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Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Baptism of Holy Spirit

Recap of Be Inspired Prayer Meeting Tuesday 13th Aug 2019

Anchor: Sister Leah Adepeju

Topic: Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Text: Acts 10: 44 - 47
While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on
all those who were listening to the message [confirming God’s
acceptance of Gentiles]. All the circumcised believers who came with
Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured
out even on the Gentiles. For they heard them talking in [unknown]
tongues (languages) and exalting and magnifying and praising God. Then
Peter said, “Can anyone refuse water for these people to be baptized,
since they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?”
ACTS 10:44‭-‬47 AMP

Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special
abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy. For if
you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to
God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be
speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.
But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and
comforts them. A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened
personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the
entire church.
1 Corinthians 14:1‭-‬4 NLT
Welcome Everyone.

This evening we will be exhorted from the scriptures posted above and
the topic is the Baptism of The Holy spirit
Lord take control as we go into your word manifest like never before
in Jesus name
Before we go further can we all tell us, who is the Holy Spirit?

Sis Bimbo: Holy Spirit our comforter
Sis Leah: Yes

Sis Queeneth: Holy Spirit is the comforter whom our Lord promise to
leave with us while He's gone

Sis Leah: Yes

Sis Florence: The third person in the Trinity of God

Sis Leah: Holy Spirit is the third person of trinity... Holy Spirit is
God… He is the spirit of God who came after the departure of God the
son who is Jesus Christ...Holy Spirit was there before the creation of
earth... As human being we are made of body soul and spirit and when
we give our lives to Christ the spirit inside of us is replaced with
the Holy Spirit.
The word baptism can be translated to immersion or introduction or
launching or beginning...

From the scripture In Acts 10:44-47 the story is told of Cornelius a
believer who happened to be a gentile but believes in Christ. Through
the direction of God Peter had to visit this man. Mind you the Jewish
do not mix with the gentile even when Peter was told to go to him he
was kind of skeptical and questioned that directive but he went.
The word of God says while Peter was still speaking these word, the
Holy Spirit fell on all those who were listening...

I want us to take a note of that those who were not listening didn't
partake of that impartation but those who were listening
To listen to someone shows a readiness of heart, eagerness to know
more than you have known, eagerness to lean afresh
This shows the acceptance of the gentile by God. All the circumcised
believers who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the
Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the gentiles...
Why this passage I want to highlight the fact that the Holy Spirit
isn't a denominational spirit
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers

No one is segregated, it is not even by age but by the dwelling or
impartation of God upon the earth that are ready to receive Him
Then all the gentiles didn't not just get impacted but they bursted
out in tongues languages that were not their original ones or tongues
of I may put it that way... They were praising God and Peter said can
anyone refuse water for these people to be baptized since they have
received the Holy Spirit...
Can you notice a dimension there these gentiles that were no one to
the orthodox Jewish were impacted by the Holy spirit with evidence of
speaking in tongues even before the baptism by immersion...
Isn't God wonderful?

Moving on to 1 Corinthians 14:1-4
Let love be your highest goal.... Who is love???
God is love, so our highest goal should be God...

But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives.
Especially the ability of prophesy, for if you have ability speak in
tongues you will be talking only to God since people will not
understand you.
You will speak by the power of the spirit (the spirit of God in you)
But prophesies strengthens others, encourages them and comforts them.
A person who speaks in tongues strengthen personally but one who speak
a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church
May the lord bless the reading of His Word.
As a believer who has the spirit of God inside of us it is not just a
gift but a blessing to be able to speak in tongues.

But that will not come if you are not baptized in the Holy Ghost
As we noticed earlier with the gentiles even before the baptism by
immersion they already received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
And from the chapter we read following that we understand that
speaking In Tongues isn't just a demonstration of gift but a direct
conversation to God

In Romans 8:36-27 the Bible says
‘In the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness we do not know
what we ought to pray for, but the spirit Himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans.. and he who searches our hearts knows the
mind of the spirit because the spirit intercede for God's people in
accordance with the will of God’
So not only are we speaking directly to God but we are speaking the
will of God into existence
Do you know that what you will reach and conquer or deliver through
praying in the holy spirit in just a while could take a while when you
are still trying to get your grammar and coordination ready when
praying in your understanding?

