite woman turn my disappointment to divine appointment, turn my mourning into dancing, use the faith like a mustard seed in me to move the mountain in my way and grant me speed to cross over to my destiny fulfilling stage in Jesus name

Thank you for answered prayers and thank you for being God in my life in Jesus name

Be Inspired (By His Word)©

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