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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Prayer from Matthew 22:15

I have no power of my own 2*
Holy spirit I look up to you help me
I have no power of my own

Matthew 22:15 KJV
"Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk."

Lord i thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me and forgive my sins in Jesus name

My father help me to overcome all battles i am surrounded with physically or spiritually in Jesus name

Holy spirit shield me and my household in your divine place in Jesus name

Lord Jesus expose and destroy all evil counsellors and their counselling assigned against me and my household in Jesus name

My father nullify the authority designed to errect and nuture stagnancy and backwardness in my life and household in Jesus name

Lord Jesus empower me spiritually and physically to overcome every forces ready to cause me and household to cry in Jesus name

Thank you Jehovah Nissi for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

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