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Friday, 29 May 2015

Be Inspired End of The Month Fasting and Prayer May 2015

Be inspired end of Month Fasting and prayer.

Friday 29th to Sunday 31st of May 2015

Theme: let there be light

Text: Genesis 1:1-5 KJV

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.  And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Light according to the online dictionary is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. Firstly i would like to start from who is the Light of this world. From the text we understand that God spoke a word and Light came upon the earth that was in total darkness and without form. According to the book of John 1:1 it says "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and God was the word." From this passage we can deduce that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of the word, He is the living word that eradicates darkness regardless of how intense it may be.

He is the Light that shines that darkness cannot comprehend it (John1:5).  He alone is the one that shines His light upon a soul and makes the soul a light that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). Before salvation every believer was in total darkness we came from darkness into darkness because as human we are conceived in sin and born into a world of sin. The moment we become a regenerated soul we become a child of light and hence we are expected to carry the Light and shine it in all areas of the world because we must not be hidden.

To actually partake of the benefit and eternal blessings of the statement let there be light, we must be rooted in the light of the world Himself. We must accept Christ as our only Lord and saviour and live to please Him without these it's impossible to benefit from being a child of the light. Remember seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and ALL other things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33)

Looking at light from another perspective its impossible for a single light to outshine other light in the gathering of lights but a light will stand out and stand tall in the midst of darkness. In our individual lives if we are just getting by shinning light where there are lights we are just an observer but if indeed we are shinning light in the midst of darkness then we are fulfilling our purpose of creation. For exmple if your christian life is only identified in church and no where else you need to come out of that pretence and take this race serious by shinning beyond the church and into this world. This world is surrounded with darkness and its even more pitiful for a man to live in darkness die in darkness buried in the grave which is utter darkness and end up in hell which is eternal darkness i pray this would not be our portion in Jesus name. For such not to happen to any soul we must reach out in evangelism and live for Christ.

Back to the online definition light stimulates sight, our eyes as its fondly said is the light of our body. I have seen people having glaucoma and serious sight defect and honestly its nothing i will wish my enemy. When your eyes start giving up you become helpless and hopeless you fall at the mercy of all. Depression becomes your daily nugget infact you just wait as the day pass by till you see the light of this world no more and pass on to the great beyond. Except you have Christ those days can be the suicidal days.

In this life we have many situations can be an epitome of darkness and we seek a way out a beam of light to direct us out. For examples an employment problem, financial issues, status, family, marital the list is endless the Bible says Hope differed makes the heart sick (Proverbs 1e:12). If answer to prayer tarries you can liken it to being in darkness because every second till the answer comes your hope is tried and you just walk by faith. I pray that all situation(s) that looks like darkness in every individual's life and as a group, today marks their end in Jesus name.

Light is very important in every human life. The Bible says where there is no vision people perish (Proverbs 29:18). When your vision is blurred you get frustrated if not for perseverance through grace. Light is something we should all crave for spiritually, physically and in all aspects of our lives.

I read a story about a blind producer, how he had grown up facing challenges like it was nothing. It built his strength to overcome obstacles. He got married and they asked him what will make him the happiest man. He said if God could allow him to open his eyes and see the face of his wife. He has all he can possibly achieve but sight limits him to certain extent. May we not experience darkness over our destiny in Jesus name.

Let's Pray
Heavenly father i thank you for another grace to partake in the end of the Month fasting and prayer all glory to you in Jesus name.

Lord Jesus have mercy on me forgive me in anyway i have allowed the darkness of this world to penetrate and wound my soul in Jesus name

Lord endow me with grace to overcome every darkness upon my soul that wants to truncate my destiny in Jesus name

Father renew my vision henceforth give me brand new vision so i can successfully complete my mission on earth in Jesus name

Lord quicken my spirit to always do your will even in the place of soul winning let me know no rest except i win souls to your kingdom in Jesus name

Father make me an instrument that is fit for your use never let me become an abandoned vessel in Jesus name

Lord for every Be Inspired family let us have a new encounter with you as children of light in Jesus name

Refocus my life to always be in your will and ways in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name.


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