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Monday, 26 February 2018

Start from Inside

*Start from Inside*

When we think or hear about evangelism. Often times we think about the lost souls out in the world.

There is nothing bad thinking that way but most times we ignore the ones that are within.

We forget about that child within the family who is yet to know christ, that aunty, that brother, that sister, that father and mother.

Many times ignoring things makes it seem like its not there but the truth is it's still very much there and vivid but we choose not to see it.

Perhaps you have tried to reach out to the people around you, your immediate family that are yet to know Christ but still fall on the ground every time.

Have you thought about their perceptions of Christ through your way of living. Many people will always judge you and I to see how genuine we are born again as we claim.

Yes I still get angry, yes I lie here and there, yes I do the don't that Christ stated clearly but I can't control it🤔.

The truth is as human we will still go through divers of temptations and at times it chalenges our faith and relationship with others but we have the strength which is Christ Jesus.

So as you think of evangelising to the population outside look inside your family. Look at things you can do to bring them to Christ.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Accussations will rise, condemnation will rise, hatred will rise but with Christ we are more than conqueror.

Pray for that soul within your home that so needs Christ don't give up on them. If Christ gave up on Saul he won't have become the great Apostle Paul. If God gave up on you and I we won't be here right now.

Also ask the Holy Spirit to help you show more of the fruits of the spirit over the works of flesh.

Remember you can only offer what you have and as you do so remember God is the one that can change so when that person isn't yielding to Christ don't force it on them. The Holy Spirit will finish what He start in them you just plant the seed.

The Lord almighty will continue to enlighten us in Jesus name. We won't fail God in Jesus. His grace and love will continue to work for us in Jesus name.

Be Inspired By His Word 2018©

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