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Saturday, 9 December 2017

Praye from Romans 8:17-18

Song by Jonathan Nelson

I am just one praise from my breakthrough
I'm just one praise away from my blessing
So I must reach down inside to the depths of my soul
and bring forth a right now praise that's already in me.

You are just a praise from your breakthrough
just a praise away from your blessing
if you just reach down inside to the depths of your soul
and bring forthha right now and praise that's already in you.

For it's my praise (ah-ah-ah)
That produces fresh oil (fresh oil)
And it's the oil of the anointing
That destroys every yoke
So I must reach down inside
To the depths of my soul
And bring forth a right now praise
That's already in me

Praise, a right now praise
Praise, a right now praise
Praise, a right now praise
Call it forth

"And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.  For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:17‭-‬18 KJV

Lord I thank you for this day and grace of life in Jesus name

Lord almighty have mercy on me and forgive all My short comings in Jesus name

Mighty God I exalt your majesty for your unfailing love in me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for bringing me to the point of unending praise in my life in Jesus name

Thank you king of kings for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Jehovah I bow before you in total adoration accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord thank you for giving me a right now praise and for confusing my enemies in Jesus name

Lord I magnify you over my life take all the glory in Jesus name

Lord I worship your excellency for removing garment of sorrow and replacing it with garment of praise in Jesus name

Lord thank you for making me joint heir with Christ you deserve all my worship in Jesus name

Lord thank you for being my strength and backbone through diverse challenges of life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for giving me strength to scale through the stagnant water of life and for taking me to an overflowing period in Jesus name

Lord thank you for turning around my life to that which brings honour unending to you alone hallelujah be to you in Jesus name

Lord thank you for causing my status to change from the stigmatized label of human to my heavenly ordained call & name in Jesus name

Lord thank you for using my but as the same means to transcend your glory to bring me my testimonies in Jesus name

Lord thank you for changing my song finally and for causing me never to return to my vomit in life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the new chapter you have opened unto me and the fresh oil you pour upon me in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. It's my season for a right now praise, I am experiencing breakthrough from all fronts in life. A new chapter has begin in my life, I no longer have cause to be subject to earthly forces. My destiny is rebranded, I am divinely connected and can never be disadvantaged. My courage is increasing through Christ, I am a joint heir with Christ. The glory of Christ is revealed in and through me henceforth in Jesus name*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) 9th December 2017 ©

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