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Thursday, 11 May 2017

Prayer from Luke 22:11-12

Song by Graham Kendrick

Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavour
But by the blood of the Lamb

Into Your presence You call us
You call us to come
Into Your presence You draw us
And now by Your grace we come
Now by Your grace we come

Lord if You mark our transgressions
Who would stand
Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed
By the blood of the Lamb

"And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?   And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready." Luke 22:11‭-‬12 KJV

Lord almighty thank you for this new day and grace of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive all my sins in Jesus name

Eternal rock of ages I magnify you be thou exalted in my life in Jesus name

Lord Jesus thank you for the price paid for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Lord come into my life and dine with me in Jesus name

Father purge out of my life whatever will stand as hinderance that won't allow your presence to fill me in Jesus name

Lord Jesus come and have your way in my life henceforth in Jesus name

Lord make me ready enough for your visitation at any point in my life in Jesus name

Father I need you like never before take over in Jesus name

Father  I release my body soul and spirit unto you rule and reign in Jesus name

Lord do not allow my transgression to hinder my worship to you in Jesus name

Lord grant me grace not to lose my right to your throne in Jesus name.

Lord let your grace put an end to all the disgrace in my life in Jesus name

Father by your grace make me worthy of your kingdom at the end of this race on earth in Jesus name

Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus name

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired(By His Word) 11th May 2017 ©

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