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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Be inspired End of The Month Fasting and Prayers 2oth to 31st August 2017

Be Inspired End of The Month Fasting & Prayers August 29th to 31st 2017

Theme: Divine Growth

Text: Acts 20:32 " and now, brethren I commend you to God and to the word of His grace. Which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."

Praise the Lord God almighty for He is good and His mercies endureth forever. All glory and honour belongs to our father who has counted us worthy to witness another great day Hallelujah.

The theme of the as stated is *Divine Growth*. Divine as it's widely known means godly, spiritual, heavenly, celestial e.t.c and Growth means extension, widening, flourishing, development, maturation, thriving, progression e.t.c.

In order words divine growth is a spiritual way of maturing, as believers or children of God we are expected to experience divinity in stages of our lives both spiritually and physically.

As human we understand that for anyone to grow there must be a conception first, the initial stage of human life starts from conception prior to birth before and after birth human being is expected to attain certain level of growth as the age increase(s). There are three stages I will highlight and they are the Infant, Puberty/teenage & Adult stage.

Infant growth; In 1 Corithians 3:2 " I gave you milk, not solid food for you were not yet ready for ut. Indeed you are still not ready." Hebrews 5:13" for everyone that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe". Hallelujah, when a baby is born what the baby is fed is what the digestive system at that particular time can tolerate. An infant believer can be likened to one who just gave their life to Christ and is yet to find their stand. Such believer will require close mentoring and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Being an infant believer is not a sin, it's just a foundation of the great giant of Christ the person will be. An infant or toddler in real life has less responsibility, same task assigned to an infant cannot be assigned to a teenager or an adult because their level of responsibility is different.

An infant needs teaching that forms their moral, infant years are formative years, so a believer who is at the stage of infant is still fed with what they can understand as the Bible says they are unskilful. God is a God of growth he delights in us growing because He is not in the business of stagnation. Being an infant believer doesn't mean you need to remain there, Ecclesiasties 3 highlights how life is controlled by time and season, so change is constant in anything that needs to grown. An infant believer needs a change to actually grow this means breaking off from just receiving or being fed to feeding, when a baby gets to a stage they start holding their feeding bottle to feed themself, gradually they roll on their side, crawl, walk, run, speak by making words into sentences and forming their character. Thesame thing applies to us spiritually, as an infant believer we could have been through stages where we need people to do something for us but as we allow the spirit of God in us we change and move to the next level in Christ.

Puberty/Teenage Growth; Hebrews 5:14" But Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil" Hallelujah!
After the infant or toodler stage a child eventually becomes a teenager. This is the stage where as individual we start buiding on the characters formed earlier in life. Deleting the bad and holding unto the good vice versa. As a believer at this stage you are no longer just waiting on what you hear alone but you become a practicing person, you use the word to glorify God and make it a source of blessing to you and others. Although sometimes it might appear rebellious like teenagers seem to know everything nothing can be said to them, they want to explore the world and eventually they learn. The difference but yet similar case here is that by exploring the word of God you begin to build your spirit man. You begin to build on your initially formed spiritual Character. You don't just pray but pray with understanding, you don't just read the word but with understanding, revelation, aspiration and inspiration. Your communion with God changes because your understanding changes.

Adult Growth: Hebrews 6:1 "therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from the acts that lead to death and of faith in God". At the stage of being an adult in real life not only do you have responsibility over yourself but you have responsibilities over others. Taking driving for example no one will pass you as a good driver if you have no fore knowledge of not putting yourself and the general public at risk. A genuine driver does not only think of themself but others in the vehicle they are, other vehicles and pedestrians. As an adult you won't decide to start crawling and drawling because that is what babies do. Instead you will clean the baby and lead the teenager right because you are wiser or expected to be. God wants us to attain not just the level of being born again but being able to be a kingdom shaker, He wants us to grow in a way that we will have responsibilities in the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.

From the moment we accept Christ the Holy Spirit has been in us, by identifying ourselves with Christ and allowing the Holy spirit, feeding and living the word we grow. Through our growth we cease to be tossed around by doctrines. We are gifted with spirit of discernment and numerous spiritul gifts to enhance our growth in Christ but this can only happen if we release ourselves to grow. No one can hinder our divine growth but ourselves. If you fail to see yourself as a giant in Christ you will remain an ant. Being a giant in Christ you are basically Great In (GIant) Christ but if you are not then being an ant is inevitable.

The question today is are you growing? Divine Growth has no limit and having said that, your physical age does not denote your spiritual growth. You can be 90 and be a babe and you can be 19 and be a giant in Christ. There are some immature and unyielding christians marking years of salvation without spiritual growth and evidence of bearing abiding fruit is not a certificate of spiritual growth without individual progress. You were saved to serve that is why the Bible said in Jeremiah 51:20 "Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms".

An axe can only be used if it's free for the owner to use, an axe cannot talk or walk or refuse it is always available when the owner needs it and it's sharpened by the owner duly.
Are you willing to grow?
Do you want to be a battle axe?
Where is your growth in Christ?

Let Us Pray

Father thank you for your word that is new every morning in Jesus name

Father have mercy on me and forgive my short comings in Jesus name

Lord have mercy on me in anyway I have refused to grow divinely in Jesus name

Lord open my heart to receive your word more into my spirit, body and soul in Jesus name

Father remove every hardness in my heart against your word in Jesus name

Lord in anyway I am just counting years of salvation without bearing fruits that abide help me to change in Jesus name

Lord the grace to continue to grow in you release unto me in Jesus name

Lord in anyway I struggle with my divine growth grant me strength in Jesus name

Lord I don't just want to grow but use me to populate your kingdom in Jesus name

Lord I know my spiritual growth can influence my physical life let my spirtual tansformation bring about mnifestations of abundant grace physically in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Be Inspired by His Word 2017©

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