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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Be Inspired End of the Month Fasting and Prayer 28th-30th November 2016

Be Inspired End of the Month Fasting and Prayer  28th - 30th November 2016
Theme: Be Planted
Text: 92:13 "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God"

Glory be to God for the grace to see the end of this  month of November, all praise be to Him alone who deserves it. This month's theme is straight forward but unusual but we thank God for how He has spoken to us so far.

Reading the scripture from verse 12 to 14 of Psalms 92 it says " the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall flourish like a cedar in Lebanon, those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God, they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. From my little knowledge of agriculture I have, it's not possible to have  a plant except a seed has been buried. A plant gradually grows to it's maximum and becomes a tree. The root of a tree doesn't determine the height of a tree, some trees have deep root like the mahogany tree and it can take longer to grow compared to other trees. In the verses above the palm tree and cedar of cedar Lebanon mention are ever green tree and they can withstand torrential downpour. In the main text it says those that be planted, that is not everyone will be planted. Just as the word of God says in Matthew 22:14 that many are called few are chosen, so the chosen ones that will be planted shall flourish. Galatians 3:19 says if we are Christ's we are seed of Abraham, so we are the seeds that are planted. As long as you are in Christ and He is in you, you are the seed of Abraham and you are the one the verse is referring to that you will flourish in the courts of God.

*What is the courts of God?* According to Ezekiel 10:3-5, 43:5-7, it is the ultimate heaven the place filled with the clouds and brightness of the glory of God. By the grace of God we have been able to established that to be planted in the house of God is an essential thing for every believer. The word of God sown in us through salvation is not just for us alone. As the Palm tree and Cedar of Lebanon flourishes that is the way God wants us to flourish. God wants us to bear fruits but it cannot be done except we are fully planted and our roots are well nurtured through developing relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Being planted shouldn't be mistaken with participating in diverse activities in and out of Church. It is way too useless if we are in the church and Christ has no foothold in our lives. It is a waste of energy, destiny and time if the altar of our life is not Kindled by the fire from heaven. It is of no use if the only time we commune with God is on the days we go to the place of worship. 2 Timothy 2:15  says study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

*Are we planted?:* our life and living must be evidence that indeed we are planted, from our living is where we begin to bear fruit. We need to come off the notion that bearing of fruit is done only in our various place of worship, it is our duty to make known to the world who our Lord Jesus Christ is. My question now is are we truly planted, can the world see an iota of Christ in us or we are just going by and fitting into the norm of the modern day Christianity, the don't do this, the protocols and all whereas our soul is highly starved of the nutrient that should enable us grow. The plan of God for us is not just to grow in His house but eventually be accessible into is court which is the ultimate heaven. The fathers and mothers  in the gospel always strive to leave the legacy of soul winning in the lives of the children that will be left behind because a time will come when they will have to leave this earth but that shouldn't stop the mission given to them by God. Are we leaving the right legacy, or are we so much entangled in the salvation is personal yet we overlook a dying soul? Today God is speaking to you and I indeed we are planned to flourish but we must do the assignment of the Lord almighty who created us. Stop the habit of reading the word or meditating on it only when situation arise, or to tailor it around your life, stop the double life, stop the non challancy towards soul winning, don't be a reign of the moment by following the trends of this world instead of the word.
You cannot be planted if your soul is starving, you cannot be planted if you have refused to grow, you cannot be planted if you want to remain a babe in the things of God, you cannot be planted if you just want the fame of the gospel and not carry the cross, you cannot be planted if you just want recognition by the men of God. If you are truly planted, Heaven will recognize you even if no one recognize you.

Brethren being planted is one of the prerequisite of making that ultimate home, have you ever thought about your life after this earth. Do you think you will be here forever, Psalms 84:10 says "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Is this your desire to spend your days in His court? It's not too late to work on how you will be planted or how you are planted, the wind may blow, the storm may come but when you are well rooted in Christ and with Christ you will not be uprooted instead you will flourish not just here but your mansion in Heaven that awaits you will show  the result of how planted you are and your fruit bearing. My prayer is God will help us in anyway we struggle in our walk with Christ.

*Let us Pray*

Lord almighty thank you for this month's fasting and prayer and for all who were able to partake in Jesus name

Lord have mercy and forgive me in anyway I have not allowed the seed sown in me to grow not to talk of bearing fruits in Jesus name

My Lord and my father help me to keep standing through growing in the knowledge of you and your power even when the tides of life blow against me in Jesus name

Lord use me this end time to the glory of your name and at the end Lord let me be worthy enough to enter into your court in Jesus name

Mighty God I don't want to be like the fig tree, open my eyes to see where I lack in fruit bearing in the kingdom business in Jesus name

Lord deliver me from weariness that comes upon me anytime I want to study your word or do your will in Jesus name

Lord for every member of Be Inspired and our family renew our strength in you and let us continue to be a blessing to the world as you bless us in Jesus name

Father as this month comes to an end let it mark end of barrenness spiritually, physically, maritally, matrimonially, financially, academically, Healthwise in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for you have written my name in the book of life and for answered prayers in Jesus name

Congratulations Be Inspired family...

Prayer from Mark 12:6,8,10-11

Come bless the Lord
(come bless the lord)
O ye servant of the lord
(O ye servsnt of the lord)
Who stand by night(who stand by night)
In the house of the lord
(In the house of the lord)
Lift up your hands (lift up your hands)
To the holy one (To the holy one)
And bless the lord (And bless the lord)
And bless the lord (And bless the lord)

"Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.   And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard.   And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:   This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?"
Mark 12:6‭, ‬8‭-‬8‭, ‬10‭-‬11 KJV

Heavenly father I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord I worship you in the beauty of your holiness accept my worship in Jesus name

Mighty God in anyway i have taken my salvation for granted or not known you have mercy on me in Jesus name

Lord i release my life body, soul and spirit unto you come and rule and reign over my life henceforth in Jesus name

Mighty God let my life showcase your glory in Jesus name

Lord in anyway i have been rejected make room for me and make me a chief cornerstone in Jesus name

Father remove every works of flesh tieing me to my past deeds in Jesus name

Lord as I release myself for your use let my life flourish beyond my expectations in Jesus name

Mighty God you are the wonder working God because your name is wonderful do your wonderful work over my life in Jesus name

Lord in anyway my life is experiencing the drought step into my life and cause divine restoration and transformation in Jesus name

Lord guide and guard me in this race of life so that you will be highly exalted in my life in Jesus name

Lord at the end of my race in life never let me become a cast away in Jesus name

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Prayer from 1 Samuel 25:39


O worship the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender,
the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor,
and girded with praise.

"And when David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be the Lord , that hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and hath kept his servant from evil: for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head. And David sent and communed with Abigail, to take her to him to wife."1 Samuel 25:39 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me father and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

Lord almighty I worship your majesty accept my worship in Jesus name

Father i come to you just as I am fill me up with your power, presence and divine wisdom in Jesus name

Heavenly father raise rope holder who are prayer intercessors for my sake in the name of Jesus

Lord Jesus grant me grace to stay away from doing that which will tarnish my glory in Jesus name

Lord for as many that raise their hands in darkness to smite me or my household let them smite themselves and let their intention return to them in hundred folds in Jesus name

Lord almighty every power of man or works of flesh rising up to contend against my life terminate them in Jesus name

Lord Jesus you dealt with Nabal without David moving an inch deal with all my contenders according to your will and let them know i serve a great God in Jesus name

Lord for every tongue speaking evil and proclaiming negativity over me and my household let them wither as a whole in Jesus name

Father it is you I worship and not any god let the reward that follows those who worship you be my portion in Jesus name

Heavenly father destroy and totally wipe out the gathering of the enemy sowing tares into my destiny and household in Jesus name

Lord king of glory my trust is solely in your word never let me be put to shame in Jesus name

Lord seal my destiny with your blood and make me untouchable for the workers of iniquity in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Monday, 28 November 2016

Prayer from Psalms 126:1,4-5

I praise you I praise you oh Lord 2x
In my life, I see what you're doing
One more time
I lift my hands in praise of your name 2x

