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Saturday, 27 July 2019

Quiet Time with persistent faith

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Bible Studies Thursday 25th July 2019*

*Anchor:* Sis Queeneth

*Topic:* Quiet Time with Persistent Faith

*Text:* Luke 18:1-8
Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit. He said, “There was once a judge in some city who never gave God a thought and cared nothing for people. A widow in that city kept after him: ‘My rights are being violated. Protect me!’ “He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to himself, ‘I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But because this widow won’t quit badgering me, I’d better do something and see that she gets justice—otherwise I’m going to end up beaten black-and-blue by her pounding.’” Then the Master said, “Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?”

Luke 18:1‭-‬8 MSG

What do we understand by Quiet time?

*@Harmony:* A time to commune with God in studying and knowing more of Him through His word.
*Bro Femi:* Hmmm, is the time you spend in God Presence. In the secret place.
*Bro Okolo John:* Quiet time is the time of one on one with God, after daring all distractions.
*@Gracious God:* A time alone with God.
*@Abimbola:* A heart to heart time with the Creator.
*Sis Stella:* A time to be alone with one's thought all by himself.
*@Champ:* A time with God.

*Sis Queeneth:* Thank you all for the responses.
Quiet time can also be when there's calmness. When there's no disturbing noise of any sort.
If we merge Quiet time with persistent faith it means a time alone with God and having faith continously every time.
So it means our heart to heart is not a one off thing and it also has faith in it
And faith is the evidence of things not seen and hope for what is to come.

From verse 1 of our study, Jesus taught His disciples to pray always.
Did he mean they should pray every minute of the day?
No, he wanted them to pray everyday and to pray about everything.
He wanted them to keep praying even when they're tempted to give up.
Maybe you have prayed for something for a long time and your prayer hasn't been answered.
Jesus is saying to you: keep praying.
Not just praying as a ritual or for the sake of praying but with faith.
Jesus is faithful and He's a good Father.
God knows what to give His children and when to give them.

Back to our study.
That judge had no regard for man or God and he cared for nothing but this widow, kept on going back time after time.
I wonder how many times the widow must have shouted 'protect me';  carrying placard of 'Protect me!'
How much more our loving Father who provides for the bird in the sky!
There's this verse that is a question that can a mother forget her suckling child?
It continues: Even if she did, I your Father can never forget you (paraphrased).
After this went on, the bible records it that the judge talked to his own personal self (if I may use that expression), talked to his brain.
Sometimes we need to tell ourselves the truth of what we can do and what God can do.
Most of the things we bother about has been settled because God will not allow you do what only He can do.

*@Abimbola:* Hmmnnn. I see myself in this, whatever I cannot do I leave it for God; why draining my energy? I can’t even do it in the first place.

*Sis Queeneth:* God has done it before and He can do it again and again.
All we need to do is to have a Quiet Time with Him and be persistent in faith.
We cannot help God.
Worrying will drain our energy.
Anxiety will take your joy away.

The judge continued: This widow won't quit badgering me.
How many times have we quit on God and do it our own way and got smacked and returned back to God?
I'd better do something!
God will do something that will change our situation to a favourable one in Jesus Name.
God will do something as you wait on Him that will give you a new name In Jesus Name.
God will do something suddenly that will amaze everyone that has given up on you in Jesus Name.

If a corrupt judge can be scared of a widow that has no husband and is helpless; what can a good God not do for you that have heart to heart talk with Him?
The judge said otherwise I'm going to end up *beaten black-and-blue* by her pounding.
As the chosen one of God your own black and blue is *Persistent Faith*.
But how are you willing to be persistent?

Sometimes we're having our quiet tine in a noisy place and God is giving you instructions but you can't hear.
Sometimes we rush out of our quiet time and we don't hear when He's talking.
Some of us even joke with our personal time with God that we can't differentiate God speaking and our mental calculation.
Some of us even do all but our faith can't stand the test of time.
Some of us have faith but we're not persistent.
Quiet time and persistent faith is what we do for ourselves. Nobody can do that for anyone.
It's a personal race and journey.
But in all, our merciful loving Father that has chosen us is still saying "I'm ready to do my part, are you?"
He said rejoice!
Rejoice, He has conquered the world!
Rejoice, you have overcome.
His chosen generation, rejoice!
Rejoice because He will do what He has promised to do.
Rejoice because you're His peculiar one.

I just want to encourage us to take our quiet time with Him seriously.
I know there's so much going on; but when we have our heart to heart talk with Him and see Him even in our turbulence period and we don't lose sight of Him, our face doesn't shift by our persistent faith, we'll surely overcome in Jesus Name.
May I add: sometimes in our quiet time with God we'll be checking the phone.  If you trust God completely listen to Him and leave distractions out.

*Bro Okolo John:* My question is, what made Jesus to ask that question - will the son of man find such faith when he comes back?

*Sis Queeneth:* Because Jesus knew we'll soon have all this fast things called microwave faith. We believe at tap of our fingers we get things done.  Remember in the Old Testament, the Bible says 'Remember the Lord your God, it is He who gives you power to get wealth', but now we have faith in ourselves and not in God. We believe 'I did it like this and it came out like that, I pray like that and this happened.' We're sharp sharp people now, no perseverance; no persistence. We leave God out of it all
*Sis Stella:* In the previous chapter Jesus was telling them about the end time/rapture and the need to hold on to the very end in watching and prayers.

*@Imade Gloria:* Please i have a question. Most times I do my quiet time  by 1130pm or 12am. Is it OK? Most mornings am always rushing out of the house. But I still feel bad and guilty when I do that .

*Bro Okolo John:* To me, if that's when you will be free from distractions, it is ok.
*Sis Florence:* I think it does not have a specific time but what matters is the presence of God in the meeting between both of you.

*Sis Queeneth:* It's okay. But in the Bible it is written we should redeem all days because the days are evil. I used to do that too and I'll say God understands but then I see some people in the office that just come and read devotion in office some read in the bus and I engaged the least spiritual and told me she sleep early and wake up earlier to have her quiet time. So I adjusted. Can you try to do it the other way because of guilt. Earlier wake up to have time with God and do extensive devotion and quiet time later. I suggest that because of the guilt you mentioned. Above all GRACE is the ultimate.

*Sis Florence:* Blessed Redeemer we thank you for the opportunity of gathering in your presence to study your word, help us Lord to build our faith and trust in you as we learn and observe our quiet time in Jesus name. Amen.

*Sis Queeneth:* Thank you all for joining in.

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