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Saturday, 4 July 2015

I am more than a conqueror

I am more than a conqueror

There was a rich man. He had a party very exquisite, in his back garden was the swimming pool, in the swimming pool there were sharks and alligators. The rich man announced that he will give anything to whoever swam from one end of the pool to the other. Before he finished there was a big splash and a guy was swimming dodging the sharks and alligator frantically. When he got out of the pool at the other end the rich man went to  him and said you are the bravest person i have ever seen what do you want me to give you for overcoming this challenge.  The man said before i say anything can i know the name of the person that pushed me into the pool (excerpt from Joel Osteen's sermon on open doors)

The attitude of the guy in the challenge he was pushed into gave him victory. If he had given up he would have been a lovely meal to the shark and alligator.

The morals here is never see yourself as a victim but a victor. No matter how bad or the origin of your challenge always be positive. No quitter ever wins and champions never quit. Giving up on yourself is like telling God He's powerless. No matter what the challenge is always be optimistic. God will not take you somewhere and leave you. He says in Hebrews that He will never leave or forsake you. How you position yourself in a challenge will determine your outcome, if you place the challenge above you and God it will crush you but if you place the Challenge below you and God you will defeat it.

Whatever that challenge is greater is He that is in you than He that lives in the world 1John4:4, what you claim by faith you receive by faith. Be mindful of your proclamation in the midst of any challenge.

I am more than a conqueror, nothing comes as a surprise to my God because He is the Alpha and Omega.💃🎁🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉👠👠👠👠👣🎊🎊🎊🎊👣🌂🌂💃💃💍💍💍🎈👍🎈👍👍👍🎈🎈🎈🎈🙏

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