"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.  Turn again our captivity, O Lord , as the streams in the south.  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Psalms 126:1‭, ‬4‭-‬5 KJV


Lord almighty I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Eternal rock of ages I worship you for you have always been my shield and the lamp on my feet thank you Jesus

Father i thank you for the divine transformation and sudden change from grass to grace in my situation Lord accept all thanks in Jesus name

Lord you are the great one who can never be disgraced thank you for removing every form of disgrace in my life and destiny in Jesus name

Lord I thank you because you have made the mountains in my life a stepping stone in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for not allowing my tears to remain but for turning my sadness to happiness glory be to your name

Lord I thank you for replacing the ashes of my life with beauty in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for your powerful hand that drew me out of shame into divine fame all glory be to you in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for finally bringing out testimony out of my test in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for giving me grace to cross over to the next level of greatness in my life in Jesus name

Mighty God thank you for crowning my year of endless labour with endless favour and not letting me labour in vain in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for filling my life with harvest that overflows in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Prayer from Psalms 34;8

Come let us sing
Lift up your hands to the Lord
Come let us sing
Lift up your hands to the Lord
Lift up your eyes, lift up your heart
Lift up your hands for in His court
We shall rejoice

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."
Psalms 34:8 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for the priviledge to be called your child all glory belongs to your holy name in Jesus name

Mighty God I adore your majesty for your love over me in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for this day you woke me up I am not in the motuary or cementary your grace kept me Hallelujah

Lord I thank you because you daily load me with benefits and regardless of what life throws at me you continually give me victory glory be to your name in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for nullifying the works and plans of darkness over my being all praise be to you in Jesus name

Mighty God I thank you for filling my mouth with somgs of praise to you be all the glory in Jesus name

Lord I thank you because you will remain my help at all times and I will never be put to shame in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for you have turned me to a corner stone where I have been rejected, you have made me greater than those who rejected me glory be to your name in Jesus name

Mighty God I exalt your majesty for the open doors, open heaven and for opening the book of rememberance concerning me glory honour and adoration be to your holy name

Thank you Jesus for filling my life with testimonies and for making me a testimony in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Prayer from Hosea 5:15

I surrender all to you
Everything I need to you
Withholding nothing 3x
I give you all of me 3x
Withholding nothing

"I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early." Hosea 5:15 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord almighty have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Heavenly father i surrender my self to you fill me up and have your way in Jesus name

Lord Jesus purify me body soul and spirit in Jesus name

Lord empty me of all that doesn't glorify you that I am engaged in in Jesus name

Oh Lord my father I am just like a worm without a backbone be my backbone in Jesus name

Lord Jesus let your fear increase in me and let me continually walk in the path of righteousness till i see you in glory in Jesus name

Father erase all the thoughts that pollutes my being from being sanctified and holy before you in Jesus name

Mighty warrior send your power over my destiny and sanctify it for your glory in Jesus name

Lord as I seek you wholeheartedly let me find you in Jesus name

Lord almighty take me to the height you want me to be and not just where i want to be in Jesus name

Lord let my life henceforth glorify you in Jesus name

Lord anoint me and set me apart for your greater works in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Friday, 25 November 2016

This Too Shall Pass Away

This too shall Pass away

This morning I woke up with praise on my lips. I was overflowing with thanks to my maker. I didn't know why but I just praised Him.

Then He brought to my rememberance some years ago when I was in a situation, clueless on how I will overcome or way forward. I had hope but I was not bold of the hope I had.

I was deeply in search of God like He was lost not knowing He was there by my side Psalms 46.

I took it upon myself to study the Bible yes I was a believer then, supposed born again but was still clueless of so many things.

I was hurt, I was disappointed, I was named oh Lord a lot happened yes. What I never Knew then was, God was breaking me purposely and in the process He was building me I found solace in worship and praise. Also that period I developed in Fasting yes, I just fasted I was looking for God remember. I didn't know He was building me still.

I asked for faith endlessly I just asked. Like i just wanted my faith to GROW.

Many years down the line I have been through so much that I ask myself where the strength is from or How i got the faith to go through but I sowed the seed in prayer and fasting many years ago. Indeed Matthew 7:7 is alive.

As I started my day my memory became flooded with a particular time more than a decade ago when i thought God wasn't listening and i couldn't control the tears😭. No I couldn't it was not tears of pain but tears of joy because I just thank God and worship Him. IF NOT FOR GOD WHERE WOULD I BE? Without Jesus I am nothing, I am clueless, I am just empty but with Him I am *Peculiar* Yes!

Why am I sharing this? To encourage you, yes👉🏾 you this too shall pass away if you believe in God. Never rest on the arms of flesh they will shamefully let you down.

Psalms 126:1 says when the Lord returned the captivities of Zion they were like them that dream. Hmmm! When God decide to fill your heart with your desires in chain reaction you will appreciate the time you spent in the valley, the desert and the wilderness.

I don't know how much tears you have shed, you are shedding or you might shed but be assured Psalms 30:5 weeping may endure all night but joy comes in the morning.

I am not where I want to be but I glorify God I am not where I used to be and I am not clueless of where and how to find my maker because I now Him and value my relationship with Him all glory be to JehovahJehovah, I am a privileged being because of JESUS.🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Prayer from 2 Kingsv6:5-7

You are the lord
Let your name be glorified
You are the Lord
Let your name be glorified
We give you glory and honour
You are the Lord let your name be glorified

"But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.  And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.  Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And he put out his hand, and took it." 2 Kings 6:5‭-‬7 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Father your name is miracle worker perform a miracle in my life that will be evident for the world to see in Jesus name

Lord Jesus pluck out everything in my life that is missing from wherever its hanging in Jesus name

Every buried glory in my lineage including mine begin to receive power of ressurection and life in Jesus name

Lord in anyway that i have lost the keys to my success and breakthrough lord restore it henceforth in Jesus name

Lord that which the enemy has sealed in my destiny against your will let the blood of Jesus unseal them in Jesus name

I decree in Jesus name i am not an object of ridicule or disgrace in Jesus name

Lord every opposing power working tirelessly to terminate my life or my family Jehovah send your fire to consume them in Jesus name

Lord anyone or any group standing against my dream and purpose let the wind from heaven blow them away forever in Jesus name

I decree i will not carry over sadness, pain, shame, sorrow, disgrace, disease, sickness, calamity, unfruitfulness, barreness, poverty, generation curse in Jesus name

I am a conqueror, I will celebrate and I shall be celebrated in Jesus name

(Ask God for that thing that has been your heart cry and believe it's done in Jesus name)

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Prayer from Isaiah 46: 4, 10


You are the God that opens every doors
You are the God
who make the lame to walk
You are the God
Who make the blind to see
You are the God
Who gives me victory
Alpha and Omega we worship your name

"And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:" Isaiah 46:4‭, ‬10 KJV


Lord i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

Lord Jesus your promises says you will carry me to my old age Lord let this be evidence in my life in Jesus name

Lord you made me never allow the power of recreators to work over my life, destiny and household in Jesus name

Lord almighty terminate the entrance recreators wants to use to take a foothold in my life in Jesus name

Lord Jesus you are the one that make impossible things possible over all that concerns me make all impossibilities possible in Jesus name

Lord even when blindness of this life wants to cover me be my sight and terminate blindness physically or spiritually in Jesus name

Mighty warrior fight my battles for me and let me come out victoriously in Jesus name

Lord every image used to represent me in any occult gathering let the fire of holy ghost consume both the occult people and the image in Jesus name

Lord let every hand laid upon my destiny spiritually or physically hindering it from fulfillment begin to whither in Jesus name

Lord let your counsel stand over my lineage in Jesus name

Father count me worthy among those that will sing songs of thanksgiving in this season and henceforth in Jesus name

Lord lead my life and guide my steps in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Prayer from Jeremiah 12:14

Bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before oh my soul
Worship His holy name

"Thus saith the Lord against all mine evil neighbours, that touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them out of their land, and pluck out the house of Judah from among them." Jeremiah 12:14 KJV


Hevenly father the eternal one i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord almighty have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus

