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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies discussion on Forgiveness 3/11/2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies
Topic: Forgiveness
Text :Matt 18 :21-35 Memory Verse:Mark 11:26
What is  forgiveness?
A:Forgiveness by God.
- How do I receive God's  forgiveness
B:Forgiveness  by man.
Is it  possible  to  forgive  and forget?
Concluding text : Heb 12:14
Please  can  we attempt  to  answer the following  questions:
# How can we define forgiveness? 
# what is  decisional  forgiveness ?
# What is  Emotional forgiveness ?
# Is it  possible  to  forgive  and  forget?
# what do you  believe  are the most important elements of  the  forgiveness  process?
# what suggestions  do you have for people who are trying to forgive some one?
# what is  do you  think  is the most common  misconception about forgiveness.

Contributions and Answers
The Bible gives us much instruction when it comes to forgiveness.We forgive because we have been forgiven by God (Ephesians 4:32).
We forgive in obedience to God (Matthew 6:14-15; Romans 12:18).
We forgive others to gain control of our lives from hurt emotions (Genesis 4:1-8).
We forgive so we won’t become bitter and defile those around us (Hebrews 12:14-15).Sis Biola

Forgive : to forgive,
restoration: amending or fixing  something
reconciliation: agreeing to someone's view or belief is compatible to yours
I believe it possible to forgive and not reconcile. For instance, if someone stole something precious from you, of course you will forgive them but that doesn't mean you are reconciling with them. You both are probably not to do any business or deals together.
Using the example above, the case of restoration...the person that stole the precious thing can return in (only if it's quantify by money/values)...if not, then it's done since forgiveness is in place.
Sis Iyin

Hebrew 12:14 said it All....
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Firstly let us know that Forgiveness is a biblical instruction as a Christian is non-negotiable. Ephesians 4:32
Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualification everyone should have either in Christ or circular world.
Looking at the scripture follow peace with all men irrespective of who they are or how you meet them but it's pity that revenge is more popular than forgiveness in this world sequence to the wars here and there may Prince of Peace come quick.
Forgiveness to me can be seen as an act of humility,kindness and gentleness because without this three thing you can't end up forgiving someone.
Forgiveness is a character on its own thing it walk with many things but it's a single character that give peace while unforgiveness bring war.
How do I forgive? It easy to forgive but you might not let go and that's where you need Holyspirit when it comes to forgiveness. Forgiveness can only be done through the help of Holyspirit. Though you still have the memory but when the memory still hurt you then you ain't forgive the person. Do so before it's too late.
I remember my first year in Uk I  was maltreated by someone who I look up to I won't put his title here but it's unbelievable all because am vulnerable and new here. But whenever he hurt me I just forgive easily because I don't want that to hinder my prayer request. After when God answer my request a Friend  told me now is time to revenge and do this and that for the man. Even what I don't remember you remembered me but I told him who am I not to forgive him? Have let go who knows maybe that's what God sees in me that hasting my request. Hallelujah. So to forgive and forgive INDEED You need the help of Holyspirit. My Contribution.
I Celebrate You All! Bro femi

Forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.(Dictionary meaning)
The bible answer of forgiveness
Forgiveness is the act of pardoning an offender in the bible,the Greek word translated"forgiveness "literally means to let go" as when a person does not demand payment for a debt.Jesus used this comparison when he taught his followers to pray in Luke 11:14 and Matt18:23-35.
Decisional forgiveness is a behavioral intention to act less negatively and more.
positively toward an offender
Emotional forgiveness: is a process in which the positive other-oriented emotions replace unforgiving emotions....offenders but still feel negative emotions associated with anger,resentment and bitterness
Is it possible to forgive and forget::: Yes,it takes the grace of God ,most people have been hurt physical, emotional and materially
What do you believe are the most important elements of forgiveness process?
A.Express the emotion
B. Understand why.
C. Rebuild safety
D. Let go
What suggestions do you have for people who are trying to forgive some one?
.Learn to forgive in advance
.forgive because our heavenly father forgives us
.Man will always be vulnerable (24:29 Sis Ohla

