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Saturday, 11 November 2023

Applying the Scripture to our day-day life Focusing on Genesis 1

Genesis Chapter 1:1-29 is an overview of the occurrence before the creation of life and each stage of creation. This article will focus on how this relates to our daily life as believers.

Genesis 1:1 - God created the heaven and the earth from nothing, the earth was without form, it was empty and darkness occupied the earth. But the presence of God was there. Verse 3 says the spirit of God was hoovering, then God said let there be light. 
The simplest way to explain this is by asking us to close our eyes, one the eyes is closed you can't see anything, all you see is darkness and that limits what a person can do if the vision is not there.
This is not to say that God is limited, no God is not limited by anything, relating this to our daily life, darkness or dark period can be at any stage in a person's life.

To some darkness its financial problem, some it's sickness, marital word, parenting, singleness, academical challenges, family issues, career stagnation or lack of career path it could be anything. But one thing the word of God says is that the spirit of God was present even in the darkness.

In Genesis 2:7 ( God formed man from the dust of the ground but man was not alive until God breathed into his nostril, he have man his spirit, the eternal spirit). Why did I mention that the spirit of God in us is why we are alive.

Back to Genesis 1, the spirit of God did not run away from the darkness, God is the creator of everything the Alpha and Omega, instead he commanded light to existence. How does this relate with our lives; God is not absent when we face dark days, God is not absent in your challenges, he is present just as his spirit was in the beginning. 

The word of God says in Psalms 30:5b, "weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning" the presence of a new dawn brings joy however the fact that it's night time doesn't mean the morning wouldn't be. So when you think, the darkness is getting thicker don't rush into making decisions that don't align with God's purpose because the morning is near.

One thing the enemy wants a believer to do in the dark red or the darkest season is to renounce God almighty, his lordship and dominion over you so he can have a foothold. The story of Job in the Bible shows a timeline of how a believer can overcome the darkest period and come out better than they were before.

Once the light was created it seem the rest of creation was done with speed (Genesis 1:6-13), the firmaments in the midst of waters, grass, dry land, trees, fruits everything else God spoke them to being.

In Genesis 1:14 - 19 God made the great light bearers (sun, moon and stars) amazingly he endured that they had specific roles, the sun to rule by day while the moon by night however none were meant to rule over man.

God is a master planner, no one on earth  created or yet to be created is as strategic and creates things to details even for generations yet to exist to come and enjoy it. He knows when we need what we need and how much of it we need. 

Imagine if the sun was to shine all day and night some of us will not be able to go out or even sleep, and if the moon was to be there all the time we will lack vitamins the sun gives us naturally.

The sun will not shine when the moon is suppose to be vice versa except it's artificial or there is an eclipse (Lunar eclipse when the earth shadow obstruct the moon, Solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun).

From Genesis1: 20- 25
We see how God specifically made the habitation of the birds and sea creatures. He didn't put the bird in the sea and place the fish in the sky. This shows that He knows what and where each creature will thrive. God is a creator that believes in multiplication and fruitfulness, he is not a destroyer.

God  will always put us in a place he wants us to thrive, in the sight of men it might look dingy but when God is there, limitation has no place 

Genesis 1:26-end, After the creation of different creatures, God said let us (Father, son and the Holy spirit) make man in our image, in our likeness. This gets interesting because God was not just saying I will make man because the Trinity was in existence from the begining (John 1:1) Hallelujah, Glory be to the Most High King.

He didn't just say man should be created butan should have dominion over everything that was already existing. Note everything was spoken into existence but man wasn't, God formed man (Genesis 2:7) and His spirit was breathed into man.

In other words our existence is planned by God, every breath we take is God's, every step we take He is aware. The re is nothing we do, we want to do that God is not aware of He formed us and that's why Jeremiah 1:29, Jeremiah 29:11 respectively says God formed us from our mother's womb and His plan for us are good and of an expected end.

God is everything a believer needs because He is the main source.

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