Lord almighty fill me up with your presence henceforth in Jesus name

Lord grant me grace to operate my life in your divine guidance in Jesus name

Lord keep me and my household safe from any form of trouble henceforth in Jesus name

Mighty God go ahead of me in the darkest valley pull me up into your light that can never be deemed by any power in Jesus name

Father according to your word pluck out as many workers of iniquity that has chosen to terrorise your my household and I in Jesus name

Lord Jesus for as many workers of iniquity assigned to cause me and my household pain, disgrace them and confuse their thoughts forever in Jesus name

Lord in anyway the enemy of my soul have been making profit over loss in my life let your power set me free and restore all that i have lost in Jesus name

Lord never let me work/walk outside your presence till I see you in glory in Jesus name

Lord Jesus overahadow my household with your wings of protection henceforth never let us become prey to the evil ones in Jesus name

Lord i await your visit i need a divine encounter with you lord grant my heart desires in Jesus name

Lord my body is your temple today pluck out permanently every foreign force trying to be a parasite in my body in Jesus name

Lord channel my glory to the place of fulfillment in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Prayer from Phillipians 2:14-15

All Heavens declares
The glory of the risen one
Who can compare
With the beauty of the risen

Forever You will be
The lamb upon the throne
I gladly bow my knees
To worship you oh Lord

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings:  That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;" Philippians 2:14‭-‬15 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me Lord and forgive all my short comings

Jehovah you are the lamb upon the throne dethrone every human or image on any throne ready to rule over my destiny in Jesus name

Father you have already paid for my shame in anyway i am experiencing shame put an end to it in your mercy in Jesus name

Lord shine your light on every part of my life never allow me to live in darkness or for darkness to rule over anything that concerns me in Jesus name

Lord Jesus you are the risen king why i live let my life be worth living in you in Jesus name

Lord every power and tongue that has said i will amount to nothing terminate them and their utterance in Jesus name

Lord take out of my life every act or reasons to murmur in all i do in Jesus name

Lord grant me grace to give a sacrificial service to you even in all my endeavours let Christ be seen through me and in me in Jesus name

Lord deliver me from every form of dispute laid for me in any aspect of life and make me victorious beyond my understanding in Jesus name

Lord almighty help me to live a life that will not hinder souls from being won into your kingdom in Jesus name

Father grant me grace to shine the light of the gospel all over the world in Jesus name

Jehovah glorify yourself in my life and family in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Monday, 21 November 2016

Prayer from Jeremiah 17:14-15

Destiny changer 2x
Come and change my destiny
My destiny today, You will change destiny
My destiny today
Your name is yahweh2x
You are the miracle working God
Your name is Yahweh

"Heal me, O Lord , and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.  Behold, they say unto me, Where is the word of the Lord ? let it come now." Jeremiah 17:14‭-‬15 KJV


Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Father have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

Lord almighty my trust is in you never put me to shame in Jesus name

Lord give me grace to overcome any form of temptation that comes my way in Jesus name

Lord Jesus your name is yahweh and you alone can do miracle come and do your wonderful miracle in my life today in Jesus name

Lord I need your touch in my life like never before touch me this day in Jesus name

Lord this season make it my season of new glory let my life exprience divine transformation in Jesus name

Father you are the strength of those who depend on you remove every form of weakness that surrounds my life in Jesus name

Father anoint me for divine upliftment and next level in Jesus name

Lord you are the only one who changes plans to favour your children for as many plans against me turn it around to favour me in Jesus name

Father cleanse my life with the blood that was shed on calvary and let me receive uncommon favour everywhere i go in Jesus name

I decree I am bold and strong for the Lord God almighty is in and with me I can never be defeated in Jesus name

I decree i am walking in victory and power, treading upon lion, scorpion and all weapons of the evil ones in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Prayer from 1 Thessalonians 1:4,9-10


You are alpha and omega
We worship you our lord
You are worthy to be praised
We give you all the glory
We worship you our lord
You are worthy to be praised

"Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.  For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;  And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come."
1 Thessalonians 1:4‭, ‬9‭-‬10 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord almighty i adore your majesty and glorify you in the beauty of your holiness accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord I come to you just as I am and i rededicate my life to you continue to rule and reign in my life in Jesus name

Father you are the true God remove from me the desire and worship of any other god in Jesus name

Lord deliver me from any known or unknown idolatry act that has possessed my life in Jesus name

Father shine your light bright on my path and remove darkness from me in Jesus name

Lord increase my desire to know you more and serve you and let my service be acceptable unto you in Jesus name

Lord Jesus raise me to the level you want me to be and let my life operate in accordance to your desires for me in Jesus name

Lord shame the activities of every diabolic priest and their cohort in my life in Jesus name

Lord count me worthy of making heaven never let me partake of the wrath of those who will not make heaven in Jesus name

I renounce the desires for activities that ties me to the kingdom of darkness henceforth in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Prayer from Exodus 23:25-26

I worship you almighty God
There is none like you
I worship you oh Prince of peace
That is all i love to do
I give you praise for you are my righteousness
I worship you almighty God
There is none like you

"And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.  There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil."
Exodus 23:25‭-‬26 KJV

Heavenly father i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord let your promises of abundance be my portion as i worship you in Jesus name

Lord Jesus according to your word never give room to sickness in my life amd family in Jesus name

Lord in anyway that sickness has taken dominion over my life let your blood begin to cleanse me in Jesus name

Lord in anyway i or any member of my household is tied down in infirmities set us free today with your mighty hand in Jesus name

Father every altar of pain set aside purposely for my sake and my family consume them by your power in Jesus name

Father to you alone is my life dedicated never give any territorial power opportunities to rule over my life in Jesus name

Lord according to your word i decree i shall not bury my child(ren) in Jesus name

Lord i raise my child(ren) let them begin to live a life that bless your name in Jesus name

Father no one is like you, you are a strong tower as i run to you keep me safe from the works of darkness and workers of evil in Jesus name

Lord Jesus let your praise continually fill my heart and my mouth in Jesus name

Lord i pray for as many waiting on you for the fruit of the womb open their wombs in Jesus name

Lord for as many who are pregnant deliver them safely without pending or post birth complications in Jesus name

Mighty father there is power in your name i pray for as many children that are sick that your healing hands will rest on them in Jesus name

Lord terminate every evil contract signed on my behalf and my child(ren) in order to trade or truncate our destiny in Jesus name

Father let me fulfill purpose of creation, do not let me die without fulfilling purpose in Jesus name

Thank you everlasting father for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Friday, 18 November 2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies 17/11/2016

Be inspired  Bible study. Thursday 17th November 2016

Topic : The sin nobody  talks about. - Covetousness

Memory  verse: Luk 12:15
Text: Col 3:1-3.

What is covetousness? Give examples of  characters  in  the  Bible that were covetous.

What is the  root cause of  covetousness? What are  the  implications  of  it (positive/negative).

Can a Christian become covetous of good things for example talent or fruits of the spirit?

Is it a sin to covet other's blessing for example a young minister want to be like or more than another minister who has been in the ministry longer?

Is it a sin to covet a friend or family's type of marriage , relationship, job, spouse, riches or children?

How can a believer overcome covetousness?

