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Friday, 18 November 2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies 17/11/2016

Be inspired  Bible study. Thursday 17th November 2016

Topic : The sin nobody  talks about. - Covetousness

Memory  verse: Luk 12:15
Text: Col 3:1-3.

What is covetousness? Give examples of  characters  in  the  Bible that were covetous.

What is the  root cause of  covetousness? What are  the  implications  of  it (positive/negative).

Can a Christian become covetous of good things for example talent or fruits of the spirit?

Is it a sin to covet other's blessing for example a young minister want to be like or more than another minister who has been in the ministry longer?

Is it a sin to covet a friend or family's type of marriage , relationship, job, spouse, riches or children?

How can a believer overcome covetousness?

As a lady or man is it covetousness to want to acquire a particular body shame, skin complexion e.t.c

Meaning of Covetousness:

A strong desire to have that which belongs to another. it is considered to be a very grievous offense in scripture. The tenth commandment forbids coveting anything that belongs to a neighbour,including his house,his wife,his servants, his Ox or donkey, or anything  that belongs to him(Exodus 20:17).Jesus listed covetousness or greed along with many of the sins from within,including adultery,theft and murder,which make a person unclean.Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians that greed or covetousness is equated with immorality and impurity,so that these must be put away
-Eph 5:3-5

Covetousness, therefore is basic to the commandments against murder,adultery,stealing and lying.Those who accept bribes are coveting,leading to murder (Ez 22:12)
.Coveting a neighbor's wife is a form of adultery (see Exo 20:17)

.Achan admitted to coveting a rob and silver and gold,so he stole them,which was a sin against the Lord (Jos 7:20-22)
.Gehazi the servant of Elisha,coveted the property of Naaman so much that he lied to get what he wanted from Naaman the leper and he was struck with Leprosy (2kings5:19-25) (Sis Ohla)

Meaning of Covetousness:

A strong desire to have that which belongs to another. it is considered to be a very grievous offense in scripture. The tenth commandment forbids coveting anything that belongs to a neighbour,including his house,his wife,his servants, his Ox or donkey, or anything  that belongs to him(Exodus 20:17).Jesus listed covetousness or greed along with many of the sins from within,including adultery,theft and murder,which make a person unclean.Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians that greed or covetousness is equated with immorality and impurity,so that these must be put away
-Eph 5:3-5

Covetousness, therefore is basic to the commandments against murder,adultery,stealing and lying.Those who accept bribes are coveting,leading to murder (Ez 22:12)
.Coveting a neighbor's wife is a form of adultery (see Exo 20:17)

.Achan admitted to coveting a rob and silver and gold,so he stole them,which was a sin against the Lord (Jos 7:20-22)
.Gehazi the servant of Elisha,coveted the property of Naaman so much that he lied to get what he wanted from Naaman the leper and he was struck with Leprosy (2kings5:19-25)

Dangers of  Covetousness

The warning that Jesus gives us concerning covetousness in Luke 12:15 implies the subtlety of its hold on us. We’re commanded to put it to death (Col. 3:5). There are three sins that the New Testament specifically exhorts us to flee:

-Idolatry (1 Cor. 10:14)
-Fornication (1 Cor. 6:18)
-Covetousness (1 Tim. 6:10-11)
“The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). Greed for gain is the motivation behind much spiritual wickedness. It is the cause of much social unrest and trouble. It can serve as the motivation for such acts as murder, robbery, kidnapping, rioting, bribery, violence, extortion etc.

Covetousness is the cause of many spiritual and personal conflicts because  it greatly affects one’s character in a negative way. It is  associated with pride, conceit, unfruitfulness, lust, backsliding or forsaking God, rejecting God’s will, guilt, insensi­tivity to the needs of others, missing God’s best for our lives.
(Bro Deji)

*Covetousness can be classified as greed, an inordinate desire of others belongings, 
*Luke 12:15 and he said unto them, take heed and beware of coveteousness for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Here the word of God let us understand that our life is not based on the amount of things we acquire. So your existence shouldn't be measured by your achievement.

*Colossians 3:1-3 if ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above not on things on the earth. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.  
If we are truely in Christ we would know that what you acquire in life is not a criteria to making heaven. Having said that God wants us to prosper but not through covetousness. Our God is Jehovah Jireh and He is abundantly able to supply our needs.

In  Genesis 39 we can read about Potiphar's wife who covet Jospeh so bad, if Jospeh was not grounded in the knowledge of God and know who he was, he would have allow the little act to truncate his destiny.
King Abimelech of Gerar in Genesis 20 coveted Abraham's wife although She was known to him as Abraham's sister but the king was married as at then but he still wanted her if not for the Lord's intervention.                       

The Root of couvetousness can be greed and lack of satisfaction.  Negative implication such as a person that never appreciate themself or what they have. They always believe they don't have enough and they need more to be better person.

It is a sin to covet other people's blessing to certain extent you don't know the source of the blessings. The example of the minister there is a greater glory awaiting every man if you follow the plans of God. The fact that a minister is in a high place now doesn't necessarily mean you should run ahead of God's plan for you, there is time for every glory to manifest. 

To covet a family it depends, you can pray for a type of family because of one value or the other but when it gets to the extent of do or die greed, enviness, jealousy anything that God frowns at then it is a sin and should not be condone or promoted.                

A believer can overcome covetousness by praying to God and being determined to be satisfied with what you have. Let God's blessing that brings no sorrow be your focus.    

Coveting a paricular body shape in this day and age has become a tool satan use. Its fine to want to lose weight, keep fit and all but when if becomes uncalled for surgeries like liposuction, lip restructuring for vain gain, breast enhancement or enlargement and many more its like blaming God for how He created you. There are lots of vain things that coveting others body structure can lead to.                        

My prayer is God will help us all to live above the sin that is hardly spoken about aside covetousness.

This race takes the grace of God I pray we will not abuse the grace in Jesus name.

(Sis Leah)

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