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Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Power In Waiting

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Intercessory Prayer and Testimony*

*Tuesday 27th August 2019*

*Anchored by Sister Leah Adepeju*

*Topic:* Power In Waiting

*Text:* Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord , the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.  He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:28‭-‬31 KJV

Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:28‭-‬31 NLT

Today we will have exhortation on Power in waiting..  I ask that God will speak to us all and we will be enlightened and empowered in Jesus mighty name.

Power in waiting means ability to be in a position for a delayed action meant for a specific time.
To have power in waiting you need to come to the end of your physical power and totally depend on His supernatural power so you can actually have what He purposed for you after your wait or during your wait.
Reading from the scripture I have shared two different versions for better reference and simple understanding.
The verse started with a question... Have you not known?, or don't you know? .. haven't you heard that the everlasting God the , the creator of the ends of the earth doesn't faint neither does He grow weary..?
Hmm, God doesn't faint.. physically what can make a man faint is lack of physical strength, it could be low blood pressure or blood sugar or other co-morbidities.
But the Word is letting us understand that God isn't like man... He has none of those attributes of tiredness or giving up... He is supernaturally built, nothing can make Him fall or faint or get tired.
Do you know that applies to when God is waiting on us and many of His children who are yet to be saved, He never gets tired of us.

He didn't create human race then realise what capacity we have, you know He gave us the power we all have inside of us.

Further on, the Word says there is no searching of His understanding, that is no one on earth can measure the depth of His understanding....
This amazing God gives power to the  weak and strength to the powerless...

I like the next lines...

*Even youths will become weak and tired and young men will fall in exhaustion...*

When we hear the word youth we think of people who are agile, people who can do more things..

You think of hyper energy, hyper ability... But in comparison to the Creator of all things the power of the youth will be exhausted.. they cannot out match the power of God eternal.
Then the word says...

But they (put your name)....
But I (Leah Adepeju) that wait upon the Lord will find new strength... I will soar high on wings like eagles. I will run and not be weary and I will walk and not faint..
You know what? Because I wait on God, because you wait on God, because we wait on God, our strength will be renewed beyond our physical means or capability.

Earlier on I defined what power in waiting means.. to be the ability to be in position for specific period of time for for a delayed action...
When people wait on God it is more than a physical experience; it is more of a spiritual experience.
The time of waiting on God is the time to be spiritually empowered.
You know that the spiritual controls the physical.
The time to wait on God is the time to buckle up your breast plate of righteousness.
The power in waiting isn't the power of an ordinary man.
You cannot appropriate the way of waiting with the power of man for a spiritual life of waiting.
When you want to use a physical power to wait for a spiritual thing, you will get weary just like the youth and faint in exhaustion.
But often times, what happens to we human beings is, we will say:
I am waiting on God either in fasting or other thing, but guess what...? Indeed we are waiting but our gaze is shifted.
So we are like this emoji🧐🤪 one eye skewed up and one is bright... We are easily distracted either because same thing we claim to be waiting on God for isn't coming, yet we see some other thing to distract us from what is real.
You cannot wait on God in your natural power, you will faint face down.
When Jacob had that Peniel encounter and He was saying to the angel 'you aren't going anywhere until you bless me, the strength Jacob was using wasn't a natural man's strength.
If it was, by the time the socket of his hip was touched he would have become crippled.
But guess what? his hip socket was touched and Jacob stood up as Israel limping with new strength🚶🏽
My man was limping because the hole in his hip socket was no longer what his physical strength can carry but what his spiritual strength has been empowered to live on.
Jacob was ready to show off: I am no longer a supplanter... I have been changed, my Peniel encounter changed me to Israel.
His power was made perfect in my weakness.
I am no longer slave in the place of waiting.
I am spiritually empowered.
My life isn't the same again.