As a lady or man is it covetousness to want to acquire a particular body shame, skin complexion e.t.c

Meaning of Covetousness:

A strong desire to have that which belongs to another. it is considered to be a very grievous offense in scripture. The tenth commandment forbids coveting anything that belongs to a neighbour,including his house,his wife,his servants, his Ox or donkey, or anything  that belongs to him(Exodus 20:17).Jesus listed covetousness or greed along with many of the sins from within,including adultery,theft and murder,which make a person unclean.Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians that greed or covetousness is equated with immorality and impurity,so that these must be put away
-Eph 5:3-5

Covetousness, therefore is basic to the commandments against murder,adultery,stealing and lying.Those who accept bribes are coveting,leading to murder (Ez 22:12)
.Coveting a neighbor's wife is a form of adultery (see Exo 20:17)

.Achan admitted to coveting a rob and silver and gold,so he stole them,which was a sin against the Lord (Jos 7:20-22)
.Gehazi the servant of Elisha,coveted the property of Naaman so much that he lied to get what he wanted from Naaman the leper and he was struck with Leprosy (2kings5:19-25) (Sis Ohla)

Meaning of Covetousness:

A strong desire to have that which belongs to another. it is considered to be a very grievous offense in scripture. The tenth commandment forbids coveting anything that belongs to a neighbour,including his house,his wife,his servants, his Ox or donkey, or anything  that belongs to him(Exodus 20:17).Jesus listed covetousness or greed along with many of the sins from within,including adultery,theft and murder,which make a person unclean.Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians that greed or covetousness is equated with immorality and impurity,so that these must be put away
-Eph 5:3-5

Covetousness, therefore is basic to the commandments against murder,adultery,stealing and lying.Those who accept bribes are coveting,leading to murder (Ez 22:12)
.Coveting a neighbor's wife is a form of adultery (see Exo 20:17)

.Achan admitted to coveting a rob and silver and gold,so he stole them,which was a sin against the Lord (Jos 7:20-22)
.Gehazi the servant of Elisha,coveted the property of Naaman so much that he lied to get what he wanted from Naaman the leper and he was struck with Leprosy (2kings5:19-25)

Dangers of  Covetousness

The warning that Jesus gives us concerning covetousness in Luke 12:15 implies the subtlety of its hold on us. We’re commanded to put it to death (Col. 3:5). There are three sins that the New Testament specifically exhorts us to flee:

-Idolatry (1 Cor. 10:14)
-Fornication (1 Cor. 6:18)
-Covetousness (1 Tim. 6:10-11)
“The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). Greed for gain is the motivation behind much spiritual wickedness. It is the cause of much social unrest and trouble. It can serve as the motivation for such acts as murder, robbery, kidnapping, rioting, bribery, violence, extortion etc.

Covetousness is the cause of many spiritual and personal conflicts because  it greatly affects one’s character in a negative way. It is  associated with pride, conceit, unfruitfulness, lust, backsliding or forsaking God, rejecting God’s will, guilt, insensi­tivity to the needs of others, missing God’s best for our lives.
(Bro Deji)

*Covetousness can be classified as greed, an inordinate desire of others belongings, 
*Luke 12:15 and he said unto them, take heed and beware of coveteousness for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Here the word of God let us understand that our life is not based on the amount of things we acquire. So your existence shouldn't be measured by your achievement.

*Colossians 3:1-3 if ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above not on things on the earth. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.  
If we are truely in Christ we would know that what you acquire in life is not a criteria to making heaven. Having said that God wants us to prosper but not through covetousness. Our God is Jehovah Jireh and He is abundantly able to supply our needs.

In  Genesis 39 we can read about Potiphar's wife who covet Jospeh so bad, if Jospeh was not grounded in the knowledge of God and know who he was, he would have allow the little act to truncate his destiny.
King Abimelech of Gerar in Genesis 20 coveted Abraham's wife although She was known to him as Abraham's sister but the king was married as at then but he still wanted her if not for the Lord's intervention.                       

The Root of couvetousness can be greed and lack of satisfaction.  Negative implication such as a person that never appreciate themself or what they have. They always believe they don't have enough and they need more to be better person.

It is a sin to covet other people's blessing to certain extent you don't know the source of the blessings. The example of the minister there is a greater glory awaiting every man if you follow the plans of God. The fact that a minister is in a high place now doesn't necessarily mean you should run ahead of God's plan for you, there is time for every glory to manifest. 

To covet a family it depends, you can pray for a type of family because of one value or the other but when it gets to the extent of do or die greed, enviness, jealousy anything that God frowns at then it is a sin and should not be condone or promoted.                

A believer can overcome covetousness by praying to God and being determined to be satisfied with what you have. Let God's blessing that brings no sorrow be your focus.    

Coveting a paricular body shape in this day and age has become a tool satan use. Its fine to want to lose weight, keep fit and all but when if becomes uncalled for surgeries like liposuction, lip restructuring for vain gain, breast enhancement or enlargement and many more its like blaming God for how He created you. There are lots of vain things that coveting others body structure can lead to.                        

My prayer is God will help us all to live above the sin that is hardly spoken about aside covetousness.

This race takes the grace of God I pray we will not abuse the grace in Jesus name.

(Sis Leah)

Prayer from James 4:8


You provide the fire
I'll provide the sacrifice
You provide the spirit
I will open up inside

Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up God
Fill me up

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded."
James 4:8 KJV

Lord i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Father i come to you just as I am fill me up in Jesus name

Lord purify me body, soul and spirit and make me acceptable to you in Jesus name

Almighty God purify your church purge out every works of darkness and the world that has taken over in Jesus name

Lord almighty release you fresh anointing and power in me in Jesus name

Lord fill my life with your great power and make me untouchable for the enemy in Jesus name

Father purge me of every stranger lodge in any part of my body that is ready to truncate my destiny in Jesus name

My father soak my destiny in your blood never allow any evil eye or hand to touch it in Jesus name

Lord for every child that i have, i put them under your covering destroy all tongues or hand that rise against them in Jesus name

Father erase every act of double minded in me and draw me closer than i have been to you in Jesus name

Lord thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Prayer from Isaiah 49:26

You are high and lifted up
There is no one like you
Halle Halle Hallelujah

"And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob."
Isaiah 49:26 KJV

Lord i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord almighty you are great and worthy of my praise do something glorious in my life in Jesus name

Father change my story today and cause my shame to become a channel of testimonies in Jesus name

Lord as many that gather to mock my life disgrace their plans in Jesus name

Lord Jesus every gathering of darkness against my life and family send your fire to consume the gathering in Jesus name

Lord almighty expose every enemy disguising as friends in order to cause me harm in Jesus name

Lord Jesus as many that purposely draw close to me to cause my life damage terminate them and their plans in Jesus name

Lord for as many who took oath that i will not succeed as long as they live in your power let me succeed with or without their existence in Jesus name

Lord almighty raise me to the height i ought to be that I have been deprived of getting to in Jesus name

Heavenly father let me outshine and outlive the plans of my adversaries on all front in Jesus name

Lord you are my redeemer every power hiding away my blessing today i redeem them in Jesus name

In Jesus name i dig out every goodnews of mine buried by the wicked ones and i begin to possess my poessessions henceforth in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Prayer from Joshua 3:3-5


Power belongs to you 2x
In heaven and the earth
All power belongs to you
It all belongs to you 2x
In heaven and the earth
All power belongs to you

"And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it.  Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.  And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you." Joshua 3:3‭-‬5 KJV


Lord I thank you for this day and the breath of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me father and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord almighty give me ear that listens and a heart that obey you in Jesus name

Father never let me close my eyes to your instructions at any point in time in Jesus name

Lord give me grace to follow you till the very end and keep standing in you in Jesus name

Father show me the way to go never let me run ahead of you in any circumstance of my life in Jesus name

Lord purify me for your divine use in Jesus name

Lord almighty here i am do that which only you are able to do in my life in Jesus name

Almighty father remove from me anything that wouldn't allow my life to glorify you in Jesus name

Lord all power belongs to you let all powers and authorities using their power to cause damage to my destiny be rendered useless in Jesus name

Father when my time of visitation comes never let me be found wanting in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Prayer from Proverbs 3:25-27


I have confidence in you Jesus
I have confidence in you
Everyday Everynight
I have confidence in you
Jehovah lord

"Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.  For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.  Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it."
Proverbs 3:25‭-‬27 KJV

Lord i thank you for this day and the breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive me of all my sins in Jesus name

Lord Jesus my confidence is in you never let my enemies triumph over me in Jesus name

Father i thank you for you have not given me the spirit of fear Hallelujah be to you in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for giving me the victory over my enemies in you in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for you have kept my feet from being moved glory honour and adoration adoration to your name

Father i know you will not withhold good things for me therefore every power working to delay my glory i terminate today in Jesus name

Lord i worship you accept my worship in Jesus name

Father show your power over my situations in Jesus name

Lord almighty let my life become an evidence that my God is invisible but does visible things in Jesus name

Lord almighty glorify yourself over my destiny in Jesus name

Lord almighty shower me this season with uncommon favour that brings about breakthrough on all fronts in Jesus name

