Song by Chris Shalom
Power belongs to You
Power belongs to You
In heaven and the earth
All power belongs to You
It all belongs to You
Power belongs to You
In heaven and the earth
All power belongs to you
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16:17-18 KJV
Lord I thank you for another priviledge of life in Jesus name
Thank you Lord for the salvation of my soul and knowledge of your existence in my life in Jesus name
Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name
Lily of the valley I worship your majesty for your great and mighty power accept my worship in Jesus name
Lord all power belongs to you show yourself powerful in my life in Jesus name
Father render all powers using their powers to manipulate my life physically or spiritually in Jesus name
King of glory manifest your power over the situation that has been written off in my life in Jesus name
Lord Jesus I commit every sick person I know or do not know of at this moment lay your mighty hands on them in Jesus name
Lord are there anything in my body or life that represent scorpions and devourer flush them out with your power in Jesus name
Lord I commit all physical physician unto you right now, you are the great physician use them to your glory in Jesus name
Lord I lift as many that have been written off medically as barren unto your hands, as long as all power is yours they can be fruitful make them fruitful in Jesus name
Father every decision made upon my life in the kingdom of darkness for me to spend my years in sickness or pain I rule them off and overturn them in Jesus name
Lord almighty you said if we call on you, you will answer us Abba father in anyway I am sick either physically, maritally, financially, academically, career and every aspect heal me in Jesus name
Father wherever my name or that of my family is placed on any altar for any evil sacrifice send fire from heaven to consume the altar in Jesus name
Lord silent every power sending evil noise into my life physically or spiritually in Jesus name
I come against every gathering of the night, day or noon against my destiny and family and I command them to scatter in Jesus name
Father let every plot or pit that the enemy made on my behalf be filled in by the enemy in Jesus name
Mighty God you are the Lion of the tribe of Judah swallow every roaring lion in my life with your everlasting roar in Jesus name
I decree I am living in divine health in Jesus name
I decree my case defy the odds of physical powers because I am a heir to the throne of Christ in Jesus name
I decree I am not a candidate of failure and pity in Jesus name
I decree I carry upon my life the mark of the child of God therefore I am set apart for His use and I am not an instrument or subject of the enemy in Jesus name
I decree I am going high and mounting up into greater place in Jesus name
I decree I will not die before my time in Jesus name
Thank you father for answered prayers in Jesus name
Today's Prayer By Be Inspired(By His Word)16th May 2017©
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