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Friday, 13 September 2024

Lessons from Joshua 23 to 24

Joshua 23

A long time afterward, when the Lord had given rest to Israel from all their surrounding enemies, and Joshua was old and well advanced in years, Joshua summoned all Israel, its elders and heads, its judges and officers, and said to them, “I am now old and well advanced in years. And you have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations for your sake, for it is the Lord your God who has fought for you.
Joshua 23:1‭-‬3 ESV

The first 3 verses informed the readers of the new state of the people of Israel they were at rest because God had given them victory over all their enemies and they have inherited the Land the Lord promised them. Not only that, by chapter 23 Joshua was already old and advanced in age and took it upon himself to advise the elders and children of Israel.

Joshua 23:4-5
Here Joshua reiterated how he has alloted inheritance for all the tribe between Jordan and Mediterranean sea and how God pushed the former inhabitants out of the lands so the children of Israel can possess the land. In a way Joshua was reminding them how God has fulfilled the promises He gave the children of Israel.

Joshua 23:6 -11
Joshua was encouraging the children of Israel to be strong and not just that alone, that they should abide by the instructions written in the book of the Law of Moses without deviating or doubting. The children of Israel were warned not to worship other gods or gods of the land they inherited but worship God almighty. He reminded them how God drove the inhabitants out and God fought for the Israelites so much so that one of them can be victorious over a thousand enemies. He also encouraged them to love God.

Loving God would be easier if we can always audit our lives and see how God has been by our side through all the journey in the good times and in the not so good times.

Joshua 23:12-16

Joshua warned the children of Israel of the dangers they will face if they intermarry with the inhabitants of the land one of which is that God will no longer drive these nations away from the Israelites and how they will become snares and trap for the children of Israel. A good example of this can be found in the book of Kings, how King Solomon and his descendants fell into this traps because of the wives they married. 

Joshua ensured he continue to highlight the significant things that God has done and how none of the promises God gave has failed. The closing verse states that if they violate the covenant of the Lord  and bow to other gods the anger of God almighty will burn against the Israelites.

If we liken this to our current days, we can clearly see how disobedience to God has amounted in a lot of attrocities that the world currently face. A lot will attributes it to government climate change, modernization e.t.c. but if we did like a root cause analysis, it is glaring that human race has deviated from the plans of God and disobeyed Him.

May God have mercy on us all in Jesus name.

Joshua 24:1-4

The first 4 verses stated how Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel in Shechem to relay to them what God said. The message  reminded them of how God took Abraham from the Euphrates and led him throughout Canaan, how God gave him Isaac, the gave Jacob and Esau to Isaac and the journey of this ancestors to Egypt.

Practically what I can understand from this, is that Joshua was reminding the children of Israel of the track record of the almighty God. How none of His word has returned to Him void, all that He promised has come to pass. 

I want you to take a pause and think back, has God failed you in any of His promises?

Joshua 24:5-10
Joshua reminded them of How God sent Moses and Aaron who brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, how they overcame crossing the red sea on dry ground while the chariots and horsemen of Egypt perished there. How He took them to cross Jordan, how they became victorious over all their enemies, how Balak son of Zippor prepared to fight Israelite and sent Balaam son of Beor to put a curse on the Israelites but instead God blessed them again and again.

We might wonder why all these? The enemy never want us to remember how God has never failed us, so he always works on human mind, by focusing more on what is not working, what hasn't worked instead of what is working smoothly. In other words, forgetting what God has done and majoring on things that are minor issue or situation before God is the strategy of the enemy of our soul.

Joshua 24:11-16
These verses documented Joshua reminding the Israelites that they crossed Jordan came to Jericho, still God gave them victory. Then he told them again to fear God and serve Him with all faithfulness, to throw away gods of their ancestors by serving God. Then Joshua said to them if serving this almighty God who has done this numerous things is not favourable to you, choose this day whom you will serve. But Joshua confidently affirmed that for him and his household they will serve the Lord.

Serving God in this current times might seem outdated to some people but to a real believer in Christ Jesus, it shouldn't be the case. The trends of life will fade but God and serving Him will never fade. 

Joshua 24:16-22
Israelites responded to Joshua that they wouldn't serve gods, they will serve the almighty God who brought them out of Egypt and fought battles for them. Joshua then reminded them that this God is holy and He is jealous, that He will not forgive their sins if they forsake God after God has been good to them. They insisted that they will serve God, then Joshua said to them that they are witness against themselves as they have chosen to serve God.

Can I ask you, do you just want to serve God in the good times only? Christians will face persecution and trials, in the phase of all these, would you still serve this almighty God.

Joshua 24:23-28
Joshua requested that the Israelites throw away the foreign gods among them and yield their hearts to God of Israel. He informed them that they will serve God and made a covenant to re-affirm the decrees and laws. He then went ahead to record these in the Book of the Law of God and made an altar with stone under an oak tree to symbolise that a covenant was made and it becomes a symbol of rememberance and he told them to go back to their dwelling.

I believe this race of life and journey of faith is personal, however it is helpful for us to check ourselves if we are still serving God for the right reasons.

Joshua 24:29-33
Joshua died at the age of 110years and he was buried. The children of Israel served God throughout the lifetime of Joshua and the elders that outlived him. They also buried the bones of Joseph that was brought from Egypt in Shechem in the land Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor. Eleazar the son of Aaron also died and was buried there.

The lesson I learned in the closing verse is that there is always an end to the journey of any man and death is inevitable.

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