Lord let my glory that the enemy want to cover begin to shine by your power in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Monday, 14 November 2016

Prayer from Isaiah 60:15

Ancient of days as old as you are
As old as you are
You will never change
Ancient of days as old as you are
As old as you are
You will never change

"Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations." Isaiah 60:15 KJV


Lord i thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me Lord and forgive all my short comings in Jeuss name

Lord i thank you for your promises for me that can never fail hallelujah to you in Jesus name

Lord no one can see your end as many planning to see my end because I am your child let me live to see their end in Jesus name

Father your grace is all i need let my life flourish in your grace in Jesus name

Father according to your word where i have been rejected make me acceptable and outstanding in Jesus name

Lord where my voice never count henceforth be my voice in Jesus name

Lord where my shame has been the joy of the heart of people turn around the tides in Jesus name

Lord Jesus as many claiming ownership over my destiny disgrace them and let them know you are the owner of my life in Jesus name

Lord for as many using their power to render me powerless fight for me in Jesus name

Lord where delay and denial have continually be my lot let your mercy begin to prevail amd fast track my case in Jesus name

Lord where i have been hated and forsaken make me a joy of many nations beyond the comprehension of man in Jesus name

Lord Jesus elevate my glory and let my contenders know that i serve the unchangeable changer in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Prayer from Phillipians 4:13


Heavenly lord your name is wonderful
Your name is excellent
Your name is beautiful
I worship you lord for you are mighty
You've got the whole world in your hands
You've got the whole world
In your hands

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for the strength given to me through your power and name in Jesus name

I am not a failure in Jesus name

I am mounting high and accessing the inaccessible in Jesus name

I will not suffer in Jesus name

Every impossible situations in my life henceforth becomes possible in Jesus name

Lord I thank you because i will smile over everything that had cause me fear and sadness in Jesus name

I no longer belong to the level of the unachievers in Jesus name

I am no longer a product of disgrace but of sufficient grace through Christ in Jesus name

My light is shinning brighter in all areas in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Prayer from Mark 5:6-8,15-16


Glorious God beautiful king
Excellent God
We bow before your throne
Bow before your throne
Worship at your feet
Bow before your throne
You are the glorious God

"But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,  And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.  For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.  And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.  And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine."
Mark 5:6‭-‬8‭, ‬15‭-‬16 KJV


Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord i bow before your throne to worship you accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for making me your child and for counting me worthy of entering the throne of mercy you deserve all the praise in Jesus name

Lord almighty i thank you for the visitation and for divine encounter take all the glory in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for making that which seem impossible to be possible in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for turning around situation that has been written off by man to become a glorious one in Jesus name

Father i thank you because you have put an end to my weeping and for replacing my sackcloth with garment of praise to you be all the glory in Jesus name

Father i thank you for reversing that which was irreversible by man so that the glory will continually be yours hallelujah to you Jesus

Lord I thank you for where men had said i was not qualified or fit you qualifeid me and made me more than fit thank you Jesus

Lord I thank you because you have turned me to an inestimable value where I have been rendered valueless thank you Jesus

My father thank you for letting me laugh and become joyful over all my heart aches glory be to your majesty in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for turning mountains before me to plain grounds and bringing up the valley to an accessible level thank you Jesus

Mighty God I thank you for my latter glory is more glorious and beautiful than the former in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Friday, 11 November 2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies 10/11/2016

Topic: Bitterness
Text: Ruth 1:19-21
memory verse: Heb12:15

what is bitterness?

what are the effects of bitterness

Common cause of bitterness

Can a Xtian be exhibiting  bitterness without knowing?

xteristics/traits  of a bitter person

how do we relate/ help a bitter person?

Is bitterness contagious? relate with example.

Food for thought: Am I  a bitter person.

Bitterness is an act of exhibiting strong animosity towards another person. A bitter person will exhibit envy, strife, jealousy n unnecessary anger. Bitterness can occur through pains, frustration, hardship, broken relationship. A Christian can exhibit this trait unknowingly, that is when we complain or criticize on some one often. A bitter person can overcome this by prayer, studying the word of God, try to be happy and sing praises. We are to relate with them through prayers, counseling, encouragement and words of God. Yes it can be contagious, eg a bitter parents will raise bitter children, bc parents are the children's first role model.(Sis Ademide)

Bitterness is usually associated with anger and grudges,bitterness is resentful cynicism that results in an intense antagonism or hostility towards other.
Bitterness starts out small.An offense burrows its way into our heart,we replay it in our minds,creating deep ruts that will be hard to build back up.We retell our hurts to any available listener,including each sordid detail,we enlist support,pushing us further into resentment. We hear the offending person's name and cringe.
Bitterness disconnect us from our great alien which is  God,our prayers will not be answered in the state of bitterness. The Bible encourage us to follow peace with all men,All not one or two, but All.
As Christians, we should learn to forgive easily so that it won't be bottled down.

Hope someone will be blessed with my little contribution (By Sis Ohla)

Be Inspired Bible Studies 10/11/2016
Topic: Bitterness
Text: Ruth 1:19-21 (Naomi returned back to Bethlehem, she refused to be called Naomi which means pleasantness but chose to be called mara which means bitterness)

*What is Bitterness;* it can be described as a state of disappointment and resentment it can be as a result of an unpleasant occurence.

*What are the effect of bitterness:*
Choice isolation, if you look at the story of Naomi she choose to be called bitterness after her children died and her husband and she returned to Bethlehem. From the text if we read *Ruth 1: 9-15* she continously persuaded her daughter in-laws to let her be. She was ready to be isolated and treated differently but in accordance to her loss and bereavement.

Bitterness can make a lively person to become isolated voluntarily and very nasty.

Bitterness if not addressed can lead to depression which can eventually lead to suicide.

Bitterness often times can be a result of unforgiveness and can severe ties forever except God steps into the situation.

Bitterness can breed continuous prejudice and destroy a person's self worth.

*Common causes of bitterness:*
Unforgiveness, loss, unnecessary enviness, jealousy, lack, family problem

*Can a Christian be exhibiting bitterness without knowing:*
This is somewhat tricky yes and no.
Yes because it is a feeling and it's very hard for you not to know what you feel.

No because if the situation or person you are bitter towards is not around you, you might think all is well when it's far from being well.

*Characteristics/traits of a bitter person:*
being over defensive of self.

Always unhappy for others especially when they acquire what you as a bitter person don't have.

Always looking at what others have and never appreciate yourself or what you have.

Forcefully relating with people just for what you can benefit from them

Speaking ill and tale bearing of others

*Is bitterness contagious?*
yes it can be if the party who suffers from it fail to find out the truth. Say for example someone comes to you and constantly nag another fellow to the extent of making up what is not just for you to believe. Even some people will go to the lowest of the lowest to rope you in by saying the person said this and that about you before you know it you get in the game of two against one getting bitter towards the other person cause you lack the truth. A bitter mother can easily breed bitter offsprings. (Sis Leah)

Causes of Bitterness
- unfulfilled  expectations. Inability  to  achieve our goals, fulfill  our dreams and realize our expectations in the timing and manner we have hoped.
-Unresolved offenses : arguments  and quarrels can produce longstanding rifts  and feelings of bitterness even between the closest  loved ones and friends. 
- Unresolved  anger : bitterness  and anger are closely  related. Bitterness  is often the by-product of an angry spirit. Failure  to  deal with the  sin of unrighteous  anger leads to an embittered  spirit.
-Failure to  forgive: an unwillingness  to forgive  others is usually  at the very heart  of  bitterness.  When we stubbornly  refuse to forgive an offending person, we begin  to  lay a foundation  for longlasting  bitterness. A tendency  to  hold a grudge, nurse a grievance,  dwell upon past offenses. Keeping  record of wrongs is a common cause of  bitterness.
-Fellowshipping bitterness. An innocent  person is exposed to the bitterness  of another.  If the relationship is close and a person fails to guard his heart or exercise godly cautions,one may subtlety fall prey to the  same feelings of resentment and ill-will contained in the heart of the bitter person.(Bro Deji)

