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Monday, 27 March 2017


Topic: The Stiller Of Storm
Text: Mark 4:35-41

Storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere which is often accompanied with diverse changes of weather according to the online dictionary. To still such  disturbance, it will need a supernatural power and whose power is most likely to do that if not the creator of Heaven and Earth our Lord God Almighty. Hallelujah!
In the Bible Text, it explains how Jesus Christ and the disciples were heading back from a long day of ministerial duties. Prior to the verse 35 He just spoke about the parable of the mustard seed. I often remind myself in any situation that nothing comes to God as a surprise. It may surprise us as human being even when we are in expectation of a particular thing it comes at a time we will be surprised by it especially things that are beyond our human ability. That is something that God never encounter because He knows the end even before the beginning began.

Storms can be anything that disturb our life in a way that works contrary to the will of God but at times it's to bring glory to the name of God. There is always a beginning and end to every storm. From the Bible text it says Jesus Christ was sleeping when the disturbance started. Note He just told them parable about faith like mustard seed but not one of them talked about the faith in them or exert the faith in them. Instead they went to wake their master up in total pandemonium I can only imagine the look on the face(s) of the disciples. They must be like master c'mon wake up we are about to perish. I mean who would be in an unrest situation and start smiling? They even voiced it out that doesn't He care if they drown. This is someone who has performed numerous miracle in their presence how can he now ignore them?

We mostly act like the the disciples did in situations beyond our power, we panic, we neglect our faith, we forget the teachings we have heard, we allow our emotions to run wild, we allow confusions, we become infuriated due to the lies of the enemy, we blame God at times, some of us even run to people who can't safe themselves in the bid to be saved. That is when our flesh cross the borderline and rule over our spirit because we forget who we are.

Causes of Storm
Individual Faults: some of us deep our hands into things that are ghastly and when it starts happening we put people around us in serious dilemma. At times the enemy make it a duty to make the person forget what they did to cause the problem but God is ever merciful when He is called upon He hears and does wonders 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Generational Faults: Some Storms are as a result of generational problems and curses and except one prays properly you might be praying amiss. When the cause is not known the solution can take long to come by. Psalms 11:3, If there is a generational fault or foundation fault prayer can repair it.

Enemy imposed: John 10:10 let us understand the mission of the enemy, so storm is something the enemy can use to accomplish the mission before them. But as a believer the later part said Christ has come to give us life in abundance. So we need to walk with Christ to enjoy the later part.

Unforgiveness : it breeds root of divers chains and storms, this is a slow killer and truncates destiny. many people suffer from the storm of delay, sickness, lack, and many more due to unforgiveness. It can be unforgiveness towards yourself, God and anyone else.

How to Overcome Storm:
To overcome any storm in life you have to go to the stiller of Storm God almighty, the most powerful and glorious one. In verse 39 of the Bible text it says Jesus got up and rebuked the storm just like that. The storm did not grumbled it obeyed. Demons tremble at the sound of His voice and at the mention of His name they are consumed.He understands the source or start of any storm and He is fully aware of ways to permanently silent them. You must acknowledge that there is a storm and you need a storm stiller to stop it. Because many people are feeding and rejoicing on the storms that happen in your life. It's just like hospital or any profession there must be a fault or problem for you to go to a professional. You can't just go to the Dentist and say I visit you because I want to fix my door, no there must be a dental problem you need a professional touch. With our God He gives a creator touch, that is, it makes the whole situation go back to the original state most times better than the original state so His name can be glorified.

Can I just encourage you no matter what you are going through, the stiller of storm is aware, it might seem like He is not bothered but don't be discouraged not to call Him. It may appear that He is sleeping, He has forgotten you, He is not bothered I assured you He is more concerned than you can imagine.

Let Us Pray
Lord we thank you for another opportunity to hear your word in Jesus name

Lord almighty have mercy on me in anyway I have allowed myself to awaken unnecessary storm in my life and lineage in Jesus name

lord remove from me every heart of unforgiveness in me in Jesus name

Father you alone are the stiller of storm I dedicate my life to you today take control in Jesus name

Heavenly Father open my eyes to see the beginning and source of the storm in my life so that I will not pray amiss in Jesus name

Lord Jesus as you show me the source of the storm in my life give me the solution in Jesus name

lord in your name i command the storm in my life to be permanently stilled in Jesus name

Father give me victory over every stormy past, present or future in Jesus name

Lord Jesus over (mention) calm the storm now in Jesus name

Lord as the answer to the disciples call on you made them marvel let the answers to my prayers make me worship you more and draw closer to you in Jesus name

Lord give me  testimony sooner than I envisage in Jesus name

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