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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Discussion about Title on Be Inspired whatsapp group.

Title: used to recognise someone in authority, leadership role, or can be used as an attribute to someone. Interestingly, we all have a a Christian setting for example, brother, sister, pastor, evangelist, bishop, reverend etc to mention a few. No one came to the earth with this title names.

If we check the bible and different epistles written by Paul, sometimes uses brother, sister, etc...this is to show closeness n familiarity in God's kingdom. Meaning we are all one in Christ.

However, there are other hierarchy title as well which depends on mostly achievement or program completed by the person. I personally hate all those title because not all who have the titles are really worth it...meaning ur titleness doesn't equals ur work with God (sometimes it might but in all cases). Even the bible mention of the existence false of prophet in the last day or some will come in Jesus name claiming they cast out demons in His name but He will deny them entrance to heaven (Matthew 7:15-22).  Notwithstanding, you are not to judge who and whose title is genuine.

In conclusion, check your daily work with God. Just because you have those titles doesn't mean heaven is certain for the person.

May God help us all in Jesus name (amen). BY IYINOLUWA OJEKUNLE

Title is something that baffles me in the christendom. Recently someone asked if I wanted to become a pastor because of some attributes I possess. I told the person that your personal work/walk with God and the latter glory in Heaven if you make Heaven is better than hundreds of Title.

Being a Bishop, Pastor or whatever name given to you is not a certificate of eternal life. One thing we have to bear in mind is that Jesus Christ apart from being called Rabbi and Being messiah did not fight for Title or enter a place with all Titles men can think of.

If you wanna live for Christ you must live like Christ.
I come from a home whereby you must refer to someone who is a week older than you as sis or bro  in order to show respect. Unfortunately I still call some of my older siblings by their fist name because I couldn't call them bro or sis. That doesn't mean I don't respect them.

That Title can earn you earthly respect but will it give you an Eternal visa or ticket to Heaven?

Some people deserve the Title even more than the Title but such people don't allow it to get to their head. They are down to earth because they know who they really are is not defined by that title but their maker.

Ask people in place of authority what it feels like to have so much responsibilities.  Even ministers of God who hold prominent places in the world still ask for grace from God to fulfill purpose regardless of how much people respect them.

Title isn't everything. Some people switch from one title to another just like switching from one Television channel to another.

"Ilesanmi dun ju oye lo", that's what yoruba people say. Looking at the world at large, just to gain a human title at times people sacrifice their life to unknown gods. Some murder each other because of title.

I pray that God will open our eyes to things that are more important than earthly title.

Psalms90:12" so teach us  to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom".

Our days are numbered on planet earth. From the moment we are born and as we grow each individual walks/works towards their grave.

Hmm! The Irony of life is all those Titles ends in this world. Professor,  Doctor,  Bishop, Bishopress,  Prophet, Prophetess, President, Governor, Head of Department name it, when you stand before your maker they are the list of all the things that matters.

People get some people who are passionate about something wrong  they believe you must have a hidden agenda.  Everyone isn't like that some genuinely just want to offer as much as they can whether they are recognised or not.

Bottom line of this post is be mindful of running after Title some leads to pride and then destruction.
May God guide us in Jesus name amen.(By LEAH BUKONLA ADEPEHJUH)

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