Prayer from Isaiah 35:3,5,10


You are the Lord
let your name be glorified
You are the
Lord let your name be glorified
We give you glory and honour
You are the Lord
Let your name be glorified

"Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.  Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.  And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."Isaiah 35:3‭, ‬5‭-‬5‭, ‬10 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord forgive me in anyway i have doubted your power or allow unbelief to rest in my mind in Jesus name

Lord i worship your majesty accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for my victory is here i no longer belong to the category of the victims Hallelujah

Lord in your name i decree strength into every weakness in and around me henceforth in Jesus name

I decree that the storm should cease in Jesus name

Father every part of my body that is not functioning the way it should i decree it should receive divine touch now in Jesus name

I command any stranger lodge in any part of my body to pack now and leave never to return again in Jesus name

I decree every activities in the kingdom of darkness supporting devourers over my life, family and finance today marks your end in Jesus name

I decree every distortion in any part of my life, today marks the end of your existence in Jesus name

I decree i am no longer a failure but a success in all aspect of life in Jesus name

Every power raining curse over my destiny i render your curse and power useless in Jesus name i am an anointed child of God

I refuse defeat or diagrace henceforth in Jesua name

My mouth is filled with songs of praise and thanks because my season is here and mourning is over in my life in Jesus name

Henceforth i will stand and be outstanding, all mountains are turning to stepping stones in Jesus name and every evil written ordinances are blotted out in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Prayer from Revelations 16:15

You are alpha and omega
We worship you our lord
You are worthy to be praised
We give you all the glory
We worship you our lord
You are worthy to be praised

"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame." Revelation 16:15 KJV

Lord i thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Have mercy on me heavenly father and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Heavenly father i come to you just as i am and i rededicate my life to you in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for the salvation of my soul accept all thanks in Jesus name

Father you are the one who knows the end of everything from the beginning let me finish well and finish strong in Jesus name

Lord in anyway i have been drawn away from the path of righteousness lord direct me back into the path of righteousness in Jesus name

Lord almighty whatever it is i am doing or will do that will stop me from making heaven help me never to do it or stop doing it in Jesus name

Lord every vail satan is using to cover the truth from believer to see in order to mislead us tear such vail in Jesus name

Lord purify my heart and let my thought be in line with your will and purpose for me in Jesus name

Lord do not let me be found wanting or fall by the wayside in Jesus name

Lord when the trumpet shall sound or when the time for my individual rapture shall take place let me be in right standing with you in Jesus name

I lift everyone i know or i don't know before you let them have an encounter with you do not let us waste our soul in hell in Jesus name

Lord endow in me with the grace to live a life that preach the gospel and popoulate heaven in Jesus name

I come against weariness of any sought that will hinder me from making heaven in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

I am not my Past

Topic; I am not my past
Main Text: Genesis 32: 22-32 NKJV "And he arose that night and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of Jabbok.  He took them, sent them over the brook, and sent over what he had. Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.”But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” He said, “Jacob.”  And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel;[a]for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.”And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there. So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:[b] “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Just as he crossed over Penuel[c] the sun rose on him, and he limped on his hip. Therefore to this day the children of Israel do not eat the muscle that shrank, which is on the hip socket, because He touched the socket of Jacob’s hip in the muscle that shrank."

Reference text; Genesis 35:10 NKJV "And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.” So He called his name Israel."

Praise God almighty for the privilege to share His word this day with you, He alone deserve all the praise.

The topic says "I am not my past" it's a saying people often say when they realise that  they shouldn't dwell on their past. To start with past is a word used to describe something that is gone, that is no longer in existence.

Satan knowing how to penetrate into the heart of men who allow it, loves to lodge the past occurrence in the mind of man in a very disturbing manner that shifts the focus of such person unto their past forgetting that it no longer exist.

The story of Jacob shared above when He had an encounter with God is the beginning of Him letting go of His past and embracing the new future that Christ gave to Him. Many might wonder why not God instead of Christ as it's an occurrence that  happened in the old testament, JOHN 1:1 says He was there in the beginning the word that manifested as flesh in the new testament.
Jacob as his name implied lived a life of deceit and ran into a lot of deceit after getting his brother's birthright through deceit. When he had that encounter his life became different the scripture says his hip bone socket muscle was touched a transformation that manifested physically as he limped afterwards. 

In the Ref. Text we see where his name was changed from Jacob to Israel, from Jacob the supplanter to Israel the triumphant one with God.  When this change happened in the spiritual a lot of things begin to fall in place in the physical, his past ceased to ruin his future because he reconciled with his brother whom he thought would hate him but because he is now transformed his brother made up with him in love Thank God.

How does this apply to our lives, it applies to us in a lot of ways for example if you have lived a life that you cannot be bold of, either being a prostitute like Rahab in Joshua 2 who later became one of the people in the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 1:5. Where you a thief before Luke 23:40-43 at that point on the cross the other thief never thought a future awaits him in eternity but the one who asked that Jesus remembered him got saved. As human being we live a life surrounded by all odds. When situations happen to you people come to you looking surprised like it had never happened before but I tell you there is nothing new that happen this day that has no record in the Bible. Dwelling on your past is like telling God He doesn't exist and only a fool says in his heart that there is no God (Psalms 14:1). I do not know how bad your past was. How you might have or they have written you off I want you to know it's a lie from the pit of hell. I AM NOT MY PAST because it is already dead, it was a way for me to get to my future.  whatever happened in an individual's life is a passage to the glory that lies ahead, it now up to the individual to see it that way and embrace the future rather than sit in the past and languish in regret.

Mistake is not a channel to recede into disgrace or failure, it is a way to learn from your incompetence and become competent.
I understand when one makes a mistake in life there is a fear of it repeating itself lodged somewhere in the heart of the person but if you understand the plans of God for you, you will know that your mistake is part of the experience you need to fulfill purpose.

The past is gone, that is why every new day is referred to as present, while every day that is gone is referred to as past. A reason you need to  redeem the time. However, God is the controller of time you need to make good use of now because time waits for no man it ticks away in seconds but it's revealed in hours, days, years and century.
Looking at Saul of Tarsus who would have imagined that the one who persecuted Christians will now become a sold out soul to Christ in whom the scriptures written by him through the Holy Spirit are one of the prominent scriptures used these days by believers to exhort each other on the ways the Lord wants a believer to live and it reveals the promises of God.

Who told you, because of your edgy past you cannot make it?
Who told you because you had sex out of wedlock and now that you are born again focused and sold out for Christ your future isn't bright?
Who told you because you have suffered a damaging past you cannot fulfill purpose?
Who told you because a so called prophecy that brings fear into you from the past cannot be reversed (Jonah 3 -4)?

Allowing the past to take dominion over you is a way of enabling the fear of unknown to control the bright future God has planned for you. Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."
If you continue to allow the ill of the past to dwell in you, you can easily truncate your destiny.
I pray that will not be your portion In Jesus name.
In order to get over the gloom of the past, you need to understand the promises of God for you, you need to know that everyday birth opportunities it is now down to you to embrace it.  "A song says yesterday is gone today I'm in need Holy Ghost fire reign in me"

Yesterday's anointing is not as effective as the one you get on a daily basis, another way to show us that the past is not and should not control the present or the future either physically or spiritually. 
To move on from the past it’s a decision you make personally and with God on your side you will walk victoriously into the future.

Remember you have a limited time on earth, so dwelling on the past is wasting vital part of your life that can and should be used to fulfill purpose instead of resting on the lies of the enemy.

I pray for as many struggling with the past that God will endow you with grace to move on to the promised future God has for you in faith in Jesus name.

I decree every spirit of fear that is taking your joy away be exhumed from where its buried out of your body, soul and spirit in Jesus name.

I pray every evil prophecy in the past that is limiting your moving forward be reversed by the one who created you today in Jesus name.