Many of us have read, seen or heard this saying: If you are waiting on the Lord, do what waiters do - serve.
But I say if you are going to serve do it in His strength not your strength.
You cannot go to a restaurant and have a waiter picking his or her nail and asking you how can I help...? Or looking like they have been bitten up..
You will probably be put off by their approach.
But when you see a waiter knocking on the 13th hour of their shift yet with a smile😄 telling you what the menu is and what people go for.. complimenting your patronage, if you are not careful you will spend more than you bargained for.
In the period of waiting the power to wait is very important... If you are travelling abroad and you had to get checked in and maybe you forgot to check in online..
By the time you got to the airport the queue is like 50 people ahead of you, would you jump the queue just to be checked in or wait for your time?
I bet you would wait for your time.. no matter how tideous or stressful the waiting or queuing may be you wouldn't get to the check-in person and start shouting or start throwing tantrums.
If you do so... You will miss your flight. What is the morals...? The power to wait at that time is the hope and faith of what you are waiting for that is ahead of you.
Power to wait on God is spiritual; it's not down to physical ability.
Power to wait on God comes from your prayer life, your prayer attitude.
Some pray and they just shout on God.
Some murmur in prayer.
Some start reminding God 'I did this for you and that..'

It is Him who gives us power to get wealth, there is nothing you do for Him that hasn't come from Him.
Some will just cry and cry and cry and cry and cry... 😇😇 It is well, you do not serve a weeping machine, you are the son and daughter of the King.
The amount of tears isn't what will make Him do wonders, your faith is what will move mountains.
Power in waiting... How much power do we lose in waiting when we fail to hear His direction?
While you wait you allow His direction to rule your path in life.
Some of us wait and we just start responding to every alarm bell..

You hear the rain you are like: is He in the rain, the storm: you run to look for Him. The sun you are like: can I bow to Him..? but guess what? He is speaking in that still voice inside of you because that is where the power He has given to you lies for you to be discerning enough through the power of waiting on Him.

Brethren we can go on and on and will never finish this.
Remember when God was going to speak to Moses through the fire, the fire wasn't roaring, it was burning yet the voice speaking was powerful... We didn't read that He roared and the fire consumed the ground... Our God is a consuming fire, do not misunderstand me, but what I am saying is He chooses with which tone He will communicate with you and I in waiting that we will know through His power in us that this is God.

Have you lost power in waiting?
Have you lost hope in waiting?
Are you distracted in waiting?
Are you still waiting?

Get this right... Your power in waiting is spiritually fueled not by human ability.
How do you do that...?
Dig deeper into the Word.
Identify yourself with the Word.
Live by the Word.
Trust the Word.
Proclaim the Word.
Praise Him using the Word.
Pray according to the Word.
Declare according to the Word.

You will be amazed how you will begin to see just as the Word wants you to.
You will be amazed how the power in waiting will increase mightily.
I pray that God will enlighten us all in Jesus name.

*Let us pray.*

Father  I thank you for the grace to partake of the Word this evening.
Lord here I am, have mercy on me in any way I have been distracted while waiting on you.
Lord henceforth I want to grow in the power of waiting on you in Jesus name.
Father remove from my life every weakness that makes me give up on waiting on you in Jesus name.
Lord henceforth release in me the ability to wait on you no matter how it may be humanly impossible in Jesus name.
Lord increase the thirst to dig deeper in your Word as I wait on you so I will find the truths and direction to the right plans you have for me in Jesus name.
Heavenly king henceforth I dwell in your strength and renounce physical strength that makes me give up on waiting on you in Jesus name.
I decree I mount up higher and higher over all challenges and difficulties that make my waiting feel like a waste of time in Jesus name.
I decree all those things I have waited on God for are coming to manifestation henceforth as I replace my ordinary power to the supernatural power of God in Jesus name.
I decree my season to limp in joy and happiness is here in Jesus name.

*Pray about those things you are waiting on Him for.*

Thank you Abba Father for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name.
Heavenly Father we worship you and give all praise that is due to you alone. Lord thank you for the understanding of your Word. Thank you for clarity. Henceforth we receive divine power in waiting on you. We renounce discouragement as we wait. We receive our supernatural grace and abundance visitation as we get power in waiting through the Holy spirit. We know Lord that you have done for us what no man can do and all praise and glory is yours in Jesus mighty name.


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