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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Are you a chameleon?

There is song that goes thus; I will never worship man made god, man made god. We sing this songs but many are not acting what they sing.

Listening or singing the song only doesn't justify you but doing it is what matters most. We are quick to judge ritualist when we read or see their evil act but what about that ignorance you are playing by engaging in evil oriented ceremonies.

Just because the world says it's right doesn't mean the word  of God is in agreement with it. In Matthew 6:24 NKJV “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." It's impossible to say you believe in the truth/gospel  of Jesus Christ yet you celebrate all wordly festival.

You celebrate from Easter to Diwali to Ogun festival to Halloween are you a chameleon? Chameleons change their skin colour to match the environment they are. It's mostly done for protection.  On Saturday you are at Ogun festival and shedding blood Sunday you are back to church singing we give you  glory Lord.  God is watching you. Christ already paid the price on calvary for you and I why shed the blood again?

You are so much entangled in your ways that you even have you own christened name for each festival from Paul to Monster P Search yourself. I  am not writing to condemn anyone but to enlighten you of the heart of God towards such act.

If you are neither cold or hot for God, He will spill you out. III John 1:11 NKJV "Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God." Who are you imitating the Prince of Peace or the prince of this world.

Your Kids are Christened Mary and Joshua but they have costumes ready for trick or treat Halloween. Stop trading your glory and destiny to unknown gods ignorantly. A man made image sitting on a stool and you stand before such worshiping. God can not be mocked He is Alpha and Omega. He will not share His glory.

Do you know the secret behind those festivals? You say you are celebrating diversity, hmm! You better don't allow diversity to trick you to Hell.

The ruler of this world comes to steal to kill and to destroy, his agenda is nothing but evil.

If you are not so convinced about why you can't mingle in such celebration ask the Lord Jesus to open your eyes to see what it entails. I pray that our place in Heaven will not be replaced due to our ignorance of the truth while on earth.

Everyday that you live, you walk towards your last day on earth. You don't wanna be caught unaware. The Bible says the second coming  of Christ will be like a thief in the night. Your  rapture can be today what will hold you down?

Take off the chameleon garment and be real.

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