Let us pray
Father we bless your name for a blessed day and grace to hear from you in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the word in season sent to me this day hallelujah to you in Jesus name

Lord forgive me in anyway i have written myself off or allowed to be written off due to my past mistakes in Jesus name

Lord please show me that which you want me to learn from my mistakes and let me use the knowledge to your glory in Jesus name

Lord help me to live a life that is impacting to other lives especially through my past mistakes in Jesus name

I refuse to recede in fear and failure henceforth in Jesus name

I am not a candidate of failure in Jesus  name

I decree the promises of God for my life begin to come to manifestation henceforth regardless of my past mistakes in Jesus name

I am a new creature, I am a brand new man old things have passed away I am born again, more than a conqueror that is who I am in Jesus name amen.


1. What do you think is/are contributing factors to people living more in their past than the present?

2. How can someone get away from their past and tap into the glorious future for them?

3. As a believer how do you think you can encourage someone to move on from their past without judging them or using the holier than thou concept to ridicule them?

4. How can you embrace an individual written off by the world in a way they will know Christ is in control of their life?

Prayer from Hebrews 6:13-15

Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice,
All ye that are upright in heart;
And ye that have made Him your choice,
Bid sadness and sorrow depart.

Rejoice, rejoice,
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice;
Rejoice, rejoice,
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice

"For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,  Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.  And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise." Hebrews 6:13‭-‬15 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive my short comings in Jesus name

My lord and father i thank you for your word in my life that is new every morning in Jesus name

Father thank you for your promises for my life both recent and long term all glory be to you in Jesus name

My father thank you because according to your will you have began a new thing in my life and you will perfect it in Jesus name

Father because you are greater than the greatest every promise of my life that power of man wants to hinder begin to remove all hinderance now in Jesus name

Father as I wait patiently on you let my life experience a divine turn around in Jesus name

Father let all my blessing withheld from me be released unto me henceforth in Jesus name

Almighty father every mouth raining curse(s) over me henceforth silent them forever in Jesus name

Father in anyway i have suffered disgrace or unfruitfulness henceforth turn it around to fruitfullness by your grace in Jesus name

Lord blind every star gazers gazing at my star for evil purposes in Jesus name

Oh lord whatever it is I am doing that is stopping me from partaking in your promises for me reveal to me and let me amend my ways in Jesus name

Today i cast out every power of unbelief working against my faith that is creating fear in me in Jesus name

Father the turn around that will cause my life sorrow before this year runs out do not let me encounter it in Jesus name

Lord you have the final say over my life let all utterances that truncates destiny said against me and my family be nullified in Jesus name

Father give me the patience needed to wait for your promises for my life to be fulfilled in Jesus name

Thank you almighty king for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Prayer from Isaiah 60:13-15

You are God who opens every door
You are the God
who make the lame to walk
You are the God
who make the blind to see
You are the God who gives me victory

Alpha and Omega
We worship your name 3x

"The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.  The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the Lord , The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.  Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations."
Isaiah 60:13‭-‬15 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord you are a miracle worker perform your miracle in my life and remove every ridiculing circumstances in Jesus name

Lord according to your word where I have been rejected turn my life around and make me a treasure of high value in Jesus name

Father where denial and delay has been my lot let me begin to walk in divine acceptance beyond the understanding of human in Jesus name

Lord where i have been written off, open a new chapter of rememberance that will show forth my glory in Jesus name

Lord where i have been a cast out turn the tides around take me to my canaan in Jesus name

Lord according to your will let those who despise me come back to bow before me as you show forth your execellency in my life in Jesus name

Father where impossibility had been resounding lay your hand of possibility and divine touch on me in Jesus name

Father where i have been cheated for known an unknown reasons arise father, fight for me and get my right for me in Jesus name

Lord let my life henceforth showcase you presence, power and glory in Jesus name

Thank you almighty father for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Monday, 7 November 2016

Prayer from Psalms 68:1-3

Let God arise
and His enemies be scattered
Let God arise
and His enemies be scattered
Let God arise
and His enemies be scattered
Arise oh Lord Arise

"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.  As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.  But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice." Psalms 68:1‭-‬3 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord arise over my situations and destroy the power of enemy in Jesus name

Almighty God terminate every negative dreams and its effect upon my life in Jesus name

I set myself and household lose from the evil trap of the enemies in Jesus name

I decree every power of animal used to pursue my being be consumed by the fire of holy ghost in Jesus name

I decree i am not a candidate of unfortunate circumstances in Jesus name

I decree whether the enemy likes it or not i am mounting up and soaring like an eagle in all my endeavours in Jesus name

I am a victor not a victim an overcomer not an underdog in Jesus name

I refuse negative report or delays henceforth in Jesus name

I choose not to be in the congregation of failures in Jesus name

I am rising above all odds to the pinnacle of victory in Jesus name

I am a world changer a solution and not a problem in Jesus name

I decree everywhere I go the presence of God is ahead, in me and after me in Jesus name

Every demonic incantation orchestrating evil report over me and my household i cancel you and i command the ground to swallow you in Jesus name

I no longer belong to the camp of the delayed or of misfortune in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Prayer from Psalms 61:4

You are the only living God yes you are
You are the only living God

"I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah."
Psalms 61:4 KJV

Lord i thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Father renew my being in you in Jesus name

Lord almighty arise and let your will be done in my life in Jesus name

Adonai come and dwell in me henceforth in Jesus name

Oh Lord my father uplift me to the level you want me to be in Jesus name

Lord almighty erase my shame with your blood and cloth me with garment of praise in Jesus name

Father keep me in your terbanacle forever never let me get tired of serving you in Jesus name

Lord i trust you shield me under your wings from known and unknown harm in Jesus name

Oh Lord my help in ages past arise and give me testimony over my heart desires in Jesus name

Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Prayer from Romans 14:17-18

You are the Lord that is your name
You will never share your glory with any man
You will never share your glory with any body
Almighty God that is your name

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.  For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.
Romans 14:17‭-‬18 KJV


Lord I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Lord help me to live a life that please you always in Jesus name

Father grant me grace to live at peace with all men in Jesus name

Lord help me not to live my life unguarded or unguided lead me through this my life journey in Jesus name

Lord remove every spirit of anger out of my life in Jesus name

Lord let me always focus on the highest calling in Christ Jesus and not be led by worldly doctrines in Jesus name

Lord purify my life and make it acceptable to you in Jesus name

Father terminate the rulling of flesh over my entire being in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Friday, 4 November 2016

Prayer from Psalms 52:8-9

Onise Iyanu(God of wonders)
You are the God of awesome wonders
I've tasted of your power
Onise Iyanu (God of wonders)
You have shown me so much mercy
Much more than I deserve

My eyes has seen, my ears have heard
The wonders of your praise
Creation bows in awe of you
And we join to give you praise
The words you speak turns things around
Your outstretched arm has lifted me
You took away the chains and colts
That held me bound

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.  I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints." Psalms 52:8‭-‬9 KJV


Father I thank you for this day and breath of life in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

God of awesome wonders I thank you for counting me worthy as a living partaker of your wonders in Jesus name

Mighty King and friend of the friendless I appreciate your love over me accept my praise Lord Jesus

Father thank you for bringing to pass that which seem impossible in my life for making it possible you deserve all the praise in Jesus name

Father i worship your majesty for taking me out of darkness and bringing me into light you in Jesus name

Lord thank you for making me an olive tree in your vineyard in Jesus name

Lord do not let me wither away from your hands keep me standing firm in you in Jesus name

Father i thank you for daily loading me with divine benefits and blessings all praise to you in Jesus name

Father i magnify your name for totally setting me free from what has held me bound to you be all the glory in Jesus name

Father i worship you for settling me in the areas my life was unsettled and for filling my mouth with testimony and songs of thanks in Jesus name

Lord i thank you for rewarding my waiting time in you with timely and unchangeable miracles accept my thanks in Jesus name

Lord I thank you for causing those who laugh at me to have no choice but to laugh with me in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies discussion on Forgiveness 3/11/2016

Be Inspired Bible Studies
Topic: Forgiveness
Text :Matt 18 :21-35 Memory Verse:Mark 11:26
What is  forgiveness?
A:Forgiveness by God.
- How do I receive God's  forgiveness
B:Forgiveness  by man.
Is it  possible  to  forgive  and forget?
Concluding text : Heb 12:14
Please  can  we attempt  to  answer the following  questions:
# How can we define forgiveness? 
# what is  decisional  forgiveness ?
# What is  Emotional forgiveness ?
# Is it  possible  to  forgive  and  forget?
# what do you  believe  are the most important elements of  the  forgiveness  process?
# what suggestions  do you have for people who are trying to forgive some one?
# what is  do you  think  is the most common  misconception about forgiveness.

