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Friday, 7 June 2019

Bible study on Authority

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Bible Studies Thursday 6th June 2019*
*Anchor:* Sis Leah Adepeju

*Topic:* Authority


They came again to Jerusalem. And as Jesus was walking in the [courts and porches of the] temple, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders came to Him, and began saying to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things, or who gave You this authority to do these things?” Jesus said to them, “I will ask you one question, and you answer Me, and then I will tell you by what *authority I do these things*.  Was the baptism of John [the Baptist] from heaven [that is, ordained by God] or from men? Answer Me.”

MARK 11:27‭-‬30 AMP

*Sis Leah:* The topic for today is *Authority*
Let us share our understanding of the word *Authority.*
*Sis Stella:* Absolute power over something or someone.
*Bro Tokun:* Authority is to have power to enforce rules.
*Sis Leah:* *Authority* means to be in charge of, to be in control, to oversee, to direct, to have power over people or things.
The Bible verses above show where the religious people asked Jesus by which authority He was doing all that He was doing. And Jesus knowing their mind and where they were directing their question to asked them if John the Baptist's baptism was from heaven,  that is, if it was ordained by God or for men.
But they knew they couldn't deny that the Baptism of John the Baptist was divine so they chose their word instead.

I will be sharing more Bible verses so we can see different types of authority and how it was used or addressed.

No one takes it away from Me, but I lay it down voluntarily. I am authorized and have power to lay it down and to give it up, and I am authorized and have power to take it back. This command I have received from My Father.”

JOHN 10:18 AMP (Jesus talking about laying His life down as a good shepherd)

And they were surprised [almost overwhelmed] at His teaching, because His message was [given] with authority and power and great ability.

LUKE 4:32 AMP (Jesus teaching with authority)

And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power].

(Made complete by Jesus authority)

So when Pilate heard this said, he was [even] more alarmed and afraid. He went into the Praetorium again and said to Jesus, “Where are You from?” But Jesus did not answer him. So Pilate said to Him, “You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?” Jesus answered, “You would have no authority over Me at all if it had not been given to you from above. For this reason the sin and guilt of the one who handed Me over to you is greater [than your own].”

JOHN 19:8‭-‬11 AMP (Pilate and Jesus on authority)

For just as the Father has life in Himself [and is self-existent], even so He has given to the Son to have life in Himself [and be self-existent].  And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is a Son of Man [sinless humanity, qualifying Him to sit in judgment over mankind].

JOHN 5:26‭-‬27 AMP (Jesus possesses same authority as God the father)

In John 10:17 Jesus  explained about Him laying His life down voluntarily. Even though He did not plan to do that He made it clear that He had the authority and power to take it back because the Father had given him the ability but He would be laying it down because it was necessary for Him to do that for the salvation of men.
In Luke 4:32 the Bible explained to us how the people were overwhelmed by the authority with which Jesus was teaching. It says His message was with authority and power and great ability.
I don't know if you have ever been in a conference or lecture where the person who is either lecturing, teaching or presenting has no skills in engaging or carrying people along.
In cases like this if people aren't asleep they either get distracted or frustrated.
But in the case of Jesus His teaching wasn't coming from what is written in the scripture alone but coming divinely. No wonder it came with such authority and power and glory. Halleujah!

Moving further to Colossians 2:10, it says, in Him we have been made complete, that is, in Christ we have achieved a spiritual stature that is a spiritual ability because He is the head of all authorities both heavenly or earthly.
So as a child of God, a true believer indeed we have the same authority that Jesus have both to divine access and physical access because we carry same power in us.

Then moving on to John 29:8-11.
Here Pilate was the one that physically had the power to make the decree on crucifying Christ after the choice of the people
And as we know the people cried to release a criminal and crucify Jesus instead.
Then Pilate having heard what the people were shouting went to Jesus and was trying to be persuasive then He said 'do you know that I have the  authority to release you and the authority to crucify you?'
Jesus answered him that you have no authority over me at all if it had not been given to you from above ...
Although Pilate thought to himself, I can reason with this guy and maybe if he answers me I can use my power but Jesus corrected him.
This is because all power in heaven and on earth belongs to God and Jesus was God that came down in the flesh.
So Pilate whether he rules an entire nation had no power over Jesus because He is God.

*Sis Queeneth:* Glory!
*Bro Bernard:* Yes, sure He is God.

*Sis Leah:* John 5:26-27 says just as the Father has life in Himself and He is self existent even so has he given to the Son to have life in Himself and He has given Him authority to execute judgement because He is a Son of Man, sinless humanity qualifying Him to sit in judgment over mankind.
Jesus is the Judge that can never be judged.
The decree that Pilate and the people passed was because necessity was laid on Him to come and die so human race can be saved.
So if not that He came to die for our salvation those shouting crucify Him could have been consumed by fire.

