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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Prayer from Psalms 51:1-3

Create in me a new heart oh Lord
And renew right spirit within me
Cast me not away from your presence oh Lord
Take not your Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
And renew right spirit within me

Psalms 51:1-3 NKJV
"Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me."

To seek mercy and forgiveness from God you must acknowledge that you are a sinner,  God is perfect and sees and knows all.

Father I thank you for the privilege to witness a new dawn, the strength and breath of life accept all thanks in Jesus name amen.

Father have mercy on me and forgive me for all my sins in Jesus name amen.

Lord grant me grace and enablement to forgive anyone that offends me before and after they offend me in Jesus name amen.

Lord whatever it is that is sinful that I am entangled in and unable to come out of with my man power today in your might and mercy set me free in Jesus name amen.

Lord whatever it is that will deny me of making Heaven father reveal it to me help me to stop it and put me on the right track to Heaven in Jesus name amen.

Lord renew my mind, create a new heart in me and do not cast me away from your presence in Jesus name amen.

Lord every evil plot ahead of me block them and do not let me become a victim of evil in Jesus name amen.

Every member of my family or friend yet to accept Jesus as their Lord and saviour  Lord enable me to witness the gispel through my deeds and bring them back to you so that they won't perish in Jesus name amen.

Lord set me free from any or every captivity of unforgiveness in Jesus name amen.

Father you know my sins because they are ever before you, have mercy on me according to the multitude of your tender mercies in Jesus name amen.

Everlasting God let my heart always be alert that Heaven is my permanent home and not earth and give me all it takes to make heaven in Jesus name amen.

Jehovah deliver me from worldly pleasures and let me always walk and work towards heavenly rewards in Jesus name amen.

Lord sanctify my soul with the best of Heaven in Jesus name amen.

Lord let all that come across me begin to encounter the truth about eternity in Jesus name amen.

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name amen.

Today's Prayer

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