Contributions and Answers
The Bible gives us much instruction when it comes to forgiveness.We forgive because we have been forgiven by God (Ephesians 4:32).
We forgive in obedience to God (Matthew 6:14-15; Romans 12:18).
We forgive others to gain control of our lives from hurt emotions (Genesis 4:1-8).
We forgive so we won’t become bitter and defile those around us (Hebrews 12:14-15).Sis Biola

Forgive : to forgive,
restoration: amending or fixing  something
reconciliation: agreeing to someone's view or belief is compatible to yours
I believe it possible to forgive and not reconcile. For instance, if someone stole something precious from you, of course you will forgive them but that doesn't mean you are reconciling with them. You both are probably not to do any business or deals together.
Using the example above, the case of restoration...the person that stole the precious thing can return in (only if it's quantify by money/values)...if not, then it's done since forgiveness is in place.
Sis Iyin

Hebrew 12:14 said it All....
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Firstly let us know that Forgiveness is a biblical instruction as a Christian is non-negotiable. Ephesians 4:32
Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualification everyone should have either in Christ or circular world.
Looking at the scripture follow peace with all men irrespective of who they are or how you meet them but it's pity that revenge is more popular than forgiveness in this world sequence to the wars here and there may Prince of Peace come quick.
Forgiveness to me can be seen as an act of humility,kindness and gentleness because without this three thing you can't end up forgiving someone.
Forgiveness is a character on its own thing it walk with many things but it's a single character that give peace while unforgiveness bring war.
How do I forgive? It easy to forgive but you might not let go and that's where you need Holyspirit when it comes to forgiveness. Forgiveness can only be done through the help of Holyspirit. Though you still have the memory but when the memory still hurt you then you ain't forgive the person. Do so before it's too late.
I remember my first year in Uk I  was maltreated by someone who I look up to I won't put his title here but it's unbelievable all because am vulnerable and new here. But whenever he hurt me I just forgive easily because I don't want that to hinder my prayer request. After when God answer my request a Friend  told me now is time to revenge and do this and that for the man. Even what I don't remember you remembered me but I told him who am I not to forgive him? Have let go who knows maybe that's what God sees in me that hasting my request. Hallelujah. So to forgive and forgive INDEED You need the help of Holyspirit. My Contribution.
I Celebrate You All! Bro femi

Forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.(Dictionary meaning)
The bible answer of forgiveness
Forgiveness is the act of pardoning an offender in the bible,the Greek word translated"forgiveness "literally means to let go" as when a person does not demand payment for a debt.Jesus used this comparison when he taught his followers to pray in Luke 11:14 and Matt18:23-35.
Decisional forgiveness is a behavioral intention to act less negatively and more.
positively toward an offender
Emotional forgiveness: is a process in which the positive other-oriented emotions replace unforgiving emotions....offenders but still feel negative emotions associated with anger,resentment and bitterness
Is it possible to forgive and forget::: Yes,it takes the grace of God ,most people have been hurt physical, emotional and materially
What do you believe are the most important elements of forgiveness process?
A.Express the emotion
B. Understand why.
C. Rebuild safety
D. Let go
What suggestions do you have for people who are trying to forgive some one?
.Learn to forgive in advance
.forgive because our heavenly father forgives us
.Man will always be vulnerable (24:29 Sis Ohla

To err is human to forgive is divine, the word of God implore us to forgive our neighbors their tresspasses so as to get forgiveness from God. The act of not forgiving keep someone in bondage n constant fear. In order to fulfill all righteousness, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves and if we are able to do this, it will be difficult to have grudges against one another. It's divine to forgive n forget, if we forgive but we do not forget any time  we remember or see the person, there is going to be bitterness, sorrow and anguish in the mind, so let learn to forgive n forget through which we can also get total freedom n Peace of mind. God bless each n every one of us in Jesus mighty name. Amen Sis Ademide

The text Matt 11:21-35 explains why we should forgive and the parable of that servant who owed and his master forgave him but he didn't do likewise to his fellow servant
Mark 11:26 is very explanatory if we don't forgive God will not forgive us.
*A*So to receive forgiveness from God we must forgive others
*B* it takes the grace of God to forgive and forget but nothing is inpossible with God.
Hebrew 12:14. Says we should pursue peace with all men and without holiness no one can see God. Unforgiveness can hinder one from making heaven.
Forgiveness is a gift from God given to all human its an act of letting go of hurt inflicted on you by others without holding back or looking for ways to revenge instead await God to avenge your cause.
Decisional forgiveness is an act where by regardless of what is done against or to you. You have made up your mind to forgive no matter what, this is accompanied by grace still.
Emotional forgiveness is done when the state of mind isn't right. For example when a murder is forgiven by the victims family without thinking deep but out of hurt the person has no choice but to forgive (i might be wrong so i won't mind to be corrected)
To be honest humanly speaking or thinking its very difficult to forgive and forget except God gives one peace over the whole issue. To forgive and forget it takes total commitment to God as in you lift your hurt to God for total healing and restoration where possible then you can now say you are able to forgive and forget. I am very sure we have all passed through hurts that we can't remember again that is grace that allowed us to forget after forgiving.
Elements of forgiveness are dependence on God and His word. Also looking towards being more like Christ than like human that we are.
For anyone trying to forgive first i want you to ask God to forgive you, forgive yourself, pray for grace to let go and forgive the other party involved also dont be after being the one that is right even wjen you are said to be wrong and you know otherwise just let go and let God. Also ask God for grace to see people the way He sees them that way you will understand individual for who they really are.
Most common misconception of forgiveness to me is returning to the way things were before the hurt that led to unforgiveness. Its not that easy especially when one party feel they should make the other a subject always.
From. matthew 18:21-35 i learnt that we are saved for a reason and we shouldn't take it for granted when we have to forgive others because forgiveness led to our salvation and if unforgiveness can lead to not making heaven the best is to look at your salvation when it comes to forgiveness do i use this unforgiveness as a tool to hinder my prayers and me making heaven remember tomorrow isn't promised.
Reconciliation is making up after forgiveness
Restoration can only be done by God because man can not fully restore you back to the position you were before the hurt.
Hmm! there are times when I have forgiven but reconcilliation has been impossible due to several factors but I have forgiven totally.
Also there are situations i have forgiven but restoration wasnt possible either due to location or death which makes it more difficult. Sis Leah

The Importance of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is something all of us want to receive but most of us hesitate to give. Jesus makes it clear, however, that we can't have it without giving it. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins (Matthew 6:14-15). These words allow no room for doubt or discussion. Forgiveness flows two ways. We cannot separate receiving forgiveness from extending forgiveness.
Forgiveness is at the core of emotional well-being. It is fair to say that unforgiving people are emotionally sick. Their bitterness is a disease of the spirit, and it is inevitable that the unforgiving person eventually will experience physical illness as well. Anger causes surges of adrenaline and secretes other powerful chemicals that attack the body. The stress we carry when we refuse to give or receive forgiveness affects our hearts, minds, and bodies. To make matters worse, both rage and depression contribute to obsessive behaviors such as overeating, workaholism, overspending etc. We cannot rid ourselves of emotional pain and its side effects unless we are willing to forgive.
Unresolved anger keeps us from moving forward because it locks us in a time machine, frozen on the exact moment when a particular offense occurred. Fear of further injury makes us unwilling to move to new levels of relationship, not only with those who have hurt us but with anyone who represents a similar threat.
Furthermore, if we allow unforgiveness to continue, we are likely to experience depression, bitterness, or both. Yet more important than any of these concern is the most serious consideration of all the spiritual consequence of unforgiveness alienation from God

forgiveness cannot begin until we admit our failures. Bro Deji

With man it is impossible to forgive and forget but with God all things are possible. When you are rooted in His love with concrete understanding of it, it will be possible to do. Bro Bukola George

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...