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Thursday, 21 February 2019


*Recap of*

*Be Inspired WhatsApp Group*

*Bible Study*

*By Sister Leah Adepeju*

*Thursday 21st February 2019*

*Topic:* Mystery

*Text:* In the days of Herod [the Great], king of Judea, there was a certain priest whose name was Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was a descendant of Aaron [the first high priest of Israel], and her name was Elizabeth. They both were righteous (approved) in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. But they were childless, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both far advanced in years. Now it happened while Zacharias was serving as priest before God in the appointed order of his priestly division, as was the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by lot to enter [the sanctuary of] the temple of the Lord and burn incense [on the altar of incense]. And all the congregation was praying outside [in the court of the temple] at the hour of the incense offering. And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. When Zacharias saw the angel, he was troubled and overcome with fear. But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, because your petition [in prayer] was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. You will have great joy and delight, and many will rejoice over his birth, for he will be great and distinguished in the sight of the Lord; and will never drink wine or liquor, and he will be filled with and empowered to act by the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb. He will turn many of the sons of Israel back [from sin] to [love and serve] the Lord their God. It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children , and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous [which is to seek and submit to the will of God]--in order to make ready a people [perfectly] prepared [spiritually and morally] for the Lord.” And Zacharias said to the angel, “How will I be certain of this? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in age.” The angel replied and said to him, “I am Gabriel; I stand and minister in the [very] presence of God, and I have been sent [by Him] to speak to you and to bring you this good news.  Listen carefully, you will be continually silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe what I told you; but my words will be fulfilled at their proper time.” The people [outside in the court] were waiting for Zacharias, and were wondering about his long delay in the temple. But when he did come out, he was unable to speak to them. They realized that he had seen a vision in the temple; and he kept making signs to them, and remained mute. When his time of priestly service was finished, he returned to his home. Now after this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant, and for five months she secluded herself completely, saying, “This is how the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favor on me, to take away my disgrace among men.” Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown His great mercy toward her, and they were rejoicing with her. It happened that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child [as required by the Law], and they intended to name him Zacharias, after his father; but his mother answered, “No indeed; instead he will be called John.” And they said to her, “None of your relatives is called by that name.” Then they made signs to his father, as to what he wanted him called. And he asked for a writing tablet and wrote as follows, “His name is John.” And they were all astonished. At once Zacharias’ mouth was opened and his tongue freed, and he began speaking, praising and blessing and thanking God. Then fear came on all their neighbors; and all these things were discussed throughout the hill country of Judea. All who heard these things kept them in mind, saying, “What then will this little boy turn out to be?” For the hand of the Lord was certainly with him [to bring about his birth].

LUKE 1:5‭-‬25‭, ‬57‭-‬66 AMP

Above is the Bible passage we will be studying.

To start with what do we understand by the word *Mystery*? Remember there is nothing like wrong answer.
The word "mystery" means  something that is concealed, that is impossible to understand for men, it might even appear as a puzzle or problem that needs divine solution for ordinary man to understand.

In life we encounter all types of mysteries. In the Bible chapter we are studying, we read about Zacharia and Elizabeth. This couple were described as devoted believers whose ways were pleasing before God. But as wonderful as their life was, there was a *but* in their life that defines them differently. Elizabeth was barren and that meant they had no child and they were already advanced in age.
Imagine, Zachariah was a priest and on different occasions he must have anchored naming ceremonies of children,  even the children of people he dedicated them at their own birth he lived to see them have children; yet he and his wife were barren.
Barrenness in any circumstance is not something you will take a drum and start rejoicing over. Except the person is probably insane you will not gather people to rejoice at lack of fruitfulness in any aspect of your life because it just doesn't seem normal.
But the amazing thing about this couple was that they loved God, they served God still.
Zachariah went into the temple to  burn incense which was a duty of the priest. Burning of incense in the Bible symbolises prayer going up to heaven.
How many incense have this man of God burnt? How many prayers have been answered as a result of the prayers he offered on behalf of other people?
As he was burning the incense, doing want he knew how to do or had been called to do, an angel appeared to him. The angel informed him that God had heard his prayer and also that his wife Elizabeth will conceive and have a child. Not just an ordinary child but a child that will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's  womb and the kind of anointing he will carry was likened to that of Elijah.
So that child was not just an ordinary baby at all.

I remember a soap that we watched growing up where a king had a lot of wives. The last wife conceived and a baby appeared to her saying she will come through the last wife. And the other wives most of them were witches. They connived and tried all means to hurt this baby and the mother but because this baby was powerful it was not possible.
To remind people who probably watched the soap then the baby's name was Oriade (meaning head of crown or royal baby).

Back to Zachariah, he questioned what the angel said due to his curiosity. He asked how he who was already advanced in age and his wife also will give birth to that child.
The angel in response to this told Zachariah that he will be muted till that child was born.
He gave Zachariah the name of the baby which is John.
As the angel said, Elizabeth conceived indeed and had that child. And on the day of christening when they asked what the name of the baby was, Elizabeth told the people that the name of the child will be John.
Many were like, "Why?, that name is not in our lineage, where did you get that name from?"
Then they asked Zachariah and he wrote down the name of the child - John.
Then he became unmuted.