I remember as a teenager in church and the church I attend then led
prayers in native language but there is always someone to interpret in

But one day the person leading prayer said instead of you wasting time
on saying oh lord God oh lord God oh lord God and satan slaps you into
forgetting what you want to pray about pray in your native dialect
because your problem understand your native dialect😁😁😁

But let me tell you something even satan cannot come near you when you
are genuinely praying in the Holy ghost because the only person who
understands what you are saying is God
Am I saying it is wrong to pray in your understanding or native language?

As we can see there when you are giving message to people in prophecy
or even leading a prayer you need to do so in the understanding of
others because no one else can understand the tongue you pray in
except God gives them interpretation.
I bet someone is saying but I am not baptized in the Holy Spirit.

But as we read earlier for as many who were listening they got baptized.
And my prayer is for as many who are craving and listening to the word
of God this evening you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit in Jesus

You say how ....?
I’m not going to teach you but I am going to join my faith with you if
you want to be baptized and you must be eager willing and ready to
allow the Holy Spirit impact you and change your tongue.
But as mentioned in I Corinthians 14: 1
Let love be your highest goal
So what can stop me from the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Remember as I introduced the Holy Spirit earlier, He is God and do you
think God will dwell in a place ridden by sin
Does He still love the person? Absolutely yesssss

I would have loved to go deeper into how praying in tongues can affect
and cause positive effect in every aspect of your life
Do you know when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost even your
unconscious state is literally on fire for the Holy Ghost?

Let me sight an example those dreams and Revelation that keeps coming
to scare you and you wake up sweating like a Christmas chicken you
will basically be fired up from inside your unconscious state to
Because your spirit isn't just an ordinary spirit again it is the spirit of God
So when the enemy come in like flood guess what happens

Sis Queeneth: God will raise a standard Against the Enemy.

Sis Leah: According to Isaiah 59:18 the spirit (Holy Spirit) of the
lord shall lift up a standard against them.
I hope it is sinking in now... You ain't gonna be there shivering and
sweltering again... You gonna get your battle axe on and conquer them
But you are saying it's only ministers and pastor's in my church that
speak in tongues...😁😁

Isaiah 60:1-2 says
‘Arise shine for your light has come and the glory of God is risen
upon you, see darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the
people but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you’
So who is the word talking about here... not ministers ordained either
by God or man..

He is talking about you!!!!
So the Spirit of God that is shining light is upon you His glory is
manifesting in you
You wonder but I am young....
That isn't any excuse for God believe it the question now is are you ready
Or perhaps you have been baptized by the Holy Spirit with evidence of
speaking in tongues but you are always shy to let it lose and roll off
your tongue today you will speak in Jesus name
Before we pray if you know you have unforgiveness inside of you or any
sin hatred, bitterness this is the time to let go.

You cannot serve God and Marmon
It is not possible to have two masters
So you will say;
Father I come to you just as I am, and I let go of all hurts,
bitterness unforgiveness, strife whatever sin might be hiding inside
of my being against your will I let go of them and I ask you Lord to
come and take your place in me in Jesus name

For as many thirsty for the Holy Spirit you will ask in your own closet...
He knows and can see your heart... He can see what you desire...
And did I mention that speaking in tongues isn't for fashion or being
in vogue purpose as you saw earlier it is speaking directly to God.

No, you will say...
Holy Spirit divine I am here thirsty for you fill me this day and let
my life receive your baptism in Jesus name.

Father I come to you today
change my tongue I want to be able to communicate directly to you
henceforth come Holy Spirit fill me like never before
Be ready and willing to receive Him, it may be instant it may be later
but get your heart prepared.

Let Us Pray
‘Heavenly father we worship you for this evening lord we thank you for
your word. We thank you for enlightening us on the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit and the importance to partake of the impartation.

Lord I join
my faith with as many craving this baptism that Lord you will visit
them today, lord I pray for as many who already have it but fear of
unknown is keeping them mute I decree that their tongue is listed to
pour out your spirit henceforth, father I pray that henceforth as we
get more involved in praying in the Holy ghost our lives will
experience you more in Jesus name.

Thank you Abba father for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name.’

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