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Saturday, 1 June 2019

Prayer from Phillippians 4:6


You are Alpha and Omega
We worship you our lord
You are worthy to be praised
We give you all the glory
We worship you our Lord
You are worthy to be praised

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6 KJV


Almighty king I give you all glory and praise for who you are to me

Lord eternal I magnify you and exalt your majesty for you are a great God

Lord thank you for this blessed  day and grace of life in Jesus name

Holy Spirit thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and salvation of my soul

Lord thank you for this blessed new Month and all you will be doing

Lord thank you for you have orchestrated my path and will lead me all through

Lord thank your for being the chief cornerstone of my life and for disgracing the works of darkness in and through me in Jesus name

Holy spirit thank you for making my being your tabernacle always in Jesus name

Lord thank you for all the plans you are bringing to fruition over my life in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for lifting off my path every delay, disgrace, denial and refusal in all I seek henceforth in Jesus name

Lord thank you for filling anxiousness with patient and faith in my life in Jesus name

Lord thank you for not making my life a guinea pig for the workers of darkness

Lord thank you for my family, for always being our help and hope in Jesus name

Lord thank you for your ever reigning power working in and through me

Lord thank you for every day of this month and the rest of the year for you will finish what you have started in Jesus name

Lord thank you because I will finish strong nothing can cut me away from your love in Jesus name

Lord thank you for my family, this community, the church of Christ and this nation for allowing your will only to rule above all other affairs of men in Jesus name

Lord thank you for dominating my life with success and grace that enable me to excel always in Jesus name

*Begin to thank God in advance over all your expectations, over all that He is doing, He will do and He has done and believe it is settled as you prayer in Jesus name*

Lord thank you for this daily prayer, the vessel used to prepare it and many impacted by it for our lives will experience unstoppable victory in all aspects of life in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord is my strong tower and deliverer, the lord is my help and sustainer, the lord is my shield and helper. He is my defence and salvation, He is my comforter and helper. He has began a great work in me and He will complete it, I will and cannot be limited by any form of limitations, He has removed all barriers physically and spiritually. He has opened the book of rememberance unto me, new doors have been opened. It is time for divine harvest in my life, all that I have watered with prayers and faith is coming up with fruits of testimonies. This Month I will not weep, I will not sorrow, I will not regret, I will know no shame. I have seen the beginning I will live to see the end because I shall not die but live to testify to the goodness of God in the land of the living in Jesus mighty name. Amen!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired by His Word © 1st June 2019 [Day 152]

Happy New Month 📯🎶🎺🎻

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