To err is human to forgive is divine, the word of God implore us to forgive our neighbors their tresspasses so as to get forgiveness from God. The act of not forgiving keep someone in bondage n constant fear. In order to fulfill all righteousness, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves and if we are able to do this, it will be difficult to have grudges against one another. It's divine to forgive n forget, if we forgive but we do not forget any time  we remember or see the person, there is going to be bitterness, sorrow and anguish in the mind, so let learn to forgive n forget through which we can also get total freedom n Peace of mind. God bless each n every one of us in Jesus mighty name. Amen Sis Ademide

The text Matt 11:21-35 explains why we should forgive and the parable of that servant who owed and his master forgave him but he didn't do likewise to his fellow servant
Mark 11:26 is very explanatory if we don't forgive God will not forgive us.
*A*So to receive forgiveness from God we must forgive others
*B* it takes the grace of God to forgive and forget but nothing is inpossible with God.
Hebrew 12:14. Says we should pursue peace with all men and without holiness no one can see God. Unforgiveness can hinder one from making heaven.
Forgiveness is a gift from God given to all human its an act of letting go of hurt inflicted on you by others without holding back or looking for ways to revenge instead await God to avenge your cause.
Decisional forgiveness is an act where by regardless of what is done against or to you. You have made up your mind to forgive no matter what, this is accompanied by grace still.
Emotional forgiveness is done when the state of mind isn't right. For example when a murder is forgiven by the victims family without thinking deep but out of hurt the person has no choice but to forgive (i might be wrong so i won't mind to be corrected)
To be honest humanly speaking or thinking its very difficult to forgive and forget except God gives one peace over the whole issue. To forgive and forget it takes total commitment to God as in you lift your hurt to God for total healing and restoration where possible then you can now say you are able to forgive and forget. I am very sure we have all passed through hurts that we can't remember again that is grace that allowed us to forget after forgiving.
Elements of forgiveness are dependence on God and His word. Also looking towards being more like Christ than like human that we are.
For anyone trying to forgive first i want you to ask God to forgive you, forgive yourself, pray for grace to let go and forgive the other party involved also dont be after being the one that is right even wjen you are said to be wrong and you know otherwise just let go and let God. Also ask God for grace to see people the way He sees them that way you will understand individual for who they really are.
Most common misconception of forgiveness to me is returning to the way things were before the hurt that led to unforgiveness. Its not that easy especially when one party feel they should make the other a subject always.
From. matthew 18:21-35 i learnt that we are saved for a reason and we shouldn't take it for granted when we have to forgive others because forgiveness led to our salvation and if unforgiveness can lead to not making heaven the best is to look at your salvation when it comes to forgiveness do i use this unforgiveness as a tool to hinder my prayers and me making heaven remember tomorrow isn't promised.
Reconciliation is making up after forgiveness
Restoration can only be done by God because man can not fully restore you back to the position you were before the hurt.
Hmm! there are times when I have forgiven but reconcilliation has been impossible due to several factors but I have forgiven totally.
Also there are situations i have forgiven but restoration wasnt possible either due to location or death which makes it more difficult. Sis Leah

The Importance of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is something all of us want to receive but most of us hesitate to give. Jesus makes it clear, however, that we can't have it without giving it. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins (Matthew 6:14-15). These words allow no room for doubt or discussion. Forgiveness flows two ways. We cannot separate receiving forgiveness from extending forgiveness.
Forgiveness is at the core of emotional well-being. It is fair to say that unforgiving people are emotionally sick. Their bitterness is a disease of the spirit, and it is inevitable that the unforgiving person eventually will experience physical illness as well. Anger causes surges of adrenaline and secretes other powerful chemicals that attack the body. The stress we carry when we refuse to give or receive forgiveness affects our hearts, minds, and bodies. To make matters worse, both rage and depression contribute to obsessive behaviors such as overeating, workaholism, overspending etc. We cannot rid ourselves of emotional pain and its side effects unless we are willing to forgive.
Unresolved anger keeps us from moving forward because it locks us in a time machine, frozen on the exact moment when a particular offense occurred. Fear of further injury makes us unwilling to move to new levels of relationship, not only with those who have hurt us but with anyone who represents a similar threat.
Furthermore, if we allow unforgiveness to continue, we are likely to experience depression, bitterness, or both. Yet more important than any of these concern is the most serious consideration of all the spiritual consequence of unforgiveness alienation from God

forgiveness cannot begin until we admit our failures. Bro Deji

With man it is impossible to forgive and forget but with God all things are possible. When you are rooted in His love with concrete understanding of it, it will be possible to do. Bro Bukola George

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