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Friday, 16 May 2014



We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28) The assurance of things working well for our favour is seen in the above scripture.  Many are times we face disappointment and we feel like God is silent. Brethren God isn't silent He is working things out for you. This period you assume to be God's silent period don't grow weary or tired of waiting on God and keeping your faith. Hold on to God keep your faith active and kick doubt out. I pray that henceforth you will rejoice even as we celebrate HOFC 8th year in Jesus name amen. I pray that whatever you are facing now or might face in the future that will allow doubt to creep into your heart God will give you victory over such in Jesus name amen.  I pray that your mouth will not stop singing songs of praise to God. I pray that God in His awesomeness will show Himself glorious in your life in Jesus name amen.  Say to your soul with confidence " OH MY SOUL YOU HAVE NOT BEEN LEFT ALONE GOD SAYS YOU ARE WORTHY AND HE IS BRINGING THE BEST YOUR WAY BECAUSE HE IS WORKING THINGS OUT FOR YOU IN JESUS NAME AMEN.
Stay fulfilled!

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