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Tuesday, 13 October 2020

works doesn't justify grace

*Be Inspired Prayer and Testimony Programme Tuesday 13th October 2020*

*Title;* Works doesn't justify grace

*Text:* But if it is by grace [God’s unmerited favor], it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace [it would not be a gift but a reward for works].
Romans 11:6 AMP

Glory be to God for another wonderful day to share the word of God and privilege to be a vessel to be used.

Lord we pray that you have your way this day and glorify yourself this day in Jesus name.

It's beautiful to understand and share the word of God because sharing the word of God enables you to know the mind of God.

The topic says *_word doesn't justify grace_*

From the scripture reference if it is by God's grace which the scripture here refers to as unmerited favour, it is no longer on the basis of works.

Let's take this verse one at a time, so grace isn't something you need to toil for to qualify for, grace of God is given to man by God and He knows and chooses those He endows with His grace. Having said that as a believer you and I are entitled to the grace of God. It is unmerited, it's not by the amount of works we do but God gives it to us beyond our own abilities or capabilities.

Let's read the portion of Bible from The Message version starting from verse 2 to 6

Does this mean, then, that God is so fed up with Israel that he’ll have nothing more to do with them? Hardly. Remember that I, the one writing these things, am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham out of the tribe of Benjamin. You can’t get much more Semitic than that! So we’re not talking about repudiation. God has been too long involved with Israel, has too much invested, to simply wash his hands of them. Do you remember that time Elijah was agonizing over this same Israel and cried out in prayer? God, they murdered your prophets, They trashed your altars; I’m the only one left and now they’re after me! And do you remember God’s answer? I still have seven thousand who haven’t quit, Seven thousand who are loyal to the finish. It’s the same today. There’s a fiercely loyal minority still—not many, perhaps, but probably more than you think. They’re holding on, not because of what they think they’re going to get out of it, but because they’re convinced of God’s grace and purpose in choosing them. If they were only thinking of their own immediate self-interest, they would have left long ago.
Romans 11:2‭-‬6 MSG

Elijah here was telling God about an information to which God had the accurate answer, Elijah even thought He was the only prophet left but God said no there are still 7000 prophets left. Elijah here was telling God how the enemy was after him being the only prophet left but God reassured him that, no, there are still many more.

The begining of that chapter said something significant that God had been too much imvolved in Israel to wash His hands off Israel.

At times in life we think we have reached the end of it, like yes the rope is about to finish and you are at the edge of the cliff looking and wondering how you will survive the possibility of dropping off because you have no more rope to hang on and is overwhelming you.

One thing is vital in that situation and that is to remember God's grace, His grace can never be justified by the amount of work you put in as a natural man. 

If many of us should look back into our lives now we will understand that it's not because of your input alone in life that you are still standing but grace kept you.

Those period when you and I feel like just letting go and we are lamenting to God like Elijah saying, 'Daddy they are after me, what will you do? will you just leave me like this? In fact, Daddy, I am the only one left and they are after me, this my colleagues hate me so much, my spouse is horrible, this country is unbearable, this sickness is taking a toll, this financial burden is crippling me, Lord, this duty of the ministry is overwhelming, but God is whispering into your ears and mine that: 'Girl, boy, my daughter and my son, I have you covered because my grace is in action, not the amount of work you are doing is what has kept you here or brought you here but my grace. I trump over all power, all authority, all capability because I am God.

I have given you that grace and I do not want you to lament anymore because I have all the details.'

Do you know that many of us would have easily and willingly walked into the den of lions that the enemy had prepared for us if not for His grace. It's not about the security around you or your intelligence it's the supernatural ability that God has released by His grace upon us that has and is keeping us still.

Yes, you may wonder: 'But I do a lot for God.' Let me tell you something: if God should reward us according to how we all do, many of us will be surprised because none of us can out do God. Except we function in that grace no amount of times we try we cannot even fulfill His purpose for us.

Today I want us all to embrace the availability of the grace of God.

The government will fail you, your parents might fail you, your earthly qualifications can fail your but His grace will never fail you because His grace means God is in the race with you.

Today I want you to let go of those thoughts that you are doing it all by yourself and embrace the fact that you are doing it just by His grace and only His grace can see you and I through.

Having said that, don't think that or encourage living against His will, will cause His grace to overflow, when God is in the race you are bound to live and function in His righteousness.

*_I am a product of Grace not my works_*

Let us Pray

So far this year look back and begin to account for His grace in your life and your family. As you do that begin to thank God.

Father forgive me in anyway I have depended on my human ability

Lord help me to always remember that it's your grace that keeps me and has brought me this far

Father in this nation let your grace speak over every evil rulership in Jesus name

Lord let your grace position me and my household in the place that we will not fall into disgrace

Father for Nigeria and countries experiencing torments and brutality from leaders arise and vindicate us in all areas.

Father for every member of this group and our household let us always function in your grace. 

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Abba Father for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.

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