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Saturday, 17 February 2024

Lessons Applicable to life from Genesis Chapter 7 &8

Studies from Genesis 7 & 8

 *Chapter 7* started with the instructions from God to Noah, after God found Noah to be upright and in right standing with God in the generation then.

This basically shows that no matter how perverse a generation is or would be there will be people or a person that will be in right standing with God.

In this situation if the world is walking against God don't join them, the broad way might seem right while the narrow way seems old school or not in vogue God still acknowledges those who obey Him to the very end.

God gave detailed information of the type of animals to fill the ark, each of his kind male and female.

One bit that I found quite intriguing was about the clean and unclean animal and I did further research on it.

*Clean and unclean animals according to Genesis 7 and Leviticus 11* 

Leviticus 11 specifies which birds, land animals, and sea creatures were clean and unclean. Here are a few of the clean and unclean animals in those lists:

 *Clean animals* : land animals that chew the cud and have a divided hoof, such as cattle, deer, goats, and sheep; seafood with both fins and scales, such as bluegill, grouper, and cod; certain birds, including chickens, doves, and ducks; and even some insects, such as grasshoppers and locusts.

 *Unclean animals* : land animals that either do not chew the cud or do not have a split hoof, such as pigs, dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, and rats; seafood lacking either fins or scales, such as shellfish, lobster, oysters, and catfish; some birds, such as owls, hawks, and vultures; and other animals, such as reptiles and amphibians.

So if God can be mindful of clean and unclean animals and their rightful place in the ark to save their lineage what is the filth that you find yourself in and you think you can't be redeemed? He has a place for us all we just must acknowledge Him and seek Him always.

The Bible denotes that in the 600th year of Noah and exactly the 7th day of the 2nd month as God instructed the heaven windows burst open with floodgates.

Prior to this people didn't believe Noah, I guessed because it hadn't rained before then so people must be thinking what is he on about what rain.

But it's so amazing how the crops didn't get rain but there was still food, isn't God wonderful?

Human sense at times can put human in danger because some find it easier to reason things out before actioning it. I guessed those who didn't listen to Noah must have thought, what is rain, how come our ancestors never told us about it and this one is saying there will be floods.

The instructions of God in most cases don't align with human reasoning because the wisdom of men is foolishness to God.

Fast forward to the duration of days that it rained 150 days (5 months) downpour non stop, it was not scattered showers.

If it was in this day and age we live in the weather warning will be of the highest alert, risk to life, risk to everything but that is if they were able to predict it earlier.

 *In Chapter 8* - God earnestly remembered Noah and every living thing in the ark and he blew wind over the land the water sank down and abated.
Just like that, ahhhh, does this resonate with someone. The difficulty that has kept you now the wind of God can abate it instantly.

He didn't speak he blew wind, our God is awesome. It took another 150 days for the water to recede and on the 18th day of the seventh month the ark came to rest.

The ark didn't sink in the flood, there was no leak, they didn't fall ill, they didn't die in the ark they were kept by God.

 *Psalms 91* says those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. The ark was God's instructions so everything needed He made sure they had it. They had more than enough.

It is never a waste to believe in God and trust Him. Even when people think you are overdoing it, over serving God, don't stop.

In total it was almost 11 months that it took for them to be in the ark and the water to recede. Here we now see a kind of litmus test that Noah performed. By sending the dove out with 7 days interval between the first time until the dove 🕊️ brought back a sprouted olive 🫒 leaf 🍀 significant to sign of life and hope.

No matter how bad the flood is, God will bring a rest to it and there will be a surge that will birth life.

Note when they entered the ark Noah was 600 when they left the ark Noah was 601. At the end of this supernatural ordeal Noah built an altar and offered burnt offering to God.

When God completes what He started don't forget to give Him all the thanks due to Him alone.

God said while earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease. In other words life happenings will be in seasons but God is still in charge of the seasons and time.

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