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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Be Inspired End of the Month Fasting and Prayer 28th-30th November 2016

Be Inspired End of the Month Fasting and Prayer  28th - 30th November 2016
Theme: Be Planted
Text: 92:13 "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God"

Glory be to God for the grace to see the end of this  month of November, all praise be to Him alone who deserves it. This month's theme is straight forward but unusual but we thank God for how He has spoken to us so far.

Reading the scripture from verse 12 to 14 of Psalms 92 it says " the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall flourish like a cedar in Lebanon, those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God, they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. From my little knowledge of agriculture I have, it's not possible to have  a plant except a seed has been buried. A plant gradually grows to it's maximum and becomes a tree. The root of a tree doesn't determine the height of a tree, some trees have deep root like the mahogany tree and it can take longer to grow compared to other trees. In the verses above the palm tree and cedar of cedar Lebanon mention are ever green tree and they can withstand torrential downpour. In the main text it says those that be planted, that is not everyone will be planted. Just as the word of God says in Matthew 22:14 that many are called few are chosen, so the chosen ones that will be planted shall flourish. Galatians 3:19 says if we are Christ's we are seed of Abraham, so we are the seeds that are planted. As long as you are in Christ and He is in you, you are the seed of Abraham and you are the one the verse is referring to that you will flourish in the courts of God.

*What is the courts of God?* According to Ezekiel 10:3-5, 43:5-7, it is the ultimate heaven the place filled with the clouds and brightness of the glory of God. By the grace of God we have been able to established that to be planted in the house of God is an essential thing for every believer. The word of God sown in us through salvation is not just for us alone. As the Palm tree and Cedar of Lebanon flourishes that is the way God wants us to flourish. God wants us to bear fruits but it cannot be done except we are fully planted and our roots are well nurtured through developing relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Being planted shouldn't be mistaken with participating in diverse activities in and out of Church. It is way too useless if we are in the church and Christ has no foothold in our lives. It is a waste of energy, destiny and time if the altar of our life is not Kindled by the fire from heaven. It is of no use if the only time we commune with God is on the days we go to the place of worship. 2 Timothy 2:15  says study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

*Are we planted?:* our life and living must be evidence that indeed we are planted, from our living is where we begin to bear fruit. We need to come off the notion that bearing of fruit is done only in our various place of worship, it is our duty to make known to the world who our Lord Jesus Christ is. My question now is are we truly planted, can the world see an iota of Christ in us or we are just going by and fitting into the norm of the modern day Christianity, the don't do this, the protocols and all whereas our soul is highly starved of the nutrient that should enable us grow. The plan of God for us is not just to grow in His house but eventually be accessible into is court which is the ultimate heaven. The fathers and mothers  in the gospel always strive to leave the legacy of soul winning in the lives of the children that will be left behind because a time will come when they will have to leave this earth but that shouldn't stop the mission given to them by God. Are we leaving the right legacy, or are we so much entangled in the salvation is personal yet we overlook a dying soul? Today God is speaking to you and I indeed we are planned to flourish but we must do the assignment of the Lord almighty who created us. Stop the habit of reading the word or meditating on it only when situation arise, or to tailor it around your life, stop the double life, stop the non challancy towards soul winning, don't be a reign of the moment by following the trends of this world instead of the word.
You cannot be planted if your soul is starving, you cannot be planted if you have refused to grow, you cannot be planted if you want to remain a babe in the things of God, you cannot be planted if you just want the fame of the gospel and not carry the cross, you cannot be planted if you just want recognition by the men of God. If you are truly planted, Heaven will recognize you even if no one recognize you.

Brethren being planted is one of the prerequisite of making that ultimate home, have you ever thought about your life after this earth. Do you think you will be here forever, Psalms 84:10 says "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Is this your desire to spend your days in His court? It's not too late to work on how you will be planted or how you are planted, the wind may blow, the storm may come but when you are well rooted in Christ and with Christ you will not be uprooted instead you will flourish not just here but your mansion in Heaven that awaits you will show  the result of how planted you are and your fruit bearing. My prayer is God will help us in anyway we struggle in our walk with Christ.

*Let us Pray*

Lord almighty thank you for this month's fasting and prayer and for all who were able to partake in Jesus name

Lord have mercy and forgive me in anyway I have not allowed the seed sown in me to grow not to talk of bearing fruits in Jesus name

My Lord and my father help me to keep standing through growing in the knowledge of you and your power even when the tides of life blow against me in Jesus name

Lord use me this end time to the glory of your name and at the end Lord let me be worthy enough to enter into your court in Jesus name

Mighty God I don't want to be like the fig tree, open my eyes to see where I lack in fruit bearing in the kingdom business in Jesus name

Lord deliver me from weariness that comes upon me anytime I want to study your word or do your will in Jesus name

Lord for every member of Be Inspired and our family renew our strength in you and let us continue to be a blessing to the world as you bless us in Jesus name

Father as this month comes to an end let it mark end of barrenness spiritually, physically, maritally, matrimonially, financially, academically, Healthwise in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for you have written my name in the book of life and for answered prayers in Jesus name

Congratulations Be Inspired family...

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