The word of God is mystery.

The Lord whom we serve is filled with different mysteries.

Sometimes God wants us to be muted about certain things in life because He wants people who have thought  that it can't be possible to see that indeed our God is a God of all possibilities.
One thing I noticed while studying this chapter is, after Zachariah became mute, Elizabeth kept herself away from public appearances. She knew the kind of glory that was unraveling within her. She didn't go out to start telling everyone, "See, I am going to give birth to the forerunner of the Saviour."
She knew that the child was a mysterious one that has been sent to the world for one purpose and that purpose only. That is to turn hearts of men back to their Maker.

Did it surprise you that Zachariah doubted  the angel?

Human beings can doubt at any time and no matter the anointing anyone can doubt.
Imagine, he was in the temple praying, offering incense and an angel came down to tell him his prayer had been answered.
Zachariah's doubt can be justified with the fact that he probably didn't think he and his wife could  still be parents. In this day and age they probably would have gone for IVF, surrogacy and other available options; and let us even assume they have tried all options and nothing worked out, yes the doubt could still be there.
But God is a God that unravels mysteries. Every day we live unravels different mystery of God.
There is nothing new under the sun as it's often said but everyday births new things.
But these mysteries as much as it may appear is not a surprise to God.

Today, I don't know that situation that seems like a mystery to you.

Do you know that at times we have request that sometimes within us we think "Will God come through?"
Can anyone identify with that?
Like you have things inside of you - desires, prayers- that you need answers to and everyday it just looks like it is impossible.

Do you know that if Zachariah was left to talk because of His doubtful mind that blessing might tarry and the end to barrenness in the life of Elizabeth might not come to fruition?

No matter how impossible the situation is, God unravels mysteries. Never underestimate what He can do even at the last minute. Don't belittle the power of God.

Yes, even with that situation that you feel, "this is it, my back is already against the wall" God is still very able to turn it around.

Let me cite an example.

I was living in an apartment for some years and every year the rent went up but the condition of the building didn't measure up to the rent each month. Every month there were different issues. It got to the stage when I decided that, this is it we have to leave this place.
There were different obstacles - finance and other things - in my mind I was ready to settle for anything but in my inner mind I wanted God to give us a place much better. And the time was coming up to pay another bill that was just too much for the whole apartment.
Yes, God came through. I got a better place, and it was what I never thought I could afford.
That was my man power looking at my limitation.
But God was looking at something different and in all honesty I was just wanting out from the old apartment yet doubt was lurking in a corner.
But God still proved Himself.

He is a God that unravels mysteries no matter how bad it looks or seems.

When God comes into the situation, if need be He will mute us so we keep our blessings instead of sharing with who doesn't need to know about it.

I want to encourage us never to look at situations just like any ordinary person. See it from the point of view of a child of God who nothing is impossible for.

I don't know how He will do it but God can get those documents signed by weekend which is non working days just for it to be ready for you by Monday when the working week starts.
But you need to believe.

Also to enjoy the mystery of God your confession matters.
You are probably like Zachariah thinking, "We have prayed, fasted, decreed, but it's not happening."
Don't stop, don't panic and don't relent.
Keep pressing on and believing in the power of God that makes all things beautiful at His appointed time.

Elizabeth to me was purposely barren so John the Baptist can be born at the appointed time. If Elizabeth had delivered a child when she was younger, that situation when Mary ran to her to tell her she had conceived by the Holy Spirit would probably not happen.
John the Baptist was meant to be few months older than our Lord Jesus. And God wanted that lineage to have that encounter when the baby leaped inside Elizabeth as Mary came in.

It may look rather late now before men.
It may seem like God is not there.
It may look like you are disappointed.
But let me tell you, God allows some disappointments because He already prepared an appointment for you through that. He knows if you took that appointment at that time what He wants to do might not look important enough to you.

So brothers and sisters,
Enjoy the mystery that unfolds daily before you.  And unravel the mysteries by using the Word of God.

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And the expanse [of heaven] is declaring the work of His hands. Day after day pours forth speech, And night after night reveals knowledge.

PSALM 19:1‭-‬2 AMP

Each day declares the glory of God. His mystery is unravelled day by day.

If you have seen the trees blown by wind and they just bend like they are bowing you will understand that our God is the one who Himself is an embodiment of mysteries.
Don't give up on believing God to unravel all mysteries before you. Something great is coming out of that situation. Trust God. Declare His word over the situation daily. Never stop.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we worship you. We thank you for your word today. We thank you for your word is filled with mystery. We thank you for your grace upon our lives. Lord we ask that you speak to us. We pray that you remove all forms of doubt from us in Jesus name. Lord I pray that we will live to see your prophecy and promises coming to manifestation in our lives in Jesus name.

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.


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