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Thursday, 27 June 2019


*Recap of*
*Be Inspired Bible Studies Thursday 27th June 2019*

*Anchor:* Sis Leah Adepeju

*Topic:* Death


Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.

Proverbs 10:2 KJV

We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

1 John 3:14 KJV

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Romans 8:6 KJV

The Topic is *Death.*
What do we understand by the word death?

*Sis Abimbola:* Passing away. Departure from life.
*Priceless:* End of life time.
*Ayaba:* Death means lifeless, non-existence.
*Sis Thandeka:* End of life.

*Sis Leah:* Death is when something stops existing, it could be demise, an eternal rest, expiration, an end.
The Bible says the treasures of wickedness profit nothing but righteousness delivereth  from death.
So if righteousness delivers from death what delivers into death?
*Bro Okolo John Chukwuemeka:* Wickedness.

*Sis Leah:* Sin is something that delivers into death.
If you look at it deeply, sin causes separation while righteousness causes unity.
For example in the following types of death there is a separation.
Financial Death, for example, will be the separation from money or means of having financial blessing.
Relational Death is when there is a cause that separates people that ought to be in relationship such as husband and wife. When divorce kicks into a marriage it is the death of such relationship. In any relationship whatever makes you cut the ties is the death of that relationship.
Academic death can be when there is no means of furthering or being able to progress academically. This could be as a result of financial death.
Spiritual death as we are aware is when the spiritual life of man is dormant. Sin is the main cause of spiritual death and lost of life.
Sin is what caused man to be separated from God.
Then physical death is when the soul and spirit leave the body which they use to physically co-exist in this physical world.
And often times when we hear about death we automatically think about physical death alone.
Because we tend to see the others differently.

In 1 John 3:14 the word of God says we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not abideth in death.
This explains what relational Death is. When there is no love there is sin.
The opposite of love is hatred.
So where hatred broods there is death brooding in that place or person.
The Bible says 'for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace...'
So carnality which is sin does nothing but causes death while righteousness brings life and peace.
Many are living but are dead-men-walking.
Because they are soaked and sinking in different types of death such as hatred.

Financial death which we can say is poverty.

Relational Death: They have no relationship either with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, spouse. They are being eaten up by sin.

Sin is the root of every death. Carnal mind causes death, carnal mind destroys and separates one from living and enjoying life.

John 10:10 says 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.'
Who is the thief? The thief is the enemy of human race and from the beginning the thief carries bad news and is ready to keep man sinking in sin so that man although physically alive is dying each time due to sin.
I bet some people will say 'but I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus' Yes you are as long as you live in life (righteousness).
Acts 17:18 says for in Him  we live and move and have our being as some of your own poets have said we are His offspring.
To be someone's offspring you need to carry their traits.
You need to live in accordance to their principles.
You cannot claim being an offspring of someone you do opposite to what they plan or want you to do.
So while we claim being the righteousness of God.. we must live in God.
How do we live in God? By living by and according to His word.
That is when we can live true life.
And not live physically but dead on other areas because we have allowed carnality to dwell and rule over us.

Many will say 'how can I be dead when I am alive?' If sin is the principal thing that rules your life then you are indeed dead.

Death isn't just the final extinct of life from the body. There are many types and ways man can be physically alive yet dead in other aspects of life.
Today I want us to think deeply and look deep into our lives.
What is it that has allowed death into our lives?
How do you change that relational eath to life?
How do you change that financial death into life?
I know challenges can arise to bring that but Identifying Christ as our source is the main and one of the ways of claiming the life of Christ.
The life of abundance can be enjoyed in that situation, it doesn't have to be that way.
Many believe that until they swim in cash that is where and when they have abundance.
There is death of health where things that ought to be functioning do not. Like Jesus was questioned about the blind man if his parents sinned for him to be born blind but Jesus said no. It's for God's name to be glorified.
So that death or situations that seem dead right now might not even have come as a result of sin but for God to be glorified in you.
But I want us to open our inner mind to understanding and living a true life instead of allowing the enemy to sow seed of death in us.
Sin causes death and leads to separation.
Righteousness brings life and leads to unity or bringing back to original state.
You can say no to death.
You can live life as God wants you to.
Many of us think abundance is what brings true Iife at times.
But you must know that as Christians even in that low times you can still live above that death of thoughts.

Let us pray.

Lord thank you for your word and the understanding given to me.
Lord thank you for the enlightenment your word gives my spiritual life.
Lord henceforth I want to live in your righteousness. Give me the grace to constantly live in righteousness and enjoy life always in Jesus name.
Lord help me to get rid of any thing that could lead me to constantly sink in death when I ought to thrive in life.
Lord eternal help me to get rid of the constant thoughts that want to keep me locked up in death in any aspect of my life.
Lord give me the enablement to overcome consistent sinking that I am unable to get myself out of in Jesus name.
I am free from death in all aspects. I will live my life in righteousness and victoriously in Jesus name.

*Personal Prayer.*

Thank you heavenly father for answered prayers in Jesus name.


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