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Friday, 18 January 2019

Run forth with the word

*Be Inspired Faith clinic Friday 18th January 2019*

*Topic:* Going forth with the word

And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.  When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,  And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
John 9:2‭-‬3‭, ‬6‭-‬7 KJV

Praise be to God for giving us access to the power through His word. May His holy name be glorified forever.

I pray the holy spirit will have His way and minister to us all in Jesus mighty name amen.

From the above Scripture the blind man was noticed by Jesus, the man was not even in the place Jesus was previously because Jesus was heading out of a place they wanted to stone Him because He said before Abraham was he was. Implying that He was greater than Abraham in the stupidity and religious mind of the people they thought what! blasphemy and targeted Him. They wanted to kill Him but Jesus escaped all this happened in John chaptee  8.

As He was leaving, He saw the blind man born blind from birth, the disciples asked Christ if it was the man that sin or his parent. Jesus answered them that none of them had sin but this happened so God can be glorified.

Not all sickness, disease is as a result of direct or indirect sin. Some situations are there so God can perform His wonders and for the world around such person to come to the knowledge of the true God through the miracles He will perform in that person's life.

Are you beating yourself up and searching your heart, Trying to nail your self on the crucifix of sin or grade your sin because you think your predicament is as a result of your sin?

Take a break sit back, as it occured to you that God might want to do great thing through you?

Have you looked back how much you have come to depend less on yourself and drawn closer to God?

Okay! you think your case is the worst case so far have you had a deeper thoughts about what God has brought you through so far and How much you thought that was the end yet He keeps renewing your Hope because He is your Hope and strength?

The disciples finally learnt the truth that it's not sin that has caused the blindness in the fellow and they saw another thing Jesus did..

Jesus then did the least thing they expect could be the solution to the guy's problem, He spat in the clay mixed it and anointed the man's eyes, once his spit touched the clay it was no longer clay but healing balm.

The interesting thing is that the man's eyes didn't open immediately some healing will need you to do your part when God has done His part. At times that part might be you having faith that you are healed and stop negative thoughts or declaration or looking for an alternative aside God.

Jesus then asked him to go and wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam which was interpreted as sent.

This man did not hesitate, he went and did as instructed and he came back with testimonies. You wonder how? because the word says he came back seeing which means he had the testimony he longed for.

What testimony do you want concerning your health or that person's health are you ready to run  forth with the word and just do as He instructs you?

At times God might ask you to just wait and at times He might say go ahead, he could be heard audibly through revelations, He can speak directly to you,  through a true messenger of God to you but be Sure God  is speaking and not just your thought.

Today I pray as you run forth with the word you will receive that long awaited answer in Jesus name

I pray that which has become a battle field upon your health, today marks it end in Jesus name

I decree divine health into your body spirit and soul henceforth in Jesus name

I decree that which you have pondered on even if it's sin that has kept you bound be released henceforth as you ask for forgiveness in Jesus name

I decree liberty in all areas concerning you in Jesus name

I decree no more distorted vision, that blur must stop henceforth in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Begin to live in divine health because Christ is alive in you, death couldn't hold Christ down as He lives in you no power of hell can hold you down in Jesus name

*_Be inspired by His Word 2019©_*

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