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Monday, 25 August 2014

Pray for Me

I Corinthians 10:12 NKJV
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."

This verse is often brought to reference by believers but some do not even look at how it affects us as individual relating to one another. If I may ask you how many times have you been on the judgement seat? As in being the judge over someone and their situation.

It's very easy to run people down with your words than  to lift their spirit up. That sister you saw on the wrong path instead of greeting her and praying for her you'll rather stick to judging her because you think she ought to know better.

What about that brother you were good friends but because he is struggling with his Christian journey now you choose to speak ill of him. (Let him that thinks he stand take heed less he fall) Bringing to light all his past mistake, justifying your act by claiming how righteous you are supporting your actions with scriptures.

Please stop and reflect, if indeed he/she is your brother or sister in Christ your heart must feel the pain of losing a member of the body of Christ to this failing world.  You need to understand that the level you can handle situation is not thesame your fellow brethren in Christ can. You say but His grace is sufficient yes it is, remember the parable of the talents the one you think would have done more with his talent hide it and they all had different measures. God must love diversity if not He won't make us perfectly and wonderfully but differently.

So Today can I urge you to pray for that Sister, brother, father, mother, child, friend, colleague even people in power over nations instead of tearing them down with the words of your mouth. Everyone has right to their opinion but make sure your opinion edifies and not ruin destiny.

Please Pray For me when you see me falling don't judge me. You help me by praying but you don't help me by judging me.

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