So why are we talking about authority?
It is a vast topic that I know an hour can not even cover but we will just do little touch on it.
As believers we have the same authority that Jesus have.
You are wondering how?
As Jesus is, so are you.
So am I.
So are we in this world.
So whatever authority Jesus have, as long as we are true born again children of God we can use the same authority.
That is why the Bible says whatever we decree on earth will be established in Heaven because we have passed that authority.
The Bible let us know that Jesus gave the disciples authority to cast out demons, so we have authority to cast demons out.
So those things that you feel are demonic you can cast them out but remember you back your decree with the name above every other name which is the name of Jesus.
The Bible also enjoins us to respect authority, that is earthly authority, so as believers we are meant to portray Christ if we really want to use the same authority as He has.
Jesus even knowing He is God didn't say to Pilate 'Shut up, do you know who I am?'
He only corrected Pilate that the authority you have has been given to you from heaven.
So as a believer with authority we still need to respect authority.
So do not say I am a Pastor ordained to shepherd a whole church then you get to work if you are still working aside ministerial duties and nobody can talk to you because you are a pastor.
That is lack of the fruit of the spirit because Christ Himself is humble.
You can exercise your authority even in humility.

Another mistake many make is because they are in position of authority then they impose rules over others. Whoever doesn't do as they say will be walking through hell and yet they claim to be born again Christian, that is abuse and misuse of the authority in you.
While you impose situations on people, how can you express the authority of Christ to deliver and cast out demons when you have built a wall where you ought to build a bridge?
You cannot access what you have crushed and destroyed either through your attitude or whatever.
Do you know when people commit things into your care they have given you authority over that person or thing.
If you begin to manipulate that thing to your advantage it is not a good attribute as a child of God.
At the same time we need to know that the authority in the care of a truly righteous person makes the heart of the people they rule over to rejoice.
The question now is, do you know you carry same authority as Jesus Christ?
Do you know how to exercise or express your authority divinely?
Do you know how to use that authority to your own favour and the favour of others?
Do you know how much you can do with the authority of Christ in you?
You can express the authority of Christ in you to change situations around by confessing right and decree it to turn around.
But it is what you know you possess that you can make use of.
What you have no clue that you possess, how can you make use of it?
Many of us have allowed the fear of the enemy and perishable power on earth to cripple the authority that we have in us through Jesus.
Even when the authority around us on earth is bent do not forget that the authority of God almighty is working concurrently in and around us to achieve his purpose and perfect plan.
Are you ready to unleash the authority of Christ in you?
Have you identified that Christ is living in your spirit therefore you carry His authority?
When will you start using that authority to His glory?
You can use that authority of Christ in you to access the spiritual and change the physical from the spiritual.
The spiritual is what controls the physical.
Nothing happens physically except it is settled spiritually.
Pilate wouldn't have had that authority if the spiritual realm was not settled.
Wake up brethren, don't sink in subjecting to the lies of Satan that says you have no authority.
You do have authority.
You can change things through that authority.
Are you ready to begin to dig into the well of the divine authority in you henceforth?
If you can open your mouth daily and declare as Jesus is so am I in this world.
So when those daily fear and scare come to your mind and thoughts, call them to order.
Tell the situation to be still through the authority of Christ in you.
You know for anything to work in you or through you your faith must be sound in that thing.

I pray that God will enlighten us more and more on who He has made us to be.
I pray that every fear limiting us from truly establishing the authority of Jesus in and around us will cease to exist in Jesus name.
*Sis Queeneth:* Amen.
*Sis Leah:* I pray for humility to express the authority of Christ even when we are under authority on this earth.
I pray that henceforth through our divine authority we will cast out demons and cause deliverance to happen in and around us in Jesus name.
*Sis Queeneth:* Amen in Jesus name.
*Sis Leah:* I decree today every authority manipulating against the purpose of God concerning each of us will be silenced totally in Jesus name.
*Sis Stella:* Amen.
*Sis Oluyemmy:* Amen.
*Sis Leah:* I decree the increase in knowledge, faith and power to fully enjoy the authority of Christ in all our endeavours henceforth in Jesus name.
*Bro Okolo John:* Amen and Amen.
*Bro Okolo John:* Amen indeed.
*Sis Leah:* I decree every situation that has risen to the pinnacle of slave master or authoritarian causing our lives to face any epileptic and unpleasant time today marks their end in Jesus name.
*Sis Stella:* Amen Amen.
*Bro Okolo John:* Halleujah!
*Sis Leah:* I pray for divine visitation for each of us henceforth to understand the authority we have as born again children of God in Jesus name.
*Bro Okolo John:* Amen and Amen.
*Sis Leah:* I decree I will not be ignorant of the authority I have in me through Christ Jesus.
*Bro Nichol Preye:* Amen.
*Sis Leah:* I decree I will not  use whatever authority I have either physically or spiritually to manipulate or cause souls to perish in Jesus name.
*Sis Stella:* Thank you Lord.
*Sis Leah:* I pray that every position I find myself in life I will portray Christ forever in Jesus name.
*Sis Queeneth:* Amen and Amen.
Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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