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Monday, 7 January 2019

Prayer from 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Song by Mairo Else

You are the reason why I lift my hands
Why I lift my voice
Why I sing to You
You are the reason I'm alive today
I am here to say
It's all because of You

You are the reason
You are the reason
You are the reason
You are the reason

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:6‭-‬7 KJV


Ancient of days I worship you and extol your majesty accept it all in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for the grace to witness another wonderful day in Jesus name

Almighty king thank you for your grace that is made sufficient in my life daily in Jesus name

Abba father thank you for your mercy and remission of my sin in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Holy Spirit divine I surrender myself to you have your way in my life and all that I do in Jesus name

Ancient of days you are the strength that puts end to weakness let my life henceforth be filled with your strength in Jesus name

Holy one of Israel let my life be filled with understanding of what you do in and through me so I won't give the glory you deserve to anyone else in Jesus name

Jehovah remove from my life all attribute of self glorification and let me never depend or wait on the crown of Man over what you do in or through  my life in Jesus name

Father I commit all my endeavours unto You Jehovah fill my life with divine blessings and fruits that are everlasting in Jesus name

Lord breathe on all my efforts in life spiritually, physically, financially and other aspects and let me enjoy divine increase henceforth in Jesus name

Lord over all that I do, never let me labour in vain regardless of what the plan of the wicked ones are, give me a fruitful and abundant harvest always in Jesus name

Lord almighty as I step out in faith to win souls prove your finished work over every soul give me the right word, attitudes and approach always in Jesus name

Lord over this nation let your increase begin to happen in places of lack physically, spiritually, economically and other aspects in Jesus name

Lord over the life of the vessel you use for this prayer and everyone that use the prayer let us all have a visitation that will bring about divine increase in Jesus name

*Personal Prayers*

Thank you everlasting king for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily;Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. As Jesus is so am I in this world. The Lord our king is  a warrior and He is fearless, He is mighty in battle and mighty to save. My God is an awesome God and He is doing wonders in my life. My life experience increase at all time. I am a product of divine visitation, whatever I do Jehovah is taking a lead as I follow. I do not run ahead of the plans of God for me because without God in my life I walk in darkness and lack direction. Christ directs my paths and shines His light from heaven into my soul causing me to be a carrier of His glory always. I am daily lifted by the power in the word of God. Because God is the word and through the word I move mountains and make crooked path straight. My life is a journey of upward movement, no regret, no delay, no denial, no refusal, no failure, no weeping or gnashing of teeth because Jesus has taken the lead over my life. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired By His Word 7th January 2019 © [Day 7]

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