Topic: Bitterness
Text: Ruth 1:19-21
memory verse: Heb12:15
what is bitterness?
what are the effects of bitterness
Common cause of bitterness
Can a Xtian be exhibiting bitterness without knowing?
xteristics/traits of a bitter person
how do we relate/ help a bitter person?
Is bitterness contagious? relate with example.
Food for thought: Am I a bitter person.
Bitterness is an act of exhibiting strong animosity towards another person. A bitter person will exhibit envy, strife, jealousy n unnecessary anger. Bitterness can occur through pains, frustration, hardship, broken relationship. A Christian can exhibit this trait unknowingly, that is when we complain or criticize on some one often. A bitter person can overcome this by prayer, studying the word of God, try to be happy and sing praises. We are to relate with them through prayers, counseling, encouragement and words of God. Yes it can be contagious, eg a bitter parents will raise bitter children, bc parents are the children's first role model.(Sis Ademide)
Bitterness is usually associated with anger and grudges,bitterness is resentful cynicism that results in an intense antagonism or hostility towards other.
Bitterness starts out small.An offense burrows its way into our heart,we replay it in our minds,creating deep ruts that will be hard to build back up.We retell our hurts to any available listener,including each sordid detail,we enlist support,pushing us further into resentment. We hear the offending person's name and cringe.
Bitterness disconnect us from our great alien which is God,our prayers will not be answered in the state of bitterness. The Bible encourage us to follow peace with all men,All not one or two, but All.
As Christians, we should learn to forgive easily so that it won't be bottled down.
Hope someone will be blessed with my little contribution (By Sis Ohla)
Be Inspired Bible Studies 10/11/2016
Topic: Bitterness
Text: Ruth 1:19-21 (Naomi returned back to Bethlehem, she refused to be called Naomi which means pleasantness but chose to be called mara which means bitterness)
*What is Bitterness;* it can be described as a state of disappointment and resentment it can be as a result of an unpleasant occurence.
*What are the effect of bitterness:*
Choice isolation, if you look at the story of Naomi she choose to be called bitterness after her children died and her husband and she returned to Bethlehem. From the text if we read *Ruth 1: 9-15* she continously persuaded her daughter in-laws to let her be. She was ready to be isolated and treated differently but in accordance to her loss and bereavement.
Bitterness can make a lively person to become isolated voluntarily and very nasty.
Bitterness if not addressed can lead to depression which can eventually lead to suicide.
Bitterness often times can be a result of unforgiveness and can severe ties forever except God steps into the situation.
Bitterness can breed continuous prejudice and destroy a person's self worth.
*Common causes of bitterness:*
Unforgiveness, loss, unnecessary enviness, jealousy, lack, family problem
*Can a Christian be exhibiting bitterness without knowing:*
This is somewhat tricky yes and no.
Yes because it is a feeling and it's very hard for you not to know what you feel.
No because if the situation or person you are bitter towards is not around you, you might think all is well when it's far from being well.
*Characteristics/traits of a bitter person:*
being over defensive of self.
Always unhappy for others especially when they acquire what you as a bitter person don't have.
Always looking at what others have and never appreciate yourself or what you have.
Forcefully relating with people just for what you can benefit from them
Speaking ill and tale bearing of others
*Is bitterness contagious?*
yes it can be if the party who suffers from it fail to find out the truth. Say for example someone comes to you and constantly nag another fellow to the extent of making up what is not just for you to believe. Even some people will go to the lowest of the lowest to rope you in by saying the person said this and that about you before you know it you get in the game of two against one getting bitter towards the other person cause you lack the truth. A bitter mother can easily breed bitter offsprings. (Sis Leah)
Causes of Bitterness
- unfulfilled expectations. Inability to achieve our goals, fulfill our dreams and realize our expectations in the timing and manner we have hoped.
-Unresolved offenses : arguments and quarrels can produce longstanding rifts and feelings of bitterness even between the closest loved ones and friends.
- Unresolved anger : bitterness and anger are closely related. Bitterness is often the by-product of an angry spirit. Failure to deal with the sin of unrighteous anger leads to an embittered spirit.
-Failure to forgive: an unwillingness to forgive others is usually at the very heart of bitterness. When we stubbornly refuse to forgive an offending person, we begin to lay a foundation for longlasting bitterness. A tendency to hold a grudge, nurse a grievance, dwell upon past offenses. Keeping record of wrongs is a common cause of bitterness.
-Fellowshipping bitterness. An innocent person is exposed to the bitterness of another. If the relationship is close and a person fails to guard his heart or exercise godly cautions,one may subtlety fall prey to the same feelings of resentment and ill-will contained in the heart of the bitter person.(Bro Deji)
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